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I am bald and it's OK

Let me clear up things that I get asked. I didn't shave my head to make a statement. I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder known as alopecia. My hair started falling out when i was in high school. My senior year, I wore a wig the entire time. Long story short, after a few years I grew tired of it and altogether stopped wearing it and never looked back. Little more about alopecia, i have the most severe form called universalis. Which means that i no hair at all. I do have eyebrows and lashes but those are fake. Except for the fact that I hair, I'm perfectly healthy. I love life and the last is don't feel sorry for me, because I don't feel sorry for myself.
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LadyGrace · 70-79
I know some men that are bald as well, and they let it bother them. I don't know why, because I think they still look sexy and gorgeous, as well. Just like you. I think others are shaving their hair as a unique fashion statement these days. Even models. Bald is IN for quite some time now. I look at it also as a artistic statement. Carry on, beautiful!
GuiltyBiStander · 31-35, F
Respect, Woman !

I got different numbers in the hair gene lottery, and know how much of our sexuality & self respect can get tangled along with everything else about looks.

But you've broken through to a strong & beautiful feminine self, beyond just appearances.

Love & live well ✌️
I’m also bald at the moment. My hair fell out because of chemo and not being able to eat for a couple weeks. It took some getting used to, but I’ve come to like how I look bald. It’s nice to read about another woman who is okay with being bald (even if the circumstances are from not by choice)
A touching display of courage and determination :

Wonderlust · M
You are a strong human being and you don’t need to be worried or ashamed. You are beautiful as you are. Just be yourself.
B2nd2none · 41-45, M
I'm bald too and the only one in the family that is. As long as you are good and happy who cares what other people say or do. God bless you!
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Glad that you are comfortable with your baldness. Nothing wrong with being hairless. I ran into a 7 year old girl who was likewise bald. My wife having gone through cancer had spent time hairless and she asked the girl's mom if the girl was going through chemo. The mom said no. The girl had alopecia. Her hairless condition did not stop her playing with her friends and family.
JohnnyNoir · 56-60, M
I've been shaving my head for years and I'm fine with being bald.

I looked at your profile pic and it looks great on you!
Dominus · 36-40, M
You're gorgeous so I do not feel sorry for you. 🙂 However I am not familiar with Alopecia and what other ailments, if any, it causes.
baldandbadd · 26-30, F
@Dominus I no other ailments. Other than having no hair, I'm perfectly healthy
Houdini · 56-60, M
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being bald I have been that way for ages now. I guess it’s pretty hard for a woman when you are growing up as a kid but you seem like you got over that and it looks really good on you.
WolfGirlwh0r3 · 36-40, T
is Okay.... you mean is so stunningly beautiful that social beauty standards need not apply!
redback · 51-55, M
I know some guys with Alopecia they struggle quite a bit.
Looks like you own it so good on you.
romell · 51-55, M
Wow but kudos to you to move on and be so confident ..cheers
Its all good. Diversity is the heart of true community.
Jimmy2016 · 61-69, M
You're very beautiful!! You're very positive and a strong person!
oldercanuck1 · 70-79, M
Good for you ,,, it is what makes you happy that matters
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
Must save loads on hair care products and haircuts!
Barefooter25 · 46-50, M
You look really beautiful!!! I am also going bald and I don't mind it one bit. Lots of men are either bald or shave their heads. Women find that really attractive. I have seen women with no hair that look really attractive.
Tukudo · 41-45, M
That's good you accept yourself!
Convivial · 26-30, F
But you really wear it well😘
Noted. Enjoy yourself the way You Are.
heavyone2 · 61-69, M
I think it's beautiful!
melbeacher · 61-69, M
You look great !
You look fabulous 😀
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@baldandbadd]😞sorry that is the case my eldest cousin he has alopecia
nameless1 · 36-40
I am thinking about shaving my head cuz my Aunt had to have hers shaved.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
I am happy to hear of your body positivity! That is incredibly important. I've know a few people with alopecia totallis. It can suck
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
Assuming that is your profile pic, you all look absolutely lovely. It sucks to have options stripped from you that others enjoy, but you maintain a great attitude and outlook which is also awesome.
Fullmetal · 46-50, M
Rock it!! Fuck what anyone else thinks, you got this!!
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
You’re beautiful 💐

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