Battling the StormsToday at mass we read from the Gospel of Matthew: "Meanwhile the boat, already a few miles offshore, was being tossed about by the waves, for the wind was against it. During the fourth watch of the night, he came toward them, walking on the sea."... See More »
Bible Study? Poll (14) See Poll OptionsWould anyone be interested in starting a bible study on here? I am thinking maybe go through a Gospel and every week, post a chapter. We would spend... See More »
Removing the weedsToday at church we read the parable of the weeds among the wheat from the Gospel of Matthew. This parable represents the evil that gets injected into the world. Although the reflection from today talks about the good and evil in the world but also in... See More »
World needs to be more humbleThis is from todays reading at church. Jesus, who is God, humbled himself to ride into his Glory on a donkey. I think the world will be a much better place if more people would be humble. There is too much selfishness in the world. Too much hate.... See More »
Non-ChristiansWhy do Non-Christians try to tell Christians what we do or don't beleive in. I am not talking about ex-christians; the ones who may have fallen away from the faith. But the ones who never stepped foot in a church or opened a bible. Them:... See More »
Painting to musicDoes anyone have a specific type of music they listen too while painting? For me, i have to listen to Blues/Jazz if I am painting. It is the only time i can listen to this type of music.
Starting a paintingI think i might start a painting today but i have no inspiration on what to paint. Its been awhile since i painted and i have like 10 or so unfinished paintings just stored away.
Bob Ross ClassHas anyone ever done a Bob Ross Class? I used to watch him growing up. My dad loved him and always had him on the TV. No that i am painting, i wounder if it is worth the money for the class. I dont need the "class" itself. Im thinking just for the... See More »
Depression gets in the wayI have been thinking a lot lately how i hate my life. But i realized i dont actually hate my life but just my actions in life. I tell myself to change or do this or do that but then my depression gets in the way. Mixed with anxiety, im motionless... See More »
Art as a stress reliefI got into art about 4 years ago when i suffered severe depression. It helped me cope with my life. I usually paint my feelings...or at least try too. This painting was when i couldnt sleep because of my anxiety. (1)