You’re not alone. There’s a guy I’ve know for years. He’s not been single in a decade but he’s never experienced love either.
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
Please don't lose hope. I know it's hard. This phase is tough and seems never ending but it will end soon, especially when you least expect it.
yugimotodm · 26-30, M
@Donotfolowme I’m trying not to lose hope but it’s hard
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
@yugimotodm It is very hard. Just hang in there.
NewBeginnings7790 · 41-45, F
(((((Hugs))))) , I too struggle with this feeling
yugimotodm · 26-30, M
@NewBeginnings7790 it’s the worst
eMortal · M
Wisdom comes with the hurting, like Rumi said.
Bri89 · 31-35, M
It's a feeling that comes few and far between.
You will.. don't be sad
yugimotodm · 26-30, M
@SStarfish thanks, but I just find that hard to believe at the moment
trash · 31-35, M
have you tried joining your local yugioh club