TheSirfurryanimalWales Well, yeah, but the right to carry and bear "shall not be infringed" unlike other rights.
I'm not saying that Thomas was right and that the Founding Fathers made a conscious decision to enshrine individual liberty over everything else, but he set forth a cogent argument as to why the public welfare was prejudged and shouldn't be questioned, making the right to self defense against aggression preeminent.
I get what you're saying, but I also see what Thomas and his ilk are saying, and I think you're only going halfway.
Dead kids and dead innocent bystanders may be unfortunate side effects, but clearly our founding fathers took away the option of weighing those deaths against disarming those willing to live with them, right?
In case you didn't get it, I agree with where you're going, but I don't think you're going to get anywhere appealing half heartedly to the give me liberty or give me death crowd.
They're too tied up in their willingness to die for their own liberty.