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What's your favorite song of all time ?

Whats the best song you have heard in your life?

If you want add 2 more for your No2 and No3
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OogieBoogie · F Best Comment
Its not a song .
Its a musical feel.

I love it like the first time i ever heard it....[media=]
@Sparklesatnite what an emphatic way to phrase it🤗
I completely agree.
Adstar · 56-60, M
@OogieBoogie I LOVE ENYA ... 🤗 Awesome choice of artist and song... I am very tempted to give you the best post award.. Nope.. consider it done..
@Adstar 🤣
🎤" id like to thank my producer, the artists and band of enya, my support team and if course my imaginary husband who I'd be lost without 🤗

😂thanks man .

sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
Adstar · 56-60, M
@sunsporter1649 What a voice.. So smooth.. Without faults.. Like a male version of Karen Carpenter.. good choice 👍
@Adstar They always play this on New Years Day in Times Square as the crowd is leaving. 15-20 minutes after midnight👍
Madgirl · 26-30, F
Muse - Knight of Cydonia

Will Farley - King for a King

Talking Heads - Once in a Lifetime

this is a really hard question and i guess i would answer it differently depending on my mood. but these are 3 songs that always come back to me and they are also from different ages and completely different music styles so they give you an idea.
Adstar · 56-60, M
@Madgirl I am like you.. The best song is the song that responds to the state of mind i am in at any particular time.. But i love Talking heads.. They are eccentric but talented..

Will Farley - King for a King
Simple music but great lyrics.. First time listen for me.. 😊

When i was a lot younger i heard a song that had the same theme.. Just goes to show that people don't change. people have been struggling with making meaning in life for a long time now..

Supertramp The Logical song..

Muse - Knight of Cydonia
loved the music,, the video was weird though..
"A song for David" by my pal, Joan Baez. ( I'm NOT the David in the song though he was her love long ago)
@Adstar No argument there. She knows she is very hated especially by MAGA for being Antifa/BLM does she care fuck no, she will sing her songs of civil rights, and the pursuit of a tolerant, loving humanity until she takes her last dying breath. She doesn't hate MAGA because she see's them exactly like "Ku Klux Klan," strong as a gang, but feckless cowards as individuals with a very low mentality. Happy Thanksgiving.
Adstar · 56-60, M
@Grateful4you Well i am against Antifa / BLM and the Ku Klux Klan.. None of those organizations promote inter racial or inter cultural tolerance or national unity.. They all have the same divisive spirit to me..
@Adstar Nice to be able to disagree objectively than to feel like some knee jerk kick. SW would be dull if we were cloned mini-me's.
Sparklesatnite · 51-55, F
One of my favourites
Adstar · 56-60, M
@Sparklesatnite One word Beautiful .. Hits the emotions for some reason.. Loved it.. brought a tear to my eyes..
Sparklesatnite · 51-55, F
@Adstar your very welcome
Iwillwait · M
Mean Streets
Adstar · 56-60, M
Panama ?
Mean Streets?

Who sang them? what group?
Iwillwait · M



PEACH4LIFE · 46-50, F
I Will Always Love You- the version by Whitney Houston

Thinking Out Loud- by Ed Sheeran

Best of Me- by Anthony Hamilton

I have so many favorites but these 3 always make my Playlist.
Adstar · 56-60, M
@PEACH4LIFE Whitney Houston had a very powerful voice.. Good choices..
PEACH4LIFE · 46-50, F
@Adstar So very powerful!!! After I wrote this I went to listen to it. Her vocals were like none other A once in a lifetime sort of thing. Rest In Paradise Whitney.......
I could never hope to answer this question. My favorite song is always the one that gets inside me and takes me over body and soul at any one particular moment.
calicuz · 56-60, M
Too many song from too many genres to name 1 favorite.
Adstar · 56-60, M
@calicuz Do you have a current favorite? alls good..
calicuz · 56-60, M

I listen to it all my friend
Adstar · 56-60, M
I loved the haunting singing from the Corrs and a song with meaning too..

I will have to put aside some time to listen to Focus...
Adstar · 56-60, M
There is a song that hit my heart and it has the same type of topic the Corrs where dealing with.. I wonder if you have heard it?

Belfast Child by Simple Minds
@Adstar oh yeah....I actually have this on a 45!
HikingMan · 51-55, M

I made my daughter listen to this on repeat for a 6 hour ride to Maine when she was 12.

I was rewarded when she asked for it on the way home after the weekend and we did it all again...

