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Do y'all still go to the movies ?

Poll - Total Votes: 35
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[center]Everyone is entitled to his own nostalgia.

James Wolcott

Netflix did a killing when it comes to the theaters and dvds. But they're still keeping their head above the water. Just watched 🐞 🥤 ✌ . Didn't disappoint. I remember my first movie in the theater was the Titanic.

What was your first movie ? Comment.
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For a time it seemed streaming might kill theaters. But I'm glad they held on, and remain plentiful .

Netflix, Amazon, etc, are convenient and possibly cheaper alternatives to a theater.
But getting ready, and meeting friends to attend a movie elevates the experience to a night on the town.
It's a night out of doors, with possibly dinner afterwards.

While the solitude of your livingroom is nice; there's something about sharing the emotional rollercoaster with 60 other human beings.
That shared social experience imparts a sense of solidarity; and amplifies stimulation as your senses take their cues from the audience around.

I do still go, for these very reasons.

The nostalgia for my theater experience is positive, and spans years.
With the first movie I ever saw was 'The Fugitive'. My friend and I snuck in because it was age restricted.
We followed that up, with 'Alive' (front row seats), then 'A Few Good Men'.
Umile · 41-45, F
@SethGreene531 All guy movies. Nice. 👌
I remember Star Wars when I was a teen. First movie. We were a large family. My oldest sis and her bf took all of us. Rarely do I go now. Netflix fills my movie quota. Going out costs do much too.
Umile · 41-45, F
@PoetryNEmotion A few people in a family can cost a $100 these days.
@Umile There were 6 of us at that movie. It was expensive. It was quite the treat though. Nowadays, it is about $30 for two people at the movies. Not including food or treats. I would bring my own in if I did go. And, face it, some movies just are better on large screens.
Umile · 41-45, F
empire strikes back.
i stopped watching tv and movies a few years ago.
not saying i dont watch it occasionally. i just dont go out my way for it..
Umile · 41-45, F
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout So you do a lot of exploring and outdoors stuff. Commendable. You must be really happy and healthy.
@Umile I grew some green thumbs 😇
Umile · 41-45, F
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout Aye. Nice. 👍
4meAndyou · F
Nope. My budget is so limited that I can only pay for the internet, and streaming. That way I can access hundreds of movies and tv shows for about three times the price of physically attending ONE movie. MUCH more cost effective!
4meAndyou · F
@Umile Oh no NO! I have been FORCED to become smart with my bills and my budget. I am on National Debt relief...they cut what I owed on my charge cards in half...but for five years I have to pay them $314 a month. AND I have a $269.95 car payment, AND car insurance is $129.00 a month.

Things are so tight that I have to write all my spending down, and subtract as I go. When I get down to almost nothing, I simply can't spend any more.
Umile · 41-45, F
@4meAndyou A person handling his business. Now there is no shame in that. That's reall folk. Commendable.
4meAndyou · F
@Umile Why thank you!!! You are VERY kind!!
Kiesel · 56-60, M
The streaming services did indeed impact that
Netflix has lost its luster imo ever since Ozark was ended
Umile · 41-45, F
@Kiesel True. But they were bringing back oldies to rev it up again I think.
Kiesel · 56-60, M
@Umile maybe
Not sure that’s working for them..
After Ozark, their creativity seemed to down spiral
My viewpoint only here
Umile · 41-45, F
@Kiesel Yes. I get what you're trying to say.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
The first one I remember was Jurassic Park.

Last time was to see Migration.
Umile · 41-45, F
@Thevy29 Aye. We're almost the same age I think. Very popular back in the days. King Kong was great too.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
@Umile That one gave me nightmares.. 😅
Umile · 41-45, F
@Thevy29 I bet. 🙂
GunFinger · F
Yes, we just did 2 weeks ago we took the kids to see Inside Out 2.
Umile · 41-45, F
@GunFinger Good movie ?
GunFinger · F
@Umile it was alright. I fell asleep.😂
acupaday · 46-50, F
Think the first movie I saw in theaters was Tim Burton’s Batman.

While streaming services have upped their game with some of the movies they produce nowadays, for me it will never be the same experience as going to a movie theater to see titles like Deadpool and Wolverine or The Avengers or Titanic in 3D.
Umile · 41-45, F
@acupaday Nice choice.

I agree.

