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Thevy29 · 41-45, M
As long as it remains in your head or your not harming anybody. Whats the harm?
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LustControl · M
@BohemianBabe he was a terrible president but entitled to live his way.
BohemianBabe · M
@LustControl He lived like a loser.
LustControl · M
@BohemianBabe Did a lot for habitat for humanity.
helenS · 36-40, F
When it's about fantasies, I think: anything goes. No limits. I mean it.
AnneHoney · 41-45, F
Thinking is never a bad thing. Only acting out your fantasies might be.
mariannezap · 31-35, F
Fantasy is just that. You can have whatever fantasies you want, they're no different than a daydream in that regard. I mean, hell, look at the variety of adult entertainment out there, it's all selling a fantasy (I do feel bad for people that think some of that is genuine).
Repete · 61-69, M
I think I’m your mind a fantasy is like a private movie or book . You set the rating G, R, or XXX there are some people that try to make fantasy real but most know the difference and can read a book or watch a movie without it controlling usually it only takes a few to ruin the freedom of all. Shall we make books and movies illegal? Maybe but the mind is a little different we cannot read other people’s minds yet.
I believe if it’s in your mind , a fantasy , you can set the limits it is your responsibility to keep it in fantasyland but if it overflows into reality to harm or possibly harm others there needs to be definite consequences . That’s just my opinion.
I believe if it’s in your mind , a fantasy , you can set the limits it is your responsibility to keep it in fantasyland but if it overflows into reality to harm or possibly harm others there needs to be definite consequences . That’s just my opinion.
LustControl · M
@Repete I think that is the rational way to look at it. In surveys of sex fantasies of women several are things they say they would never do in real life.
The Pre-cogs ever read minds many people would be in trouble.
The Pre-cogs ever read minds many people would be in trouble.
Repete · 61-69, M
That is for sure . And many would be people you least expect @LustControl
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
Acceptable to who? If it stays only in your head only you decide what is acceptable to you. It's completely up to your conscience and moral values. But be aware that if you let yourself to feed your mind with some stuff in great amounts there is a chance sooner or later it will spill out to the world in some way. Then don't expect others to be as desensitized as you are.
LustControl · M
@CrazyMusicLover some believe even the thought in your own mind is wrong, a sin, should be illegal.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@LustControl They might believe whatever they want to, they luckily have zero control over it in other people.
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
I mean if hurting others against their will or doing anything to a minor or animal turns you on, you should just immediately seek pro help.
Otherwise, fantasies are just fantasy and totally ok.
Otherwise, fantasies are just fantasy and totally ok.
Nanori · F
Yes it is, as long as your thoughts don't misshape your personality in time.
LustControl · M
@Nanori or make you obsessed with actually doing it?
Nanori · F
@LustControl 🤷♀️ let's just say it's okay as long it stays in ur head
Anymore discussion about it will only make things unnecessarily complicated
Anymore discussion about it will only make things unnecessarily complicated
LustControl · M
@Nanori life an be pretty complicated.
thedesi123 · 51-55, C
Yes but even if it materialise, it should not be harmful to anyone.
thedesi123 · 51-55, C
@LustControl Fantasies are good but when turning into reality, they should not bring force or harm on others.
LustControl · M
@thedesi123 ok. Not really considering whether they should become reality. I was just thinking about some that want to regulate acceptable fantasies. True many fantasies should not be acted out. Just like many books or movies.
thedesi123 · 51-55, C
@LustControl You got a valid point there.
I believe that it you are thinking about something that's highly illegal and immoral if you did it in reality, then it's wrong in your thoughts too. Sex with animals and children, horrifically violent (what would in reality be life altering) assault and snuff films for example are what immediately spring to mind.
@LustControl I think some peoples thoughts are a dangerous precursor to actually doing something illegal and immoral and as such, should be kept in check.
LustControl · M
@SW-User kept in check to prevent doing them or to stop thinking about them?
@LustControl possibly both? I'm not the expert but Im sure there's a time when people who go on to hurt children had just thoughts about doing that, same with people who go out and harm rape or kill.
BohemianBabe · M
Anything is ok in fantasy. IRL, anything is ok between consenting adults.
Society cannot dictate what is in your mind, though they will try.
jimjim1969 · M
Nothing wrong with fantasy. Just make believe
Havesomefun2 · 56-60, M
That is the joy of fantasy it’s in your mind
eMortal · M
That’s an interesting question. I guess it depends on our moral upbringing. Catholic are thought to not even fantasize about sex out of wedlock. At some point what they were told turns into their personality, at least for those who follow their religious doctrines strictly.
