4thdimensiondream · 61-69, M
Currently I loved Shrinking on Apple. Season 2 just ended. Bad Sisters was also really good. I watch a lot of tv I could go on and on.
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
@4thdimensiondream i do too just today im watching the last season of Servant the M. Knight series. Got 2 episodes left. I love horror and this one kept me hooked.
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
I like really well done series such as HBO's r o m e Band of Brothers the Pacific Chernobyl Stars Black Sails and even Supernatural or The Walking Dead
BizSuitStacy · M
Lately been streaming Your Honor.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Gotten into reruns of RIZZOLI AND ISLES recently.
90 Day Fiancé and all its spin-offs.
And yes, I’m very embarrassed.

And yes, I’m very embarrassed.

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JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
@OlderSometimesWiser It's so bad it's good.
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
@JimboSaturn when it 1st came out i was an avid fan then i got bored.
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AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
For me its From, and the game show The Floor. I have to watch these two or i feel like something is missing in my life.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Can't say that I am still addicted.
I have seen all of them far too many times, ever since the 1960s as a kid. Yet occasionally I do turn the Heros and Icons channel on and watch a multiple rerun of any of the Star Trek series.
They ALWAYS have the series on, one after the next, after 8:00 PM to 1:00 am accept on Saturday's.
Once long ago it was M.A.S.H.
I have seen all of them far too many times, ever since the 1960s as a kid. Yet occasionally I do turn the Heros and Icons channel on and watch a multiple rerun of any of the Star Trek series.
They ALWAYS have the series on, one after the next, after 8:00 PM to 1:00 am accept on Saturday's.
Once long ago it was M.A.S.H.
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
@DeWayfarer omg i love M.A S.H. its funny but any time i was in the hospital giving birth to my girls or when i had gallbladder surgery mash was always on late at night at the hospital
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@AngelUnforgiven not certain here, yet I think it's on ME TV week nights. I know I saw it recently on some off brand network.
HumanEarth · F
Hogan's Hero's on the CW at 9 pm and then the local news then its off to bed at 10:30pm
twistedrope · 26-30, M
@HumanEarth I recently started re-watching hogans heroes. Still such great writing and dialogue. And so quick. None of this dramatic meandering about.
Modern TV could learn a lot from klink.
Modern TV could learn a lot from klink.
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
Rewatching the expanse and now Josh has started Lost.
Maritocorneo · 56-60, M
@Tastyfrzz The Expanse is fantastic! Worth the rewatch for sure!
UsernameAlreadyInUse · 26-30, M
Clarkson farm,now on episode 6 of season 3
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
@UsernameAlreadyInUse Oh great show! I watched it all.
Colonelmustardseed · 36-40
Not addicted to any. I just started The Sopranos, though, and am enjoying catching up on that. And I’m rewatching The Walking Dead now that my sister started it. I have to force myself not to jump ahead on that one because she takes forever to finish a show.
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
@Colonelmustardseed lol i can relate. Im just now finishing the original walking dead myself. I loved the Sopranos , the show Your Honor reminded me of the Sopranos
Adogslife · 61-69, M
I don’t watch a lot of tv generally, but in the winter there’s the NFL, NCAA basketball, the Celtics and streaming NCAA Big 10 Wrestling.
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
@Adogslife you love your sports i see 💙
Adogslife · 61-69, M
@AngelUnforgiven Over regular tv, absolutely. If it’s summer, I rarely watch tv. I’d prefer to chill outside on the deck or in the pool.
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
Theres a show called Search Party that ive been trying to watch on different apps and its like God doesn't want me to see it. They all freeze or wont show when i try to watch it. And the show was getting good too it made me laugh ans be on the edge of my seat.
OgreMan · 36-40, M
No shows really. Just YouTube channels who post stuff a lot; I think YouTube has better stuff than TV mostly. The Daily Wire, RedLetterMedia, and others.
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
@OgreMan i watch a lot of youtube and i listen to podcasts. I even watch YouTube on my car radio when im eating lunch or something.
rinkydinkydoink · M
None at all but you got me to thinking about what shows did I used to watch years ago that were must sees - - probably Seinfeld and Cheers.
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
@rinkydinkydoink i was just talking about cheers the other day . They should remake it!
Fa8393 · 41-45, M
On pluto tv I have enjoyed the old tv taxi , been watching it like everyday .
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
@Fa8393 i love taxi. Those old shows are great
Iwillwait · M
I have been binge watching this show. I love it.
I have been binge watching this show. I love it.
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
@Iwillwait i need to rewatch it its been a long time and i cant remember anything from the show. I was watching LaBrea it reminded me so much of Lost
Iwillwait · M
@AngelUnforgiven I will have to watch that one too. 😊
Tahitiangrandma · 61-69, F
Yellowstone, Fire Country, The Penguin
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
@Tahitiangrandma i started the penguin it was getting good. I got sidetracked and started the New Dexter series
Just4fun · 51-55, M
I’m a series junkie lol. If you have your thinking of I likely have watched it.
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
@Just4fun i started it but i havent finished im all over the place i will start something then come across something else and forget about it. Thanks for reminding me.
Just4fun · 51-55, M
@AngelUnforgiven that was a great one and I think a second season is supposed to be coming
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
@Just4fun im going to have to catch up. Im about to start looking at the Creep series and im waiting on Crystal Lake and Welcome to Derry i cannot wait.
Bignakedguy · 31-35, M
Golden girls. It’s comfort tv during work
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
@Bignakedguy i binged watched it and Little House on the Prarie i love Golden Girls they dont make good shows like that anymore. I even binged Maude just to get more Bea Arthur
Bignakedguy · 31-35, M
@AngelUnforgiven Can never have enough of Bea. Something about her was so captivating. From her voice and her flawless delivery.
4meAndyou · F
The only show I watch regularly is Gutfeld. I've also been binging Sherlock Holmes on Tubi, and Elementary on Prime.
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
@4meAndyou those are some great shows.
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
@4meAndyou you must be a Matlock fan as well? You seem to like a good mystery.
4meAndyou · F
@AngelUnforgiven Matlock is only available on repeat, but I do like the AgathaChristie mystery movies. I also watched all of the Midsomer Murders shows on BBC tv.
HobNoblin · 36-40, M
I haven't been into a TV show that much since I was a kid. I remember I was really into this one.
HobNoblin · 36-40, M
@AngelUnforgiven It wasn't on for long but it was awesome. You can find full episodes on YouTube.
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
@HobNoblin cool thanks i will look it up
HobNoblin · 36-40, M
@AngelUnforgiven [media=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YlIIn2z0DK0&pp=ygUeT3RoZXJ3b3JsZCBydWxlcyBvZiBhdHRyYWN0aW9u]
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
I'm not sure I'm "addicted" so much as I have the habit of putting CNN on in the background while I'm doomscrolling. I can't say I really pay much attention though.
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
@Starcrossed i do that sometimes as well
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
@AngelUnforgiven I think it's more of a 'soothing conversation/person talking in the background' more than anything.
Kiesel · 56-60, M
Currently I’m into Landman and Yellowstone
Just finished Tulsa King
Currently I’m into Landman and Yellowstone
Just finished Tulsa King
Kiesel · 56-60, M
@AngelUnforgiven indeed
Anything mafia or drug cartel based, I enjoy as well
Anything mafia or drug cartel based, I enjoy as well
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
Have you seen Your Honor? It reminded me of The Sopranos in many ways.
Kiesel · 56-60, M
@AngelUnforgiven some of it, yes
I need to go back to it
I need to go back to it
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Lately I've been watching an episode every day of Rocky Jones, Space Ranger (1953-54). There are 39 of them.
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
@hunkalove nice, older shows are the best
TrashCat · M
Ive been binging 'House'. I'm starting season 5
TrashCat · M
@AngelUnforgiven House is an amazing character. A cynical, drug addicted Dr who battles his own demons. Hugh Laurie carried that show magnificently. Its probably my favorite network show .
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
@TrashCat i love the way his mind works i wish there were doctors like that in real life. He thinks outside of the box
TrashCat · M
@AngelUnforgiven Have you seen Hugh Laurie in Black Adder? lol He's hilarious
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
These days only JEOPARDY! and HIGH POTENTIAL
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
@ChipmunkErnie i watch jeopardy everyday at work. I love it. I have to get used to the new host though. Hes okay i guess. I just miss Alex.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
@AngelUnforgiven Ken Jennings isn't bad, but I just couldn't take Myam Bialek (spelled wrong, I'm sure) when she hosted.
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
@ChipmunkErnie i watch jeopardy everyday at work. You know what show i really miss? Weakest Link that was one of the best game shows that ive seen.
PeterF15 · 13-15, M
I can recommend The Chosen or Peaky Blinders.
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
@PeterF15 ive been wanting to see Peaky Blinders. I may have seen the chosen, it sounds familiar.

