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Does anyone have any advice on how to overcome Hell themed OCD/Anxiety?

For context, I'm not a religious person, but I do 100% believe in a God/higher power and an afterlife of some sort, most definitely.

Also, I cannot afford therapy right now, so any advice would be appreciated.

I find myself in constant fear of an eternal Hell, to the point where my brain cannot let it go, even when I try to distract myself by talking to family, playing games, going shopping, etc. The fear does not leave me, I never have peace of mind and I've been feeling like this for months.

Now I know what happens after death is unknown and no one knows for sure, and I used to be content with that. I was always comfortable with death and nonchalant about it. Even going as far as to say that I didn't fear death at all. (And damn, do I miss that feeling!) Because there was no evidence of hell.

That was until I've read things about Hellish NDEs. Now, I know there are Christians out there who fabricate some of these stories to get people to convert out of fear, but I've read about them on reddit, without the person having an agenda, they were just sharing their experience. And I know that the person can usually get out of it and that they usually turn positive, but those people weren't fully dead. Who knows what happens when they don't come back.

I've even read scarier things on reddit, about hellish deathbed visions, where people see demons and the devil and complain that they're burning and have a terrified look in their eyes. These scare me more than the NDEs and only tells me that there's evidence of a Hell and that I should live in fear.

I want to believe that these are hallucinations, but it's hard to, especially when I believe that the positive ones are real and that people's passed loved ones do come get them when they're on their death bed.

So, has anyone else dealt with this theme of OCD and if so, how did you overcome it? I hate feeling and living like this. I just want to be comfortable with the unknown again and have my peace of mind back.
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Coralmist · 41-45, F
I am no longer religious. I did grow up as a Catholic and while I admired Jesus, I did begin to fear God as I got older. Like if I think something bad, what will happen? Or if I think bad of God??? These thoughts began my ongoing anxiety disorder. Which led to in numerous other toxic or worry thoughts. It's a horrible way of living. But I had no control over it. We do not control our thoughts. But, I've learned through so many articles and books on anxiety or PTSD ( MY thoughts were trauma based from years of psychological abuse)that THOUGHT is not truth. Beliefs are not truth. I think of an author who really helped my anxiety, Byron Katie. She said, 'Nothing is true.'
I'll say I don't believe in hell and I'm agnostic. So I'm uncertain about heaven too. But one thing I do feel I'm learning..we are here to feel happiness. Thinking of a POSSIBLE place, after this life, that is horrible and endless, is not fulfilling our birthright of happiness. You deserve to feel calm most of the time and to also feel joy during our short time here. Say to the worry thought...
'oh hello , you are a construct in my mind right now, and I'll observe you . but now I'm done observing you.'
Domking · 61-69, M
From a person who suffered from a life threatening OCD - Three suggestions

1) do not try to do it all by yourself - get a few friends who understand your OCD problem and are willing to help you get better. Share with them your current thoughts and feelings, listen to them. You are welcome, I have patience and big ears.

2) there are others who have suffered like you, and leading a better life, free of O and C. Join them.Take their assistance (Link is given below.)
Contact them. Listen to them, learn from their experience and methods & find some friends who can empathize. It's free of cost.

3) Believe that you can he free of this, keep the Hope alive, kick the ass of frustration and fear and keep the faith - actively persue 1 & 2.
Freetime · 56-60, M
I deal with this theme a little in my OCD. You said at the beginning that you do believe in God. Do you also believe that God allows negative things to happen to us only because they will bring about a greater good in some way? If you do, consider that God might be allowing you to experience these fears so that you'll grow closer to Him. Maybe you would find some peace of mind if you start to learn more about God, in whatever way is right for you.
Carazaa · F
❤ You are on the right road to God and truth and everlasting life!! You don't have to fear hell if you repent your sins and trust in Jesus. If you can't do that, then try to ask God to show you the truth. God tells us in the Bible
"Seek, and you will find. Knock and it will be opened unto you"

"No ear has heard, no eye has seen, what God has prepared for those who love him"
Massageman · 70-79, M
Read books from Lee Stroebel such as "The Case for ------- " series. He WAS an agnostic/non-believer. He investigated and researched the truth of the Bible. The more he investigated, the more firm became his belief in God's truth.
Adstar · 56-60, M
If you fear Hell there may be a real reason for doing so..

The Holy Spirit may be making the reality of Hell sure for you deep in your consience..

The Only Response to this fear is to act to believe Jesus and trust that His death upon the cross paid the Hell Penalty you are facing the reality of.. Surender to the LORD and be saved.. Thats the simple solution to overcome your fear of the torment of the Eternal Alke of fire..

(1 John 4:18) "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love."

To be made perfect in Love is to accept the Love of the truth of the Atonement of the LORD Jesus..
in10RjFox · M
Stop reading all kinds of psychological material that are created to infuse fear and anxiety as they know people self-diagnose themselves and bring them to a doctor and get hooked to medication. This has to do with literacy and nothing to do with religion. So don't read and beleive everything that it happens to you.

People still take the next flight after any air crash and still drive in spite of accidents.

So just stay away from all kinds of nonsense material that make you hallucinate and spend time by talking and relating with real people.
Quetzalcoatlus · 46-50, M
If hell is real, just know that we don’t have control over when we get there. We all have a lifetime to serve our communities and help where we can. Find somewhere to serve your community, and do your best. The rest is up to God.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
Sounds like you have unwanted thoughts. You'll want to work that out with a therapist and possibly meds.
plungesponge · 41-45, M
I'm half joking, but if you want to try exposure therapy, play doom eternal to see if you can become acclimated to a hell-like experience that's designed to be thrilling
MrGomco · 36-40, M
Just run three kilometers, practice Yoga, hit a punching bag (kicks and boxing), take the dinner on or before 5:30 PM, avoid cofee (that makes you to feel nervous and anxious), turn off your phone, do not watch news, avoid social media.
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
Deconversion is real and very liberating. Hell is a myth and the majority of "scripture" is used for control. Excessive religion leads to mental illness.
Selah ·
Outside of seeing a need to do things that ground you in reality. It needs to be a regular practice since your mind has the tendency to give a lot of attention to ridiculous thoughts.
Just live your life even if there is a hell you dont have to worry about that till your life is over so just concentrate on the life you are living now
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
If u ask me back then that is what religion was. Fear tactic to get people to join the church.
Nevertooold · 56-60, M
Maybe a Catholic priest.....thankfully haven't needed anybody:)
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