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Why is it "The best movie of all time!" is usually something made at least 50 yrs ago?

Like Citizen Kane, Casablanca or The Godfather?

Maybe Fight Club or The Dark Knight will be so honored 50 yrs from now?
JSul3 · 70-79
Casablanca, and here is why:
The historical significance alone makes it the greatest film ever. Forget the 'love story angle' of a woman who believes that her husband has been killed by the Nazis, and falls in love with an isolationist American....this is about WW2. It was happening in real time. The Nazis had overrun Europe and taken France. People were fleeing, seeking safety wherever they could find it. The biggie? Nobody knew who was going to win. Many cast members had actually escaped from the Nazis and found refuse in Hollywood, USA.
The back story is indeed fascinating. The great cast, the magic of a single song, the black and white photography....simply the best.

Casablanca is likely the most often quoted and mis-quoted film ever.

The most powerful exchange takes place in the final minutes. Victor is the resistance fighter. Rick represents the US...a nation that was doing business with the Nazis and was not keen to get involved in another foreign war, so soon after the Great War...but after the Pearl Harbor attack, Hitler also declared war on the US.

When Victor tells Rick: "Welcome to the fight. Now I know our side will win."

Now that the US was into the war, like it or not, many in Europe now had hope....hope that the US would aid in ending the world of Hitler and the Axis powers.

That alone, is all you need to know.
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
@JSul3 Yes, on "two fronts" - the Atlantic and the Pacific, a very safe distance from both Germany and Japan.
Meanwhile, the USSR was facing 80% of the Wehrmacht, and the British were constantly being bombed and taking on Rommel in North Africa.
What I'm trying to say is, give credit where it's due. You didn't win World War 2 on your own, in spite of what films like 'Casablanca' would have you believe.

What Ebert said in closing re Casablanca: The key to the movie's drama is Bogart's gradual transition, from a man who "sticks his neck out for no one" to a man who embraces once again the ideals of his youth. Casablanca is not the story of lost love, but of rediscovered idealism.
JSul3 · 70-79
@Bellatrix2024 I do not doubt the importance of the Soviet Union in WW2. They took the most casualties.
Had the Germans not had to be involved in the Normandy invasion by Allied forces, are you certain that Germany would lose?

You are not having a discussion with a 'John Wayne' type here. I am fully aware that the US did not win WW2 on its own....there were Allies.
Blondily · F
I liked Gone With The Wind and The Wizard Of Oz, both well made for their time in my opinion.
@Blondily Yes. Clark Gable did indeed stand up for her, but she did go along to get along, common in those days. Her acceptance speech at the Awards ceremony included
"I sincerely hope that I shall always be a credit to my race and the motion picture industry.”
Blondily · F
She had no choice back in those days. She was pure class@bijouxbroussard!
They said her speech was the best speech ever given at an academy awards show and I agree.
@Blondily She was indeed a class act during very ugly times.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
Fight Club? The Usual Suspects was far better then that.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
Citizen Cane, Casablanca, Angels with dirty faces

Billy Halop = Munson (the cab driver on All In The Family).

JSul3 · 70-79
@nedkelly Did Rocky turn yellow?
Cagney said it was up to the viewing audience to decide for themselves.
Seven Samurai put the whammy on me. I was an early teen and it showed the importance of the director.
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
Because they don't make good films anymore, at least not in Hollywood. Plus, they generally don't recognise "foreign" films. South Korea is now making good films, I often watch those. Independent films are generally not recognised either, but they're almost always better than what Hollywood produces.
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
Fight Club? The Dark Knight? No.
I don't suppose you could explain here why you chose those two films.

I have seen neither of those movies. Do you have any alternate choices for The Best of All Time?!
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
@rinkydinkydoink I don't think there is a film that anyone could truly, and impartially, call the 'Greatest Movie of All Time'.
What criteria are we using in order to judge? Isn't the whole notion rather subjective, and based upon personal taste?

It has to be more than mere subjectivity. Come on now... it's not like discussing art by saying "I know nothing about art but I know what I like". How do you know what you like without a basic understanding of what you're looking at? Or listening to? Or tasting? Or touching or smelling?

On what criteria do you base your decisions on anything?
LikeAGlassBalloon · 46-50, F
Inherit The Wind. Spencer Tracy and Fredric March give stellar performances with relevance that continues to persist.
JSul3 · 70-79
@LikeAGlassBalloon fun fact: March and Tracy both appeared in versions of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

The name Jekyll was pronounced differently in both, as well... odd, eh?

There's an interesting back story in many ways as to why this is so - - -
luckranger71 · 51-55, M
The Dark Knight yes. Fight Club no.
No Country for Old Men I think will get as much consideration in the future as anything made in the 21st Century.

With so many excellent movies released in the past quarter century or so I rarely re-watch many - if any. NCFOM is a must re-watch!
fun4us2b · M
for me - "Thin Red Line" is up there...

I've not seen it but glancing over this review it seems like a movie well worth watching.
fun4us2b · M
@rinkydinkydoink It is. I've watched it twice since it came out and thinking of a rewatch soon. It's interesting, surreal and well done.

That's a great review on it btw

With my main service I have access to over 7,000 movies and TV shows. I have this movie. I've starred it along with at least 20 others I promised to watch... all great, as well :D
its Sharknado.. case closed...
Fieldmaster · 46-50, MNew
Debbie gone Dalls.

Entertainment at its finest - my eyes moisten remembering Debbie fluffing Big Dick Cummings in order to revive him after an on-field concussion 😢

For years - long ago - The Battleship Potemkin was considered The Best - now, almost no one has heard of it.
Musicman · 61-69, M
Casablanca is awesome! A timeless classic. 🤗
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