Should Funeral Homes Be Selling Alcohol Drinks At Funerals?
There’s a young man who applied for a liquor license who owns a funeral home. He wants to sell drinks to the mourners. Can’t imagine it livening up the place since alcohol generally doesn’t cheer up a mourner. And what about the liability of drinking and driving afterwards? This guy lives in Columbus, Ohio.
It can be cathartic. But also, terrible things can happen, as the energies around mourning people are intense. Accidents too.
I've gotten drunk just right after funerals of beloved ones myself. Tricky..
It helps with the pain, to either numb it or let it out, ex-press it..
Also something very rarely is spoken, is about sexual energy after a funeral. Pretty high, because it's activated as a survival mechanism and people can make mistakes that later regret. I was pretty lucky to be advised by a friend. Right after the funeral of an ex boyfriend, his best friend was hitting on me. If I didn't have that friend to guide and advise me, I was very vulnerable at the time. And drunk.
Lots of variables there if you own a funeral home you cant own a gas station. Should a pastor be allowed a liquor license. The Catholic church holds neary 5000 liquor, licenses and has at least 6 pot licenses here
@cherokeepatti here it is actually illegal for a minor to take out the trash if there's an empty beer can or bottle in it. Hell dad made me break the law years ago, girlfriends dad was the county sheriff and he did too
@Thrust Sodexho has food service contracts for hospitals, casinos and schools here. The food sucked so bad at the casino buffet that we stopped going even if offered coupons for free dinners. They eventually lost their contract, the casino got the message. The boy stopped eating in the school cafeteria in 3rd grade because of the low quality. Said I could make better lunches.
@nobodyishome You don’t get the point. This is a public gathering. There may be people who may be on the wagon and they don’t need to be tempted or surrounded by those who are drinking. Plus it can intensify emotions. Some people can’t handle alcohol well and lose their tempers easily when drinking. So many unintended consequences
@Quimliqer No it isn’t, very disrespectful to be that greedy. If people want to meet up at someone’s house or at a bar and have a drink after the funeral is finished then they could do that.
@Quimliqer I know that some funeral home owners are very greedy but to do this on top of what they make is over the top. Wouldn’t trust someone like that not to steal the rings or other jewelry that they were going to put on the deceased to bury them with.
@GerOttman in cities with walkup apartments (Boston, NY) the alpha males of the Irush wakes (often mobsters) will bring the corpse around to elderly mourner's apartments to let them say goodbye
@PoetryNEmotion Tensions can be high with some families after a love one passes away. Some of them may not even get together for holidays etc but may go to funerals. I can see where getting a little alcohol in them could let down their guard where they make remarks and get fights going. I went to a funeral where a drunk relative loudly cried and talked to the deceased and made a huge scene. It was disturbing and sad that he did that.
@ineedadrink There was an incident at a funeral of a loved one. Her nephew had an alcohol problem. He came to the funeral drunk. When attendees were lined up and viewing the body he starts talking extremely loud and crying and going on & on in front of everyone. This went on several minutes. The widow of the deceased man got tore up about how he acted and talked to us about it later.
@MarineBob There was a man who worked at the Air Force base and he said there was a guy he worked with that was southern Baptist, extremely religious. The guys would play dominoes in their break area at lunch. One day this man walked up and kicked the domino board off of the barrel it was sitting on and tried accusing them of gambling. All because they were playing a game. I’ve suspected that the rash of threats called into the casino when it was new & would get it closed down till the police cleared it had a religious person doing it. Never heard of anyone getting caught but it stopped eventually.
@NativePortlander1970 each infraction should have a consequence, that company recieved over 200 citations for serving under age should they still be in business. They're based out of England. Employees get student pay while they are selling 70cent beer for 14 bucks