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Do you miss the days when DVDS were more popular than online streaming?

The joys of going into the DVD store and picking out some movies on dvd
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Gusman · 61-69, M
I watch them all the time. My local library has well over 1000. Plus they interchange with other libraries every 6 months.
Gusman · 61-69, M
@shanec I have never streamed a movie to date. No intentions to either.
I used to have over 1000 VHS/Beta video tapes.
shanec · 41-45, M
@Gusman Oh I have, but I still like DVDS. The quality of a DVD is still good. I haven't watched VHS since the 00s
Fluffybull · F
@Gusman Me too. Also there are loads I place I can buy dvds, both new and second hand.
Carissimi · F
I still buy DVDs, so I don’t miss them. The WiFi is terrible here, so streaming is hit or miss. I prefer to own my content.
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cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Carissimi I bought a smaller flat screen tv that can be wired for antennas, bought a flat panel antenna for free to view channels and have it in my bedroom and the tv also has a built-in DVD player. Just in case something goes haywire with cable or I decide to stop paying for it.
Carissimi · F
I have a medium size flat screen tv, but can’t get any tv channels on it. I tried the most expensive (and best, so they said) antenna, and all it picked up was one sports channel. I took it back and got a refund. All I can watch on my tv is DVDs and Netflix. I have Apple TV, but don’t want to subscribe to any of the channels. I did have Prime for a few years, but cancelled because the content was not worth watching most of the time. I just watch Netflix every once in a while, and DVDs. @cherokeepatti
toddr13 · 46-50, M
I have a number of DVDs and BluRays, and they're titles that get watched many times over. Plus, when traveling, I still have a small Sony BluRay player and it's a great personal screen, with noise cancelling headphones I can tune out things around me. It's just easier to have a series or a couple of movies than to worry about streaming to the iPad or phone. Plus, the Sony doesn't get text iterruptions.
Torsten · 36-40, M
I miss going into dvd stores like blockbuster but remember how annoying it was to go there for a movie and they were all rented already.
With buying dvd's I have probably over 200 I have bought but never watch because most are on streaming sites now and its just easier to watch them there instead of disks.
I did buy two dvd's a week ago though which is a first for me in a long time
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
DVD was kinda a placeholder format in the middle of LaserDisc and Blu-Ray. They looked awful on SD TVs, better on HDTVs, but are dwarfed by Blu-Ray.

And I want to own the movies and TV shows I like. Streaming is renting, at best. What a rip-off; at the end of the day, you own NOTHING, and when they take it down, the shows, for all intents and purposes, don't exist.
Carissimi · F
I agree. It’s the “you’ll own nothing and be happy.” I have fitness walking CDs, that I used to upload to iTunes, then download to my phone. Can’t do that now, and when I looked to buy it again to put back on my phone, they no longer sell. So I have CDs with music I want to walk to, but no way of getting on my phone. It’s like going backwards. @uncalled4
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
@Carissimi They knew that people would go for cheap convenience over ownership. How idiotic--imagine only being able to rent a car??
Carissimi · F
And that’s what many do by leasing, and changing every 2-years. It’s never ending car payments, and it’s never yours. @uncalled4
Bri89 · 31-35, M
Yes, I do. I miss rental stores. Things just seemed more personal back in those days.
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Thevy29 · 41-45, M
I still go to JBHiFi and an Anime Store. There are some movies I want to watch that isn't on any streaming service so I'm on the hunt for them. Otherwise there is Amazon. Which is fine except Amazon never tells you which region the DVD's will be in and sometimes they don't work. As for Anime, well there is a free site that lets you download for free too. The shows just don't have subtitles for the Signs and written languages.
StarLily · 51-55, F
That is something I really do miss and was sad to see disappear. Always thought it was fun to browse the store to find a movie. My kids would always pick something out from the kids section too. Then everyone would grab some candy to eat for movie watching. It was fun.☺️
Reaverwolf · M
There was definitely a greater sense of urgency to get to the store on a Friday night before all the good movies were rented and you always found something to watch. as you had made the effort to go to the store
shanec · 41-45, M
@Reaverwolf Yep, and you weren't like " what do I pick from all this selection of stuff to stream? " as you'd bought the DVD and would watch it
And the VHS days.

Blockbuster faded. It was a night out to pick up a selection for your movie marathon and snacks.

Not sure you can even get a DVD player new, now.
We still have ours. My hub uses it occasionally. He does buy a movie once in a while. @SethGreene531
@Spoiledbrat same here, and in working order. You can still get DVDs in the odd record store. The streaming is convenient, but I like owning a physical copy of my favorites.
Good old Blockbuster days, I remember when the last store in our area closed down.
Not really. It's cheaper and easier to stream.
shanec · 41-45, M
@Spoiledbrat Sometimes too much choice though and you're like " what do I fucking pick here? "
I guess. @shanec
WhateverWorks · 36-40
Yeah, our local DVD store finally closed. It hung in there for a long time though.
SubstantialKick · 36-40, M
I forgot that DVDs even existed, TBH. I haven't seen a new DVD player on sale in ages.
Fluffybull · F
I still do that.
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My hub likes HD movies. And blue-ray. @Stereoguy
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We have a 4k tv. I don't know if that's the same thing. I watch tv on my iPad a lot. @Stereoguy

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