Avatar was amazing in Theater.
acupaday · 46-50, F
@Umile I can imagine. Was gorgeous on the small screen so in that setting…🤯
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Umile · 41-45, F
@SW-User Oh snap. I love willow. Didn't watch it in theatre though.
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Umile · 41-45, F
@SW-User 💯
bowman81 · M
Very rarely.
Umile · 41-45, F
@bowman81 no time these days.
seaglass · F
I worked at the movies in hs and college and beyond. I've barely gone to the movies since I quit, which was well before the pandemic. It just feels like I'm going to work, lol

I don't remember my first movie, hmmm
Umile · 41-45, F
@seaglass I can understand that. Like a waitress serving coffee.
I still go occasionally. I don't recall my first movie. What I recall are movie theaters with stages. As kids we would play on them before the movie began.
Umile · 41-45, F
@midnightrose Lucky. My mom would've ....
fun4us2b · M
I think it might have been the original version of The Jungle Book....
fun4us2b · M
@Umile It came out in 1967 so I was 7 or 8. Egads, I can't believe how old I am!
Umile · 41-45, F
@fun4us2b still rocking though. Bet you had some good years too.
fun4us2b · M
@Umile luckily I did. I still feel pretty good.
Going to the movies is still a good date night.

My very first movie? 🤔 i think it was snow white , when i was very young
Umile · 41-45, F
@SW-User Wow. And how was it ? Not to sound rude, but I wish I could see it from back then.
@Umile not rude at all 🤷‍♂ i barely recall that first time, only that my neighbor who was with us, and a year or so younger than me, had to have her mother take her out of the theater bc she was scared of the witch. 😳

Ive seen it several times since, and its still one of my faves
AdaXI · T
The first movie I saw at the cinema was 'Flight of the Navigator' the last one I saw at one was 'X-Men'... These days I just Netflix it.
HannibalMontanimal · 26-30, M
Not really. You can do everything off your phone or watch it online.
Umile · 41-45, F
@HannibalMontanimal True. True.
Umile · 41-45, F
@Northwest Lucky you. Very very nice. A personal theater. 😎
Northwest · M
@Umile And for company as well. :-)
Umile · 41-45, F
@Northwest 💯
My first movie eas either Fantasia or the Jungle Book
Umile · 41-45, F
Umile · 41-45, F
@Wiseacre Is that the name of the movie ? Or, are you throwing me a riddle right now?
Wiseacre · F
@Umile I can't remember that far back...I missed a normal adolescence.
Umile · 41-45, F
Wizardry · 46-50, M
Nope, can’t remember the last movie I saw.
Umile · 41-45, F
@Wizardry Dang. Can't even remember the film ? Guess I just remember a lot if things.
jackson55 · M
Some movies are better on the big screen.
Umile · 41-45, F
@jackson55 💯
Secretsmile · 51-55, F
Beatlejuice? I haven’t been to that one yeti
Umile · 41-45, F
@Secretsmile It was nice. Didn't disappoint. The juice got loose.
Dolimyte · 41-45, M
I think it was the Care Bear movie.
Umile · 41-45, F
@Dolimyte omg. I loved them. 🙂
RedBaron · M
Theaters near me have closed.
Umile · 41-45, F
@RedBaron so sorry to hear that.
Jeephikelove · 51-55, F
Yes, I enjoy going to the theatre ☺
Umile · 41-45, F
@Jeephikelove Different theaters in different countries. So interesting. I'm sure they iffer different type if films too.
oldguy73 · 70-79, M
just pirate anything you want online free
Umile · 41-45, F
@oldguy73 Aye. Gatsung. That's the real nostalgia right there. I remember a lot of pirating was done for Bollywood.
DDonde · 31-35, M
First theater movie? 🤔 I honestly don't know cause I don't remember. It might have been Lion King.
Last one I saw in theaters was Dune II. Also went to see The Boy and the Heron and Oppenheimer before that. There's nothing I'm really interested in seeing that's in theaters right now at the moment.
Umile · 41-45, F
@DDonde Lion King would've been awesome. 🙂
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
There is something magical about seeing a film on the big screen.
Except horror, I like streaming horror alone at night for the first viewing.
Umile · 41-45, F
Zonuss · 46-50, M
Sometimes. Not as much as I used to. Especially with all these streaming networkd out now. ☺
Umile · 41-45, F
@Zonuss Makes sense. A great treat for the family though.
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Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
Rarely. There isn't much worth seeing these days. 😥
Umile · 41-45, F
@fun4us2b They do 🙂
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
@fun4us2b @Umile My wife wants to see Reagan so who knows. Maybe we will go. 🙂
Umile · 41-45, F
@Musicman Yes. Date night. Enjoy. 🙂
No, being on assisted oxygen I often get treated like I'm a leper in public, so I watch premium streaming through my roku.
Umile · 41-45, F
@NativePortlander1970 Hey. Nothing like the comfort of your own home. I'm glad you get to enjoy it. Is Roku good ?
@Umile Even with cable based internet, it's still far cheaper than cable based internet and cable.
Umile · 41-45, F

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