None, I hardly ever watch tv.
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
@SW-User thank you for responding anyway 😄
Shybutwilling2bfriends · 61-69
Swat and bluebloods
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
@Shybutwilling2bfriends i used to be really into Blue Bloods and then i fell off. I need to pick it back up
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
@Shybutwilling2bfriends i was a big fan of Blue Bloods. I love how the family is so close knit. You dont see that anymore.
DownTheStreet · 56-60, M
The Jackel right now
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
@DownTheStreet is it good? I want to see something edge of your seat.
DownTheStreet · 56-60, M
@AngelUnforgiven it’s good, it develops nicely and you’ll like both main characters
PrincessVelvet · F
On Patrol: Live.
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
@PrincessVelvet thats a good show

The Munsters I binge that everyday
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
@SW-User i love the munsters i wish they could have remade it years ago maybe with eddie as an adult with a wife & children who are other monsters as well

@AngelUnforgiven Yes, I agree I love the reruns of the Munsters I get them on the Peacock channel and Cozi TV.
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
@SW-User i used to love the Munsters
deletedAccountSoNotAvailable · 31-35, M
Nude pics :(
ImperialAerosolKidFromEP · 51-55, M
The Witcher and It's more like twice a week. I've lost count of the number of times I've gone through it all
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
@ImperialAerosolKidFromEP wow it must be really good
bijouxbroussard · F
Chicago Fire
Chicago Med
Chicago Med
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
@bijouxbroussard ive been meaning to check out ghosts it looks really funny
bijouxbroussard · F
@AngelUnforgiven It’s a great show. I’ve watched both the US and the UK versions
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
@Musicman i always find something good on Netflix
@AngelUnforgiven Absolutely! We always find something good to watch. All I was saying is I am not addicted to any show.
Lilnonames · F
Don't watch t v but when I do it's music
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
@Lilnonames music relaxes my soul but i like podcasts even more.
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
@Lilnonames do you like biopic movies? Like movies about singers and band's lives? I saw a George Micheal movie a while back it didn't do him any justice at all they should have had someone else play him
Lilnonames · F
@AngelUnforgiven no never watched any