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Rank the Star Wars Films (Skywalker Saga)

1. Empire Strikes Back
2. A New Hope
3. Return of the Jedi
4. Revenge of the Sith
5. The Force Awakens
6. The Rise of Skywalker
7. The Phantom Menace
8. Attack of the Clones
9. The Last Jedi

For me the last two could easily swap places. I was a right fan boy back when the “prequels” were released I went above and beyond to defend them in my wiser age I can see they are garbage although I still maintain that Revenge of the Sith isn’t too bad.

I would rank Rogue One in 3rd or 4th place if including that. It’s on par with ROTJ at very least 🤔

Thoughts and feelings on this?
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Sidewinder · 36-40, M
The original trilogy has been and will always my favorite. And by that, I mean the original theatrical cut. Not the 1997 Special Edition Re-release, or any of the subsequent Re-releases. Also of interest, is the documentary film, From Star Wars To Jedi: The Making of a Saga.
Caraxes · 41-45, M
@Sidewinder the view of many. I was too young to see the originals in the cinema but seen the re-releases
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
@Caraxes The original theatrical cuts were released on VHS, Betamax, CED, and Laserdisc, up until 1997, when it was re-released on VHS as the Special Edition. Then, in 2004, the original trilogy was released on DVD, this time with more changes made. However, the 2006 DVD re-release had the original theatrical cuts.
tenente · 100+, M
@Sidewinder what did you think of Andor season 1? reminded me of Empire Strikes Back (at half speed, but still better than the prequels and sequels)
bugeye · 26-30, F
1 - Phantom menace
2 - Empire Strikes back
3 - Attack of the clones
4 - Revenge of the sith
5 - Return of the jedi
6 - A new hope
7 - Force awakens
8 - rise of skywalker
9 - the last jedi

this is how i'd rate em. i know a new hope seems so low but i still love it. it's just from that 1st movie i think they improved over time and built up on it.
i didn't like the sequel trilogy compared to the other 2. never like rey and was more invested in the side characters and kylo ren. and i felt really sad for luke's characterization.

tbh i think the best star wars stories are the ones outside of the skywalker saga. and outside of movies and tv all together. KOTOR 1&2 have my fave stories (still working through the mmo stories) kotor1 is an analysis on the universes lore and mythos and kotor2 is a deconstruction of it that changes your outlook on the franchise. Fallen order is more recent and i loved every minute of it's plot. rogue one is my fave movie because it takes a step away from the space samurai wizards to tell a more down to earth story.
bugeye · 26-30, F
@Caraxes bit of both really. the effects set and choreography improved. and at the time i has hyped for darth vaders origin story.
Caraxes · 41-45, M
@bugeye fair play. I just don’t see how the story comes close in quality I really think they dropped the ball with episodes 1-3 and for that matter 8 and 9. That being said they all brought enjoyment in one form or another to me and my family 😊
bugeye · 26-30, F
@Caraxes the prequel trilogy overall i agree with but in a vacuum having not seen the rest of it i loved TPM. i still think the games, tv series and side moves have better stories though.
ShadowWolf · 31-35, M
Revenge of the Sith is higher up for me. It’s my #2.
All of the sequel trilogy can be shoved to the bottom. It’s non canon. I refused to watch it.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
Agreed with 1-5.

I would probably put The Rise of Skywalker as the worst. The Last Jedi annoyed me, but at least it made sense and followed through on its convictions. The Rise of Skywalker played like a bad parody movie with all the plot holes, plot conveniences, and ridiculous contrivances.
Caraxes · 41-45, M
All the others I’ve watch a few times but Rise I’ve only seen once maybe repeat viewing May being out a different opinion 🤔🤔@SumKindaMunster
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@Caraxes I'm glad to see someone else who hated the sequel trilogy. The first one gets a pass, and it wasn't terrible, but both The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker were embarrassingly, annoyingly bad. Like female GhostBusters bad.

Like stop. STAHP! This is so stupid and totally counter to the Star Wars that I know and love...for the love of God just stop it!
Caraxes · 41-45, M
@SumKindaMunster I truly wanted to love it but it just fell flat, I think the Force Awakens gets a bit of a past because of the nostalgia and the throw back to A New Hope.

I know the prequels take a hammering but there are some good elements in them. Just the drop off in quality compared for the OT is vast
BabyLonia · F
My kinda post

1. Empire Strikes Back
2. A New Hope
3. Revenge of the Sith
4. Return of the Jedi
5. The Force Awakens
6. The Phantom Menace
7. Attack of the Clones
8. The Last Jedi
9. Rise of Skywalker

Rogue One had some amazing characters and would be 3/4 too
I notice you excluded Solo
Caraxes · 41-45, M
@BabyLonia yeah I kind of lost interest in the end. Not bothered in seeing it either. I will make an effort to see the Obi Wan series when I get chance. It’s finding time at the moment 😩

Boba Fett and the Mandalorian series just doesn’t interest me. Me saying something like this a number of years ago would have been unthinkable
BabyLonia · F
@Caraxes i have seen all of the series.

I lived Mandolorian and Obi.

I am looking foward to Ahsoka

And really hoping they will do a Doctor Aphra series
tenente · 100+, M
@BabyLonia +1 for reminding me about Solo which i enjoyed more than 1,2,3,7,8,9
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
I hated the sequel trilogy because I really didn't care about the new characters and they character assassinated Luke.
lacrossegirl25 · 22-25, F
I never saw them but my vote is 1,2,3
tenente · 100+, M
rogue one

then watch andor. then watch andor season 2 when it comes out next year. there, you've watched Star Wars. the other movies are a dumpster fire

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