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JulesJohnson · 46-50, F
Hello yes im here.... im from Cardiff.... would love to chat some time?

Strictgram · 70-79, C
Margaret, Been waiting to hear from you. Please respond. Strict Gram
1234cardiff · 61-69, M
I am welsh
One or two....the Welsh are best 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿😀
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F

There once were some Brits on SW,
Well-known as an overfed pubble crew.
But best were the Welsh,
Who their belches would squelch,
And were careful not EVER to trouble you.
@Thinkerbell T Bell, you see that silly commie I sent you?
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F

Yep. 😂
Ducky · 31-35, F
Of course! They're more fun and pleasant than the American users we have here. I say this as an American user.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@Ducky Thank you! ❤️
1234cardiff · 61-69, M
Is Margaret British ?
millyTen4 · 18-21, F
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
Blimey! That's the sticky wicket init gov'nor?
Mellowgirl · 31-35, F
@SumKindaMunster I must admit that I have no idea what you wrote 🤦🏾‍♀️
I'm British, there's a few of us here 😊
CassandraSissy · 26-30, T
Tally Ho! Wot Wot! Jam & Clotted Cream Scones (jam last!) and all that good stuff!

Yep....from good ol' Blighty!

ninalanyon · 61-69, T
(jam last!)
shh. dont wake em 😳
Matt85 · 36-40, M
One here 🖐️
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
Nope. There's an instant ban of anyone who says "cheerio" or "pip pip".
justanothername · 51-55, M
@basilfawlty89 It’s a carry over from when Australia was first populated by criminals from the UK.
@MargaretH John cleese and his daughter. She looks just like her mother
ArtieKat · M
@nevergiveup I read an interview with her: she said that her parents were married for 42 years - to 7 different partners! 🤣
Mellowgirl · 31-35, F
Yea there's a few of us here!
Elaine1950 · 70-79, F
I am - just joined today.
MartinII · 70-79, M
@Elaine1950 Welcome from me also.
Elaine1950 · 70-79, F
@MartinII Thank you, Martin.
@Elaine1950 welcome to the site. I hope you have fun
empanadas · 31-35, M
Yes, Unfortunately
ArishMell · 70-79, M
No idea how many there are, but I'm one!
Dlrannie · 31-35, F
Well I know at least 3 more than me 😂😂🐼🥢
MasterLee · 56-60, M
We shipped them to botany bay
Singing toorali-orali-addity
Singing toorali-oolari-ai
Singing toorali-ollari-addity
We're bound for Botany Bay

PhlipipUK · 70-79, MVIP
Yus Gov, Glawstershire 'ere missus 😁
AbbeyP · 70-79, F
Me for one. PM me
MargaretH · 70-79, F
@AbbeyP Thank you.
My stepmom is from Dulwich south of London.
ArtieKat · M
My stepmom is from Dulwich south of London
I used to work near there, drove through all the side-roads to avoid the rush-hour traffic.

Welcome to the SW asylum 🤗
Royrogers · 61-69, M
@SW-User not far from me
ArtieKat · M
@Royrogers I worked in Peckham/Nunhead
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@margareth]😆 yes i am from the united kingdom are many others on similar worlds
Matt85 · 36-40, M
Brit here 🙋‍♂️
There are no Brits on SW. That is just a conspiracy theory.
CassandraSissy · 26-30, T
@autumngirl27 Busted! Yeah....I'm, like, from Delaware! *Giggles*

ArishMell · 70-79, M
@autumngirl27 LOL! No, there aren't any Brits.... we are Britons.
angie8819 · 56-60, F
Yeah there's a lot on here
yes i am from Worcestershire
@basilfawlty89 Its how its spelled and i live close to the factory that makes the sauce
@nevergiveup i can pronuce it!
@basilfawlty89 Try it as Wuss ter shire. There is also Leicestershire (Less ter shire) and Gloucestershire (Gloss ter shire).
SteveTomms · 56-60, M
Yes, more than I should be and not sure why? :-)
Hope you enjoy the site Margaret!
BigT93 · 70-79, M
Does a kiwi of British lineage count ?
1234cardiff · 61-69, M
@BigT93 I say so I Cardiff born
Live in nz now a citizen
Now in Australia
So plan on citizenship here too 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
HairbrushDiva · 31-35, F
A few, yes. I am one for a start.
AndysAttic · 56-60, M
I am, pleased to meet your acquaintance.
Tuscan · 70-79, M
despite my misleading username I am also British
I’ve no idea why that gif just popped in my head 🤷‍♂️
[image/video deleted]
MrAverage1965 · 61-69, M
There are a few of us.
Moi. What you want? 😂
There are some of us here. Welcome to the madhouse
Carissimi · F
Ex-pat here.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
cecile · F
just a few of us, try at all costs to avoid the welsh ones
Royrogers · 61-69, M
Pip pip lol
Havesomefun2 · 56-60, M
Prefer Yorkshire man born n bred
canadarm · M
A number of my first friends here were Brits!
Naughty ones I might add!
splendid · 41-45, M
Speaking as an American gent, not enough British people are on here!
MartinII · 70-79, M
@splendid Well said. But there are quite a lot of us!
meJess · F
No the brickies are Polish, plumbers Latvian and electrical work Lithuanian.

Might be a manager around somewhere……..😊
ArtieKat · M
I'm across the Mersey from Liverpool
Thodsis · 51-55, M
Yes. We aren't not on this sight.
MartinII · 70-79, M
Yes, quite a lot, including me!
chrisCA · M
Yes, and some of us colonials.
I've talked with several.

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