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One person One Vote! Not electoral college

In this day and age there really should just be each vote is equal. I live in California with 39 million people and it goes overwhelmingly Democratic. My vote is worth less than a vote in Wyoming or Montana. I think my vote should count as much as theirs!
UndeadSona · F
Bro literally everyone could vote to get rid of the EC and it wouldn't matter. There's a reason no party entertains it
@UndeadSona I don't think you grasp how difficult it is to get enough states to ratify a constitutional amendment, particularly an amendment that would be detrimental to the red states that would be necessary to get a majority for the ratification

You seem to be either misinformed or in as much denial of reality as the "weather weapon" crowd
UndeadSona · F
@BlueGreenGrey difficult? Yeah it's impossible I literally said so earlier. That doesn't change what I said. So I'm not sure what part of reality I'm denying. Perhaps the part where you think any politician is actually on your side and not just less worse than the other
@UndeadSona anyone who thinks there is no difference between, say, FDR and Hitler, is living on Mars, they aren't living in actual reality
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
You will get no argument from anyone living in similar large states, or those in blue states. The system was intended to assure that a population plurality didn't dominate, that was in the 18th century, it seemed a good compromise, but now it works out in the reverse. California has the same 2 senators as each of the Dakotas!
SSDecontrol · 56-60, M

California has the same 2 senators as each of the Dakotas!

Good! 😎
The founders were brilliant.. somehow they knew every left wing wanker would end up in NY AND CALI. And didn’t want the rest of amerika to suffer under 2 highly populated areas..

What a pity
RachelLia2003 · 18-21, F
californian lives dont matter. anyway mr trump will make california great this fall

trollslayer · 46-50, M
Naw. Electoral college is easier. Much easier to corrupt. Just ask Rudy.
SaltnLime · 70-79, M
Agreed -- elections should be won by the popular vote. Do away with the Electoral College.
You can nominate someone now without any votes. (From actual voters). 🙄
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
Democracy leads to comfort and then the masses start running the country. You aren't for peace,- like when people run the country. You are Great again, the wars never end.
tindrummer · M
Requires a constitutional amendment which is very unlikely. 😥
SSDecontrol · 56-60, M

Good! 😎
Bang5luts · M
I came to the wrong post ffs
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