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I just can't take it with her anymore

Poll - Total Votes: 29
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There's this girl right? And I am OBSESSED with her, to the point where she's the first thing I think of in the morning and the last thing I want to think about at night. I've been trying to tell her how I feel but I always stop myself because I became THAT friend for her. The friend she talks to about guys and what to do, so I always stop myself because I think it's just going to be pointless since she's not interested, even though we always have like... I don't know how to explain it well but just those kinda moments and it makes me believe otherwise. This has been going on for months and I can't take it anymore and I'm thinking I just blurt it out or just giving up all together. I'm gonna put a poll and please help me decide
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Penny · 46-50, F
my suggestion. dont tell her. show her. like maybe ask her on a date?
Please just tell her, for good sake life is brief, what is wrong with people, just tell them.
@sirenofthesea Its something we learn as we get older. Just to jump in!
@sirenofthesea ok fine,I’m going to tell you.
Whodunnit · M
Confidence is key. Just ask her out on a date and be chill about it.

If she says no then you've lost nothing romantic. If she says yes then you've gained everything.

You'd be far better finding out one way or another rather than living in limbo. The myriad 'what could have beens' will eventually eat you up.
Andromedanian · 22-25, M
@Whodunnit that's great advice, although. If he had very low self esteem, a no, could result in his self esteem further decreasing, so I would advice to first make sure they are content with their life right now, so as though, if they were to get the no, they're like, that's fine, my life is good enough already.

I know it's an obvious, it's just that many guys including me sometimes think. Relationship will be the source to their happiness
Whodunnit · M
@Andromedanian That's a fair point. You need to at least like yourself before you can love another 😁
CloudAngel80 · 41-45, F
I went through that recently...i had an IMMEDIATE attraction to "him". When our eyes met, "Him" made my heart flutter, my whole mindset focusing on EVERYTHING he said or did, until one day "Him" said, ( YOURE SUCH A GOOD FRIEND, IM GLAD YOU U DON'T TRY TO JUST BE ONE SIDED OR JEALOUS OF MY GF.)
Andnow, "him" abd "her" ate happy and i feel betrayed. I told " him" how i felt and the response was, thanks for all you do for me...WOW it cut like a knife, a deep dark if I were you, write that personal note and have them read it. Watch their face and hope for the best...<friend zone sucks, ESPECIALLY when that friend is dating the one you like...
Don’t ask her if she wants to go out. Better to have something like concert tickets and say…I’m going coming?

Then every moment you get to talk don’t tell her anything about you. Ask her to tell you everything about her.
Elysiia · 22-25, F
Being obsessed w someone will always end up bad hun, you gotta let go
Purplehaze78 · 46-50, F
Don't tell her, be extra sweet and caring. If she doesn't feel the same way, she's tell you to stop acting weird 😐. If she doesn't tell you to stop, there's a chance she already likes you or she could fall for you. Good luck!
haven123unknown · 18-21
I understand the feeling, i feel the same about my bestfriend and he talks on and on about this perfect girl he likes, liking or loving people can be difficult.
alan20 · M
Tell her you've become ever more in love with her but you also love her as a friend. If she really isn't ready for a sexual side to the relationship you'll do your best to wait. A suggestion!
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
You're probably stuck in the friendzone, which, as you probably know, is tough to move out of. Hitting on her could have dire consequences to the friendship, which you should consider unless you can take or leave her friendship at this point.

I can't tell you how to proceed, just know that there's a risk. And, also know this: they are smarter than us. Chances are, she knows you like her and will see you coming a mile away. Be prepared for anything in terms of her response if you hit on her. Good luck!
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
Flirt, see of she responds by flirting back, if she does, ask her out. If she responds negatively, you have your answer. Unrequited love sucks ass.

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