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WillaKissing · 56-60
I have those same thoughts and thank you for stating them. Bless you sweet lady.
SwiftieShutterbug · 31-35, F
@WillaKissing You're welcome. It sucks we have to think of stuff like this but it's the truth. It hit me again with the unbelievably tragic airstrike on those poor World Central Kitchen workers.
WillaKissing · 56-60
@SwiftieShutterbug Yes, and with China Russia and other countries testing the world to see what they can get away with or to possibly spark WW3 as a retire soldier really concerns me too.
SwiftieShutterbug · 31-35, F
@WillaKissing It's a constant source of concern, that's for sure. The thought of another world war, of more lives lost to senseless violence. It's definitely a nightmare I can't shake lately.

therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
Floating within an empty space without any direction,
Lost within the past and deep reflection,

Unable to clearly see,
What keeps the heart beating, the mind dreaming and the soul beaming, what helps one remain purposeful and free?

What in life gives an honest soul that valuable peace of mind,
Is it impossible to find? It now seems to be an impossible climb?

Being worn down within a war of attrition,
Without a meaningful mission, on a road to perdition,

Watching the drones on phones exist within their virtual hives,
Such twisted and unfulfilling lives,

How can an individual live in a world of vapidity and conformity which has become the new norm?
How can one weather such a blinding and freakish hellish snowstorm,

Orwell and Huxley clearly were not the prophet’s of doom,
Just seers who clearly predicted this world of modern day gloom, predicting the lifestyle of isolation within a tomb, staring at a screen alone within a lonely room,

Where does one escape a world of zombies who are vastly connected to so much artificial stimuli,
How does one keep free thinking alive, how do you resist the madness and thrive,

Where does an individual go to escape the depravity and still have the capacity to grow,
To stay connected within reality and close to God’s glow, retaining the ability to stay vibrant within a positive ebb and flow,

Who can truly be happy within a world where most people refuse to look each other in the eye,
Most are currently content to immerse themselves within an insulated bubble sealed within comfortable lies,

How long can people remain within a state of confusion, delusion and illusion?
Where’s the much needed common sense, critical thinking and logic infusion, the much needed solution,

What will it take to turn the tide,
And return to living instead of existing within this fake and phony circus ride? Aren’t people fed up with living a life based upon lies?

Thanks for inspiring this poem…
SwiftieShutterbug · 31-35, F
@therighttothink50 Love this. These are the existential questions that many of us grapple with in our modern society. The imagery of floating within an empty space, lost within the past and deep reflection, speaks to a sense of aimlessness and disconnect that can often pervade our lives. Poignant reminder of the importance of staying true to oneself.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
A world without real human contact can’t thrive.
PinkRose23 · 22-25, F
As I was told growing up it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness. Sometimes we have to just up and be the change we want to see even if only on a small scale.
SwiftieShutterbug · 31-35, F
@PinkRose23 You're right. We can't let despair win. We have to hold onto hope.
PinkRose23 · 22-25, F
@SwiftieShutterbug Amen to that!
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
The truly hopeless know that even their negative emotions have no weight. Nothing exists
mayguy · 46-50, M
"But then... I remember the power of words, of stories, to connect us, to remind us of our shared humanity." is the magnificent passage of yours that particularly hits home with me and most likely countless others.

On a total sidenote, you most likely now know the horrible news about the Super Bowl parade in Kansas City. 😢
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
Aside from suicide, that's all we can do, survive, keep moving on and suffering, it's part of the human condition.

I focus on the things that bring meaning and light to my life.
robertsnj · 56-60, M
who are some authors you like and why?
robertsnj · 56-60, M
@SwiftieShutterbug same religion = made up . man created god instead of god created man. what were you looking for in your opening post ? what do you write/ read?
robertsnj · 56-60, M
sorry mean write / we covered reading
SwiftieShutterbug · 31-35, F
@robertsnj Honestly was just venting on the state of the world. I literally read anything and everything. Fantasy, sci-fi, philosophy, world history, poetry, horror, thriller. Books are my life. Regrettably I don't write as much as I would like.
Entwistle · 56-60, M
Happiness and sadness are mental conditions. We can learn to alter how we feel.
zentic · 26-30, M
It takes guts to lead a mediocre, insignificant life.
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
Relatable & poignant.
Montanaman · M
Renaci · 36-40
I am very much a creature of habit. But I live through stories. There is a quote I saw somewhere and even though I can only paraphrase it now it was a long the lines of: "If life was a book you would be someone's favorite character."
I really liked that. It shows that we have value and are loved by someone out there somewhere. That someone would empathize with our life story and become a fan.
BigGuy2 · 26-30, M
🤔 and Self Sacrifice
Workerbee · 31-35, M
very fair thoughts these days indeed

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