It now represents of one of my most favorite memories.
@HikingMan I love his music.
kodiac · 22-25, M
This one is top 2 for sure[media=]
Repete · 70-79, M
Don’t know as I have a favorite exactly but a couple I have liked since I was very young.
Ode to the little brown shack out back
And A tombstone every mile . ( my dad hated the singer ,that made me like it even more 🙃) by Dick Curlis

Sister Sara
Snoopy vrs. Red Baron
And, Delta Dawn .
Many more from back then run through my head from time to time.
Northerner · 70-79, M
House of the Rising Sun by The Animals.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
It might not be the best song I heard musically but I'm sure it's the one that had been making me happy for the longest period of time.
It's my most listened song.

samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
If i had to pick just one, and could choose a purely instrumental, perhaps, Dave Brubeck quartet playing Take Five.
helenS · 36-40, F
If I had to chose exactly one, it would be "Blackbird", from the Beatles' White Album.
Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life ❤️
Too many songs touch my heart. I cannot name a single one. Music is poetry.

Savage Garden - two beds and a coffee machine.
This song made me leave an abusive relationship when I questioned if this was the man I wanted to raise kids ds with.
Adstar · 56-60, M
@SW-User One of the most important choice a woman will ever make in her life.. Sadly in this world a lot of poor choices are made.. Glad you dodged that bullet..
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Adstar · 56-60, M

I just listened to it.. I love the intrumental section at the start.. Great beat..👍 Sound effects top notch.. 😊
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Strictgram · 70-79, C
Twelve of Never Johnny Mathis
Adstar · 56-60, M
@Strictgram I remember hearing this song when i was like 4 years old.. Not sure if it was the same artist but yeah i remember it.. I heard it when i was in the back seat of my dads car as we where going to visit our cousins... Man that was a completely different world..
HowtoDestroyAngels · 46-50, M
Don't Dream it's Over by Crowded House.
Coralmist · 41-45, F
I love "You Raise Me Up ", by Josh Groban. Just amazing. My 2nd favorite might be "One Moment in Time", by Whitney Houston. Superb song and performance. 3rd favorite "Candle in the Wind", by Elton John. What a phenomenal lyrics and melody.
Adstar · 56-60, M
"You Raise Me Up ", by Josh Groban

Nice choice.. 👍

"One Moment in Time", by Whitney Houston
Probably the most powerful female voices i have listened to.. 👍

"Candle in the Wind", by Elton John
I like his original version of this.. Not the one He did for the funeral of Diana..
SazyGirl · 61-69, F
Brandy by looking glass band
Adstar · 56-60, M
@SazyGirl I remember this song from Wayyy back.. 😊

Adstar · 56-60, M
3 great songs, all with good lyrics and polished instrumentals.. Cannot find fault any of them 👍
@Adstar They were thoroughly enjoyable, many happy memories.
The polished instrumentals sold me.
Adstar · 56-60, M
@SethGreene531 Yep. great taste in music Seth.. Listening to the Haddaway song again.. 😊
Entwistle · 56-60, M
Norwegian Wood,Beatles. Such a beautiful yet simple melody.
Also Simon and Garfunkel's Scarborough Fair..again the melody..and it's two songs combined..listen to both sets of lyrics!
Byron8by7 · M
"Icarus" - by the band Oregon

A live recording made at Carnegie Hall in New York City, on November 24, 1979

GanglandCriminal97 · 26-30, M
Sahran by Hani El Omari ( also Hercai by Celik)

Gozyaslarim anlatir by Sahsenem

Probably this one.
I seen him live last night, it was amazing 🤩
[image/video deleted]
@SW-User I thought Gallagher died😋
Wizardry · 46-50, M
To many to choose from
texasborn89 · 31-35, M
iris by goo goo dolls
Adstar · 56-60, M
@texasborn89 Very good choice.. The singer is well suilted to the lyrics.. 👍
eyeno · M
TimeStandingStill · 46-50, F
Roll Me Away - Bob Seger
Come join the Murder -White Buffalo
Chain Breaker - Zach Willams
Not necessarily in this order 😊
caesar7 · 61-69, M
Echoes - Pink Floyd
Close to the Edge = Yes
Watching and Waiting = Moody Blues
caesar7 · 61-69, M
@helenS Definitely the top 5
helenS · 36-40, F
@caesar7 I thought so!
"Lord of Lords, King of Kings
Has returned to lead his children home
To take them to the new Jerusalem"
Excellent prog nonsense.... ermmm I mean deep cosmic truth 😏
caesar7 · 61-69, M
@helenS I love those lyrics. Gabriel-era Genesis was out of this say the least.
favorite song I play

best song you have heard

Song I like
Adstar · 56-60, M
@SW-User I remember that cold Chisel song.. They did a few songs for returned vietnam veterins in Australia.. And yeah tears in heaven is an awesome song. Played well.. I wonder do you know of an acustic guitarists called Tommy Emmanuel ?
@Adstar I only know a William Thomas Emmanuel AM, whom is known to be the GOD of all fingerstyle technique guitarist. I'm told he can walk on water
caesar7 · 61-69, M
Echoes - Pink Floyd
empanadas · 31-35, M
Friday- Rebecca black
Adstar · 56-60, M
3 seconds into that song and i was feeling 🤢 🤮 ... This is an offense to the dignified people of SW..

You mischievous little tacotroll you 🤣
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