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Am I mentally ill?

You guys know some sort of condition that makes people uninterested in almost anything about the reality ? Because I genuinely want to know whats wrong with me. I know the right thing is to get a therapist or smt but I CANT right now .
So about my problem ,It was more apparent im these last years but I feel like I always kinda had it. So , lets begin, even as a child I didnt had that curiosity/interest for things like, knowing personal stuff about my family/friends or ppl I know in general , knowing places of my city , noticing details on peoples faces , etc (and to makes things worse, I am from a small town so its natural that everyone knows almost everyplace/every family that lives here but genuinely , I only know very few). The only thing that interested me was swallow things like playing and watching cartoon and drawing, my special interest .But still , as a child I was still more lucid. I think it got worse when I had acess to internet and spent too much time online , I was already kinda indifferent to people but I became even more apathetic . Nowadays, I struggle with basic things like simple tasks ( because I didnt paid attention on how other people do it) , I struggle with social rules (Like ,sometimes idk how to act normal or dont know if it would be my time to speak ), I also dont notice things like my parents routine like , if you ask me where my mother went or what vehicle she used I wouldnt know. I also dont care about how ppl perceive me sometimes, like yes im polite and well behaved, but sometimes idk how to take care of my appearence or how to talk normaly , wich is bad because people may see me as an invalid ( and tbh I feel like I am sometimes) and they wouldnt take me seriously. I have trouble remembering faces and its details, names, and have trouble describing to someone how to get to a place I KNOW . As a teen I was very uninterested in my future , only now im seeing I should have been more attentious with my life and the world around me , im terrified that I will keep living like this . I am trying to change but is hard to focus. If someone read this and knows what my problem might be please tell me
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Nightwings · 31-35, F
I honestly don't think there is anything wrong with you, but maybe with your lifestyle choices. It sounds like you're a creative person who get easily lost in thought, and there's really nothing wrong with that, but perhaps being less social than most of your friends, have lead you to lead an unhealthy lifestyle, because it felt like the easier way to live. When you don't notice where people go, or what people around you are doing, it's because you're elsewhere, in your own thoughts, but there is a time and place for that. You could probably benefit from doing your chores first thing in the morning, only afterwards reward yourself with activities which steal your focus. It sounds a bit like your default has become being spaced out, in order to be happy and productive you will probably need to get used to paying attention to other people and your surroundings when it's appropriate, and set aside time for your own thoughts, when that is appropriate, and I'm sure it will become easier with time. Last thing is that even if you don't have a sincere interest in other people, I think it will do you very well to still show them some attention, because it becomes incredibly important to have friends once you're older. If you don't know what to talk with them, ask them questions about themselves, and say something when you have something to say, because most people love talking about themselves. In conclusion, it sounds like you've kind of done this yourself, and it will take you some time to adjust and become more attentive again. It's not that bad, but it's a little worrisome that you don't know many people or know how to do chores, you need to allocate your curiosity to such areas forcefully. 😅

Anyways I think it's great that you are creative and content being by yourself, it sounds like you have a rich inner world, and that's pretty cool. You just need to share that world with others a little bit too, it will make you feel better. I don't know if you might have some depression, or anything else going on, but no one online can answer that for you. The most important advice I can give you is to focus less on what to call the problem, and more on the things you can actually control in order to fix it yourself. Diagnosis or not, it will still be up to you to fix, so you might as well get started in a positive way, at the speed you feel comfortable with, and just be more aware about what you want to change and why; like what do you want, what is your goal. 🌻
Gretel · 18-21, F
@Nightwings Thank you for taking a bit of your time to answer me 🙏💖and thank you for the advice I will try my best ,Im not sure if Its something I was born with or developed but youre right, either way I will focus to make things better 🙏💖
Nightwings · 31-35, F
@Gretel I'm sure it has to do with how you were born, brcause otherwise you would face different difficulties, the important thing to remember is that everyone face difficulty in life, and we are all working on ourselves throughout life. It never stops for anyone. I know that it is much harder for some people than others, but a diagnosis won't remove personal responsibilty, nor will it help you feel better in and of itself. It might help you understand yourself more, but it can also misguide you if the proffesional isn't as well read and clever as one would hope. Your personal responsibility is that which you have to yourself; setting up a bright future and feeling at ease with who you are. No one ever warns young people how judgemental everyone become once you reach 30. It may seem far away now, but time gies faster and faster as we age. Meanwhile habits become harder and harder to break. It's really easy to get stuck if you don't form good habits and set goals while you're still young, because the time when you need to have everythibg together always comes so much faster than anyone in their 20ies think. I don't know how old you are exactly, but from 18 to 30 needs to be the busiest time in your life. 🙂

I hope you can also soon get to talk to a professional healthcare specialist, but it's my advice to focus on what you actually got going for you realistically, and how to use that to your advantage.
I don't think it's healthy for anyone to diagnose you with anything right now but that doesn't mean we can't explore possibilities and ways to move forward with your new realizations.

