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Lets Play Emoji movies.....

Use emojis as clues to get people to guess a movie. It an be a title, a movie scene, a quote, you can just leave clues if you want, and not answer any, if you know an answer just chime in and anwer it! No rules! anything goes.........

Example: 🤰📦🍫 🍤🏃‍♂ = Forrest Gump, life is like a box of chocolates , remember bubba gump loved shrimp, and forrest liked to run
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Gusman · 61-69, M
2001 movie
⬛ 🦅⬇

Black Hawk Down
Gusman · 61-69, M
@rinkydinkydoink Very well done 👍

It was your excellent cluing... unlike @Achelois who has to make everything tough!
This Netflix movie is very recent (the single emoji below refers to the title of the movie)

Gusman · 61-69, M
90's Horror Movie

Gusman · 61-69, M
I got the genre wrong. I thought it was a horror movie
Gusman · 61-69, M
80's Fantasy comedy
👸🏻 👰🏻

clue: 1965 Carol Lynley movie

I think our IQ's combined is 110... :(

Achelois · F

I have never heard of it.

I think everyone in the cast but Keir Dullea is dead now... and he's 88!

Jaws? Never heard of it...
Gusman · 61-69, M
@rinkydinkydoink 1975 movie. Had a lasting effect on me. Since watching Jaws, I have never been in the ocean where I can not see the bottom.

I was joking... 🤭
You're right - there were many, many unforgettable scenes
Sazzio · 36-40, M
👉🏽 😛 😛 👈🏼 🍆
Achelois · F

When Harry met sally 😅

The Package
ShenaniganFoodie · 36-40, M
@Sazzio Debbie does Dallas

Like Water for (can't make out the rest... ) 🤭

Jets, Choo Choos and Toyotas.... 🤔
Achelois · F

Planes trains and automobiles.
@HootyTheNightOwl The Princess and the Ribbit
@Ghostinthemachine Yeah, the princess and the frog.

The Wolf of Wall Street
Achelois · F
🧙‍♀ 🇦🇺 🌪👠👠👗 👸🏼🪄🐶
Achelois · F

That’s a line from the movie 🎥🌪🌪🌪
Gusman · 61-69, M
@Achelois Wizard of OZ?
Achelois · F

Yes 👏🏻
@Ghostinthemachine Silence of the lambs.
@Ghostinthemachine The Lion king
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
🏝 🥥 📦 ⚽ 🦀
@AngelUnforgiven castaway🙃

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