Probably the “mass shooting victims are crisis actors” BS. Now that I know someone who worked in the same building that a mass shooting occurred in (and he seems to have experienced some PTSD from it), people calling them all actors and harassing their families are the lowest of the low to me.
Flat earth is silly, but flat earthers don’t generally dox and harass people.
Flat earth is silly, but flat earthers don’t generally dox and harass people.
Political ones. They can affect society and can have destructive consequences. Also, any trying to stir up fear and hate of any group of people.
Others are just ridiculous (Australia does exist, Prince Charles was a vampire, etc) and seem fairly harmless However, even these can scramble a person's thinking, or at least distract them from important things.
Others are just ridiculous (Australia does exist, Prince Charles was a vampire, etc) and seem fairly harmless However, even these can scramble a person's thinking, or at least distract them from important things.
All of them
Zaphod42 · 51-55, M
The vast majority of them. Apply Arkham’s razor to a theory and it falls apart immediately, with very few exceptions. The easiest way to prove the moon landings happened is simply that a secret between two is only kept if one is dead, and over 400,000 people were involved in making the moon landing happen…none of whom have ever come forward to dispute the validity. There were no “tracking chips” in the covid vaccine simply because it would cost billions upon billions of dollars to develop a chip small enough to fit through a 25 gauge needle and still be powerful enough to be read by a satellite, and most people already carry a device that tracks their every move and we pay for the privilege (cell phones). The JFK assassination has some interesting wrinkles though.
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
I've very rarely (if ever) come across a conspiracy theory that's ever annoyed me.
AuRevoir · 36-40, M
Evolutionary theory
YoMomma ·
Just the wrong ones 🙂 the rest i agree with
NerdyPotato · M
The ones that put people in danger.
robingoodfellow · M
All of them
None... They all are fun
Justafantasy · M
That we live in democracy
in10RjFox · M
The one that is known as Democracy
TinyViolins · 31-35, M
The idea that the 2020 election was stolen away from Trump is probably one of the dumbest ones out there, especially given his victory in 2024.
How is it that the Democratic party conspired to give Biden a victory, but on the very same ballot decided to only gain 1 Senate seat (which at the time would not have given him a majority) and actually lose seats in the House?
How is it that millions of illegal aliens decided to vote in that one, but stayed home during an election with the highest possible stakes for them?
It's just a complete abdication of critical thinking skills
How is it that the Democratic party conspired to give Biden a victory, but on the very same ballot decided to only gain 1 Senate seat (which at the time would not have given him a majority) and actually lose seats in the House?
How is it that millions of illegal aliens decided to vote in that one, but stayed home during an election with the highest possible stakes for them?
It's just a complete abdication of critical thinking skills
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
The Holy Bible
4meAndyou · F
What really annoys me about "conspiracy theory" is the label itself. The leftist media have adopted this phrase in order to denigrate things that are sometimes completely true.
One very recent example of this is the press attempt to call revelations of fraud and waste and ridiculously stupid wastes of money in the USAID now discovered by DOGE.
One very recent example of this is the press attempt to call revelations of fraud and waste and ridiculously stupid wastes of money in the USAID now discovered by DOGE.
What came first? Egg or Hen?
CougarLisa · 36-40, F
The ones that have been proven true
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
The anti-vaxxers. I get extremely angry about that shit.
robertsnj · 56-60, M
i had to make a list of tier 1 annoyances it would be
flat earth
scientology xenu theory
healing crystals
seances / or even that souls spirits exist
i guess those would be tier 1 but in no specific order
flat earth
scientology xenu theory
healing crystals
seances / or even that souls spirits exist
i guess those would be tier 1 but in no specific order
@robertsnj Don't mock seances, there are spiritual forces not to be messed with.
@NativePortlander1970 My Dad's cousins found that out the hard way in the mid 70's, one of them got a board for her birthday from a friend, said it's all the rage. The three of them, a brother and two sisters, They lit a candle on top of a card table in the small empty windowless room in the middle of their house, I forget why they kept it empty, I think it was their game room, then they proceeded to sit on chairs around the table and did the usual mantra, when they got no answer they started mocking the ceremony. The next thing they knew the candle blew out violently, the room illuminated, and they were all shoved back into the walls from their chairs. I should add they grew up mormon.
Elvis Presley is not dead...
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
All surrounding vaccines and autism
That bleach enemas can cure autism
That black salve can cure skin cancer
And that all of these medical beliefs and remedies are true rather than westernized medicine because big bad pharma.
Oh, and pizzagate.
Oh, and....there are too many to list them all.
That bleach enemas can cure autism
That black salve can cure skin cancer
And that all of these medical beliefs and remedies are true rather than westernized medicine because big bad pharma.
Oh, and pizzagate.
Oh, and....there are too many to list them all.
Tracos · 51-55, M
flat earthers
Alyosha · 31-35, M
The ones about vaccines are particularly evil.
Ambroseguy80 · 56-60, M
The one where the world ends.
HumanEarth · F
That nobody believes that they are really real and people called them conspiracies because they can't handle the truth
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EagerDaddy · 46-50, M
All. And certainly those time after time used to make Jews scapegoats for every wrong in the world.
Lilymoon · F
Moon landing was a hoax 🤦🏻♀
Justmeraeagain · 56-60, F
Lizard People and flat earthers
RedBaron · M
That the 2020 election was stolen from poor entitled Donald Trump.
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Reason10 · 70-79, M
Flat earth
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
Chemtrails and HAARP