To be honest I think secular laws and religion regulate our thoughts so much that our whole identities are molded around them.
Apart from gore/violent sex pretty much anything else used to be accepted publicly and privately. With time, we LEARNED to detest certain sexual acts considering physical and psychological consequences that follow.
What I’m saying is, if we didn’t learn from our past mistakes, we’d still be letting ourselves go into CURRENT taboo fantasies.
To be honest I think secular laws and religion regulate our thoughts so much that our whole identities are molded around them.
Apart from gore/violent sex pretty much anything else used to be accepted publicly and privately. With time, we LEARNED to detest certain sexual acts considering physical and psychological consequences that follow.
What I’m saying is, if we didn’t learn from our past mistakes, we’d still be letting ourselves go into CURRENT taboo fantasies.
LustControl · M
@eMortal I think far more sexual acts are accepted now than used to be. I doubt the Catholic Church controls the fantasies of most members. As I recall when the pope reaffirmed that use of the pill was a sin, a high majority of those that considered themselves Catholic would continue to ignore the pope.
I think sexual thoughts we find acceptable vary as much from person to person. As do the foods we like or avoid. And vary from country to country, century to century, etc. certainly same sex fantasies or other religion or race are far more acceptable now than 100 years ago.
And sex between young teens less acceptable than a millennium ago.
To me the only reasonable point against any sex fantasy is that someone may become obsessed with living it out. If we use the control that they never actually do it? Seems anything goes.
I think sexual thoughts we find acceptable vary as much from person to person. As do the foods we like or avoid. And vary from country to country, century to century, etc. certainly same sex fantasies or other religion or race are far more acceptable now than 100 years ago.
And sex between young teens less acceptable than a millennium ago.
To me the only reasonable point against any sex fantasy is that someone may become obsessed with living it out. If we use the control that they never actually do it? Seems anything goes.
nativespirit · 61-69, M
As long as it only remains fantasy
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
It is not like you have a choice, espicially with the strange stuff, you dont pick it out, it just happens. Must be terrible for some people, l feel lucky to just have some embarrassing stuff not harmful stuff.
Fantasies with kids aren't acceptable at all
@LustControl yuck. You kinda want to be accepted for your disgusting fantasies yeah?
LustControl · M
@SW-User just a discussion.
Repete · 61-69, M
Sorry I had to add something to think about, not really accepted for the fantasies but accepted as a person first, nobody really knows what’s in someone else’s mind. @SW-User
Convivial · 26-30, F
Hard one to answer... Everyone will have their own definition i think
LustControl · M
@Convivial especially if it’s only taboo in some places but not others?
Convivial · 26-30, F
@LustControl what is she what's not taboo changes with both societies and time
LustControl · M
@Convivial many things we now consider acceptable were once taboo/illegal like interracial marriage, same sex, anal, oral, premarital, etc. And things once common, incest, 13year olds marrying are now taboo/illegal.
Rilyn · 31-35, F
Sometimes it just goes out of hand.
LustControl · M
@Rilyn too much lube?
Rilyn · 31-35, F
@LustControl Probably.
bugeye · 26-30, F
yes it's acceptable. the alternative is punishing thought crime.
Well if fucked up shit gets you going - especially in your own mind you should really be self reflecting and get a hobby.
LustControl · M
@LilithoftheTrees so everything that is currently taboo is “fucked up shit”?
@LustControl I didn’t say that.
LustControl · M
@LilithoftheTrees ok I must of misunderstood
Allelse · 36-40, M
ArishMell · 70-79, M
It does not make it 'acceptable', even though arguably harmless as long as it stays only fantasy.
LustControl · M
@ArishMell if it’s harmless why is it unacceptable?
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@LustControl Relatively "harmless" if only a private fantasy no-one else knows is there - and I am not so sure even of that.
It can be very dangerous if the fantasiser loses control of it or starts encouraging it in others of like mind; perhaps through becoming addicted to the nastier stuff on the Internet.
Harmful in reality, and that most certainly is unacceptable.
It can be very dangerous if the fantasiser loses control of it or starts encouraging it in others of like mind; perhaps through becoming addicted to the nastier stuff on the Internet.
Harmful in reality, and that most certainly is unacceptable.
Havesomefun2 · 56-60, M
We can dream ourselves in the fantasy world 🌎
Im not that Catholic to feel bad about it.