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Fairydust · F
Don’t be fooled into their bullshit.

You are what you are! Can you imagine being on medication for the rest of your life.

Here’s a different view.

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Ur1sub · 22-25
@Fairydust @Emosaur just stop fighting! Please..
Ur1sub · 22-25
@Emosaur @Fairydust I don’t like fighting and arguing so please stop…
GuyWithOpinions · 31-35, M
This is how you fix this: turn off your tv, then delete your ticktock account. Then. Everyday for atleast an hour, go outside and do something you want to do. In a month or so you wont care about any of that nonsense and will be successful im your life.
Ur1sub · 22-25
@GuyWithOpinions that’s not gunna help with this typ of thing bc I am hiding in my room rn bc of how I feel
GuyWithOpinions · 31-35, M
@Ur1sub then you need to change the way you handle it because you are crippling your self.
Ur1sub · 22-25
@GuyWithOpinions how am I crippling myself
If you where born a girl and are a real female yes it is bad but if u where born a boy and changed ur gender/sex well you are not a woman.

Young people are easily influenced
Leave social media. You need time out. Outside is even better. You do not need sex. You need to quiet your mind. Talk to a trusted adult. You cannot go forward if you do not know who you are. Be kind to yourself. Stop overthinking. Maybe talk to your parents. To a doctor. You may have mental health issues like anxiety, depression, etc. Start there.
Ur1sub · 22-25
@PoetryNEmotion no that’s exactly why I’m posting it here bc the only one I trust enough won’t know how to help me
@Ur1sub Who is that one?
Ur1sub · 22-25
@PoetryNEmotion a code friend my ex my person that knows everything
Matt85 · 36-40, M
Can't you just be you???

That's generally how I cope with having no gender...
@Ur1sub You can deal with it... chances are that this isn't the first time that it's happened in your life, either.
Ur1sub · 22-25
@HootyTheNightOwl it is pretty much though bc the only thing similar is when I realized i didn’t care if someone called me they or them and I just don’t want to be called male pronouns
@Ur1sub You can keep the pronouns that you were assigned at birth... there's no law saying that all non binary people have to change pronouns or do xyz thing.

It's not always black and white, some are in other places on the spectrum. I have no desire to change my body either - but I know that I am not female.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
Try to figure out the root of this. Why is it happening? Is it because of periods? Have you gone through some trauma related to being a girl? Do you live in society where women are discriminated? Are you scared of men? Has it something to do with your appearance?
Ur1sub · 22-25
@CrazyMusicLover to avoid any unnecessary confusion
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@Ur1sub In relationship to other people? Because of what they expect from you because you are a woman?
Ur1sub · 22-25
@CrazyMusicLover they don’t have expectations bc in female he expects me to be loyal kind and honest but I’m scare to tell him bc what if this passes quickly
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
Talk to Doomflower.
@Ur1sub Your ex can help you? He is your ex. Sure that is wise?
Ur1sub · 22-25
@PoetryNEmotion my ex if female
Ur1sub · 22-25
@PoetryNEmotion an no they are not my ex
jennyCook · 22-25, F
Am I reading this correctly.. you don't want to be a girl but you don't want to be referred to as being a boy/guy/male?

You can pm me if you want to discuss this..
Ur1sub · 22-25
@jennyCook it could pass by but today yeah
jennyCook · 22-25, F
@Ur1sub really sorry that you feeling like that. I don't know how I would feel but I am happy to chat with you if there is anything I can do to help 💗
Cant help but wonder..

Are you in a good physical shape?
Ur1sub · 22-25
@Hayman yes
@Ur1sub And i suppose You're financially strong?

Masculinity is doin' What you're interested in.

Still confused?

Why are you in a relationship in the first place?
Ur1sub · 22-25
@Hayman bc I love the guy
I'm always happy to listen and will try and offer helpful advice if I can. My DM is always open.
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MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
Stop overthinking.
Ur1sub · 22-25
@MrBrownstone I’m not right now I just don’t know what to do I don’t want to be male or female
Mimi2loves1her · 22-25, F
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Ur1sub · 22-25
@Emosaur isn’t gender fluid only swapping between male and female
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