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Why are Democrats against school choice?

School choice has exploded across the country over the past few years — no thanks to Democrats, who are doing everything they can to prevent families from determining the best education for their children.

One Democrat in Georgia even left her party over its opposition to a school choice package that would have created $6,500 vouchers for students in poor-performing public school districts. Mesha Mainor, who switched her party affiliation to the GOP this week, was the only Democrat in the state legislature to support the bill. She spent weeks urging her colleagues to reconsider their position, pointing out that the bill would primarily help low-income minority students whose families can’t afford to leave failing public schools. In response, Georgia Democrats vowed to oust Mainor from the legislature, with state Rep. Josh McLaurin offering $1,000 to anyone who agreed to primary her.

Are Democrats trying to keep the poor kids out of THIER schools?
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ViciDraco · 41-45, M
I'm not a Democrat, but I frequently vote for them out of a lack of better options. But here is why I am generally against school choice

1. The goal should be to improve the quality of all schools. School choice avoids trying to fix problems in typically poorer areas.

2. Private schools very often have focus on religious indoctrination which doesn't belong in schools

3. School choice vouchers do not cover all expenses and circumstances involved in sending a child to another school. This typically means that poorer families with less resources are still stuck in underperforming schools while wealthier kids get to take advantage of the subsidized education. This leaves the struggling schools to struggle even more.

4. A lot of private schools are able to pick and choose their students and are able to expel them for even minor infractions. This causes a "selection bias" in the schools where some schools do better because they only enroll students who are likely to do better to begin with while public schools are required to take everyone. (This same issue plays out in the private prison system)
Gibbon · 70-79, M
@ViciDraco WTH? I Often see comment of public schools going bye bye. I went to public school before the DOE existed. Tell me why the DOE was needed? I'll tell you. It was created so the left could control kids education and indoctrinate them to their evil agenda and multi gender BS ways. Go pound sand.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@Gibbon Not only that, the DOE donates 10's of millions every year to the DNC.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@ViciDraco DEI is already segregating children, into little special groups. We need unity.
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F
"Are [rich] Democrats trying to keep the poor kids out of THIER schools?"

It's partly that, but it's also that Democrat politicians are in the teachers' unions' pockets.

The unions definitely do NOT want vouchers for private schools because tax money for vouchers would mean less tax money for the public schools, because there would be fewer students in them, and the unions can't have THAT, because that would mean less political influence.
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Thinkerbell · 41-45, F

"Why should my taxes pay for private schools?"

Your premise is wrong, Leo.

If I DON'T send my school-age kid to public school, I SAVE the school district money it would otherwise have to spend.

Average annual school spending per student in the US is about $16,000, of which about 79% is for staff salaries and benefits.
(Georgia happens to be quite close to that average, to cite a random example.)

Let's just consider the salaries and benefits part, or about $12,600 annually; the rest is presumably for building maintenance, debt service, etc., which are much less flexible than personnel shifts in adjusting to changes in student body population.

So if I DON'T send my kid to public school, why DON'T I get at least a partial rebate (as a voucher) for the $12,600 I save the school district?

Answer: the teachers' union, which is as greedy as any evil corporation, wants that $12,600, no matter what, either to raise teacher salaries and/or to reduce their already very low workload, if my kid doesn't use the public school system.

Elementary, my dear Watson.
@Thinkerbell Except, just as you benefit from public schools even if you don't have children, you also benefit from them if you send your children to private schools. For example, businesses don't have to teach new employees how to read as they already learned that, even if their parents couldn't afford to send them to private school. Since vouchers only cover a portion of private school costs, they're only a benefit to people wealthy enough to send their kids to private school in the first place. It's just another example of wealth transfer from the poor and middle class to the wealthy.

I don't go to church; can I get a voucher for the portion of my tax money that makes up for the fact that churches don't pay taxes?
JSul3 · 70-79
I do not want 1 cent of my tax dollars spent on vouchers.
This is a scam! Your $ will help subsidize the wealthy, who already send their children to private/religious schools.

There is a reason that people in rural areas are against it. Just how far will their child have to travel each day to attend their 'chosen school?'

The voucher $ won't be enough to pay for admission or books. Check the costs for tuition alone.

These 'private/religious schools' do not have the same oversight (if any at all) that public schools have.

Look at AZ. They are going bankrupt.
@JSul3 [media=]
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@NativePortlander1970 Strange, is it not, harris only won the states without voter registration laws....
@sunsporter1649 Very interesting
MartinII · 70-79, M
In the UK, it's principally a matter of envy. The Labour Party, and some of its supporters, can't bear the idea that rich, or determined, or conscientious parents may be able to get a better education for their children than the state, left to itself, would offer them. Maybe things are similar in the US?
MasterLee · 56-60, M
They are against it because every child educated out of their echo chamber does better in life, as they get real education.

Government schools are actually indoctrination centers. They spew left wing hate and ideology. They don't present information 'anti Government big daddy' solves everything philosophy.
@MasterLee Exactly
We oppose school choice because it will destroy the public school system, one of the greatest achievements of the American experiment. Public schools have allowed students of all economic backgrounds an opportunity to get an education and improve their standard of living from what they were born into.

Replacing public schools with private ones will create a permanent underclass, which is what your billionaire overlords want - a feudal system of hereditary wealth with most of the country in poverty.

If you want to send your kids to private school, pay for it yourself. If you want my taxes to pay for it, then your taxes should pay for abortions and gender surgery.
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@BrandNewMan Please cite a credible source documenting the percentage of time spent on those subjects.
@DogMan I agree that public schools should be equivalent across the board. Schools in wealthy areas should not be better than schools in poor areas.

Vouchers don't cover the entire cost of education at most private schools, except for some religious schools where they save money because they can get away with not paying staff a competitive wage.

The goal of the voucher system is to destroy public schools, because they facilitate economic mobility.
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
The cold truth of it is honestly the Republican Party historically has done more for minorities and had less Division and never created a hate group in its entire history every racist organization that seeks or have thought to keep people down in the past has been from the Democratic left that is just a historical fact
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
Because teachers control the school sustem, teachers control the dems, dems write new teacher contracts
JSul3 · 70-79
@Patriot96 LOL!
@JSul3 Prove him wrong then
@Patriot96 Yay, we got flagged, High Five 😁
Because schools outside their control might not run the indoctrination agenda they want
Because republicans are in favor of it.
Control the money control the curriculum.
4meAndyou · F
Teachers Unions = big money, but they also represent Marxist/Socialist indoctrination. If actual FREEDOM in school choice were allowed, the Democrat/Socialist/Marxists couldn't brainwash our kids and/or groom them sexually.
Adrift · 61-69, F
@4meAndyou A butt in every chair means funding.
It doesn't matter whether they are learning or not.
I know a couple of teachers that quit because they say that they are too busy babysitting the kids with behavioral issues rather than teaching the kids that want to learn.
The parents and administrators don't back them up.
It's all about indoctrination. The greener the branch, the easier it bends.
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
They'd rather spend money on drag queens doing lap dances for public schools...
AbbeyRhode · F
The last thing the DemonRats want is a generation of kids who are not only taught the truth, but able to think for themselves.
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Because it takes kids away from their statist indoctrination.

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