@ChipmunkErnie wow you gave it more of a chance than I did. When voyager was still making new episodes there were times when I'd turn it on, middle of and episode and what they were talking about, never made any sense to me.
So one day I said, okay I'm going to give voyager a chance. I turned it on and it was already on. It went to commercial and the couple of minutes I had watched, was like listening to a foreign language.
So the commercial ended and the show came back on. It just never clicked with me, never made any sense, and I thought the premise of the show was dumb. It also felt like it was, Budget Trek. Like it was rushed and certain elements were quickly done rather than well, thought-out ideas and writing.
When it was on Netflix I did catch the Q episodes, the one where Tuvok kills Neelix, and the final episode. I also played the Star Trek voyager PC game, where you fight the Borg, forgot the name of it, but it was a good game I thought.
@Sidewinder what about Star Trek 4: The Voyage Home? When Scotty and Bones go to that manufacturing plant and Scotty is using the keyboard to draw up a schematic for transparent aluminum. The camera clearly shows Scotty's fingers typing. I never noticed a missing finger.
@Sidewinder yea I rewatched the scene and I thought I saw something but you really have to be looking for it. And with his hands moving it's easy to miss.
@wildbill83 The engineering section was restored using parts from other Galaxy class ships. The remainder of the saucer section was retrieved and restored. Must have been a lot of work!