Tbh I am the same way, I always thought and behaved so much differently than other people and I often feel confused or unclear or forgetful in seemingly simple situations. Just so disorganized in general.

The truth is that everybody is unique and everyone's reasons for what they do or how they think or behave is linked to their past experiences. But we do have tools and generalizations to provide some clarity. It all has to do with our deep thoughts and how we organize them on a fundamental level.

I'm willing to talk with you over time and maybe provide some clarity if that's what you need. 😊
Gretel · 18-21, F
@SinlessOnslaught thank you for the advice!💖🙏 and thank you for making yourself available💖🙏
@Gretel Yeah as long as you're an adult I'm here. 😊
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
When I was a child I used to pay no attention to no one .
Even conversations that I had . I had a lot of peace back then but then as I got older , heavy drinking and smoking weed I tried to fit and then start to take notice of conversations in deep .
The bad news is I'm 44 now and I want to go back to that state of mind when I was child .
I lost all my intuitions through drink and smoking weed cause when your like that in addiction the mind starts to latch onto drama conversations and take interest in deep to conversation and it can really mess you up in all ways cause every nearly every conversation that I had with different people that through all my years there's all doing ok and above ground when you be messed up thinking over the conversations in deep .
Do you get me .
The moral of the story is don't take life to seriously . The more you take it serious , you loose and I mean that mentally like what your describing .
When you take life serious the mind starts chatting to you looking for problems what's going on with you when there's nothing going on .
And that sentence what I just said with all of the insecurities and doubts is to have blind faith and that's what life is all about
Gretel · 18-21, F
@riseofthemachine thank you for taking a bit of your time to reply and thank you for the advice 🙏💖I hope you are doing well 🙏💖
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
@Gretel That's no problem .
It's only my experiences I share and if it helps out I'm glad
BlueVeins · 22-25
I sort of get this, improved a lot when I grew up and moved out. I think it happens when you're overwhelmed with life and don't have much in the way of agency.
girlsrituals · 13-15, T
totally sounds like depression, and for some reason i relate to this post real bad,

one way to work on it is forcing yourself to do stuff, even if you're not interested or if you don't have energy that day. i know it's hard but it has helped me before and i trust it could help you somehow
Gretel · 18-21, F
@girlsrituals thank you for the advice i will try🙏
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
You may be autistic. The not knowing your turn to speak is a big indicator.

Try doing a couple of tests - it's not a diagnosis but it can give you a sense on if there's something there.

Understanding how your brain works may help you in getting by in life.
Gretel · 18-21, F
@CountScrofula thank you for the suggestion I will try🙏
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@Gretel Good luck! The not knowing when it's your turn to speak is a definite indicator. When your brain is wired different all these unwritten social rules are very hard and can lead people to be very mean to you. It's not fair.
Gretel · 18-21, F
@CountScrofula thank you 🙏 frrr is so frustrating 😔
TexChik · F
You need a diagnosis before you can use a therapist if a therapist is indicated. Go and see a Psychiatrist. Tell them your issues, and they will do all the standard blood work to make the correct diagnosis.

Then you can get treatment if needed.
Gretel · 18-21, F
@TexChik thank you for the advice🙏
Gretel · 18-21, F
My main problem is that I feel like theres a bubble around my head that blocks me from paying attention on some things from reality , but I was really interested in school subjects and was a good student , It was easy to sit and pay attention to the teacher , but I didnt paid attention to almost nobody on my class and what they were doing
TinyViolins · 31-35, M
It sounds like schizoid personality disorder. I'm not in any position to diagnose you but that might be worth looking into, if for no other reason than to at least rule it out
Gretel · 18-21, F
@TinyViolins thank you for the advice🙏I will research 🙏
You sound like you may be on the spectrum.
Could be clinical depression. Seek professional help when you are available. Could be some sort of chemical imbalance that can be managed with medication.
Gretel · 18-21, F
@YourMomsSecretCrush thank you for the suggestion 🙏
UndeadSona · F
Could be alot of different things.

Sounds like depression
Wiseacre · F
No, but u might have Asperger's. Pls get tested.
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
No you anxious about things though
Ur on Similar worlds so yea
Gretel · 18-21, F
@Gretel only the crazy come here young lady 😁
GuyWithOpinions · 31-35, M
Maybe your just bored with your surroundings. Time to leave town?
people uninterested in almost anything about the reality
That's 93% of people who join social media sites.
Gretel · 18-21, F
@SmileOnYourBrother I do believe that being too much time online made things worse to me but my friends also are very online and still they are waay more functional so its not the only factor probably
@Gretel Well, I was mildly joking...kinda.
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Gretel · 18-21, F
@SStarfish thank you for the answer 🙏makes sense , I already thought about autism , now about face blindness idk but its possible
@Gretel yeah i never even knew about face blindness till i saw shows about it on asian netflix series ..

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