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Depression really puts a damper on life.

At the rate things are going with my life, I’m going to die a bitter old woman due to not finding her happiness in her career and personal life, with no family around her, and no penny to her name. It’s a really upsetting reality I’m facing, and I don’t know how to turn it around.
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It's in times like these that you need to find the strength to have faith and move forward. I can only speak for myself that I prayed to God to turn my situation around and he did. He has blessed me in more ways than I could ever imagine. And I hope that I did not offend you by saying that.
Jeremi · 41-45, M
you gave up me
iamnikki · 31-35, F
I don't find happiness in career either. I've never liked any job I've ever had.
Working on cultivating relationships but that seems difficult as well
PoisonLace · 41-45, F
Better to try than not try at all. I hope you find happiness. @iamnikki
Jeremi · 41-45, M
Depression is real. I don't care what anyone says or tries to categorize it as. it's a real thing, and those of us that deal with it, deal with it differently. it's frustrating as hell and some days the worst feeling in the world because it's like both your body and mind shut down. your spirit is still alive but you're a "disabled machine" that can't function. I just wanted you to know that you're not alone. it's a pain the ass. I fear the same loneliness. even with a daughter.
PoisonLace · 41-45, F
It really is scary. Take care of yourself. ❤️@Jeremi
Jeremi · 41-45, M
getting on the road was hard. but realizing how long it is, just to see a mile marker? I've got a long way to go. but thank you. even with failed therapists and support groups. I'll get there. *smiles and walks off*.
Random3838 · 36-40, M
I am sorry to hear this. Do not dispare though. You are not alone. I have suffered depression for most of my adult life. I know what you are going through. Take one day at a time. Dont worry about tomorrow. Focus on today.
I used to be afraid of growing old and bitter, but I found that as I adjusted to my new life with bipolar, there were rewards to be found as well as difficulties. Now that I'm retired, I have much more peace about the diagnosis. Dealing with people's prejudice against mental illness is another thing though... I've come to a place of acceptance (not approval).
For the garden is the only place there is, but you will not find it
Until you have looked for it everywhere and found nowhere that is not a desert


I think depression, which I have known and know, can prove to be the catalyst of finding the garden. It can reveal the superficiality of so many of our hopes and possessions. Looking back I would not like to take two years of clinically diagnosed depression out of my life - its meaning and consequences have continued to morph. Sometimes now I'm surprised by joy. Surprised because I simply stumble along with little expectation or plan. When the joy comes it is known purely as gift.

Stay strong. Have faith and trust that all will be well. Be grateful for what you do have.
I wish I had a solution for you. I will probably always be depressed also. I have cut all ties with aunts uncles cousins and such. They only came around when they wanted something to benefit themselves. My awesome father died in 2014. My sister has been missing since 2005. My mother disowned all of us when I was very young. But what I do have is our Lord, my two awesome adult kids and a job I love. Probably because my co-workers have become my family. Things are better than they have been but never perfect. And as for the depression... I just had to sorta go numb to it and raise my head high and do what I must do. Make the best of it. We live in a effed up world now where people don't care about anyone else except themselves. My heart and prayers are with you.
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
Yes. But that's what keeps me going. The effort to keep trying to change things. Things may not work out. But the effort will help us die comfortable and guilt free. The effort is the achievement. That's all.
powernap · 56-60, M
Don't feel so bad. I just turned 58,oi am on ssd, basically I have no marketable skills, and I have no savings.
PoisonLace · 41-45, F
I don’t really have savings either. My fear is that I’m going to die with no achievements and no family who gives a crap. I’m sorry for your situation, truly. It really sucks…but I encourage you to find a hobby that you enjoy and try to turn that into something, even if it doesn’t pay too much. It’s never too late to start until you can no longer move. @powernap
chocolateNcheese · 36-40, M
I’m sorry that’s how things are going. Fulfillment from work is hard to come by in my experience too. This pandemic has put a damper on everything it seems and it’s hard to shake. I can’t enjoy anything as much as I used to, but the good days really stand out. I hope it helps for you to write your thoughts on here. I’ll keep reading and responding.
PoisonLace · 41-45, F
So sorry you have lost enjoyment. I understand the isolation you are feeling. Please try to find something you enjoy even if it is in the comfort of your home. @chocolateNcheese
Set goals, you can turn it around, what do you enjoy doing? ✨
B2nd2none · 41-45, M
You are not OLD nor are you bitter. You are a great person and I hope you can see that too. Family is not always blood related family can be people that care about you and love you not in a romantic way but just love you for being you. Times are hard now with the job market but it will get going soon enough. God Bless you!
Tracos · 51-55, M
Sounds familiar 😔
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
I feel you.
What do you have?
PoisonLace · 41-45, F
@JustGoneNow well, it’s not something I have, just a field of work I can’t get out of for the life of me…and life dilemmas. Like the wake-up call of not having family and being with someone who doesn’t want kids (of course, I’ve always been undecided, but it’s gotten a bit late for that), among other things I’m not going to go into…
@PoisonLace I get that. and I’m sorry, but what do you have?
I did 9 years of Uni and now work in an area I love

Uni had NO part of what I do now. My qualifications for my 2 part time jobs took me 16 weeks & 28 weeks at TAFE ( Technical and Further Education ).

When it comes to personal life, I've learn to handle being single

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