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High school classmates that pass away

Who in your high school has passed away? (don't name names)

I am in that age range where I see one expired every 6-12 months. I don't find out on the spot, usually months later. I don't know most of them on a personal level, but I go to their FB and can see a snapshot of their last few decades of life.

Who are some of your classmates that died and what do you remember about them? If you know how did they die?
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Matt85 · 36-40, M
2 that I'm aware off
1 of them bullied me (I say bullied, but I did punch him back sometimes). He offed himself... That frustrated me cause all that negative energy I absorbed and forgave is wasted. I pray his soul rises up to Heaven if it's not there so I can meat him again oneday and tell him he's still forgiven.
robertsnj · 56-60, M
@Matt85 I think when I was in your age range mine was still single digits. I think we had 200-250 in my graduating class? Sorry about your bully. If he killed himself he may have been projecting his pain on you when he bullied you.
robertsnj · 56-60, M
the others who I remember how they died included

Bill: He had a heart attack 10 years ago. Married wtih 2 kids and worked in finance. He did really well high school and got a degree in finance in college. Had the American dream of marry young, two kids, college degree and well paying job after college happending before he died. His parents were well off and may have had connections.

Brenda: Also had heart attack. Had a daughter out of wedlock she was really young. She was really popular too. Same deal as Al.(from other post) barely gradulated and sucked at life as soon as high school ended.

Barbara died in an auto accident. I don't know the details. Good friends with Brenad and also really popular but also sucked at life right after high school. I remember she asiked her mother when we were in high school, for a school project, what her mom like about H.S. Her mom opposite of Barbara said she hated high school.

Lisa committed suicide over a failed relationship. She was trying to get into the Marine Corps after high school but could not lose enough weight at the time. Really quiet and reserved girl. Very kind hearted.

Abby died of liver failure. She was engaged to be married --pretty recent death. All of her FB pictures had alcohol in them -whcih combed with liver failure seemed "not good"

Roger died in a DWI accident where he was the drinker. It was a single auto accident. Nobody else was hurt.

Matt died from COVID in 2020. . That one really sucked because his death was avoidable if COVID CDC protocols would have been followed. He graduated from college, became a computer programer and made a lot of money after high school. Really smart guy.

there was other's I am sure but those are the ones I know about
DragonFruit · 61-69, M
More than 10% of my classmates are now deceased.
The most common reasons are heart,attacks or cancer (including a couple of 9/11 first responders who were with NYPD or FDNY), but some have died in accidents.
I'm not aware of any who were murdered, committed suicide or died of drug overdose, but that doesn't mean that there aren't any.
One very close friend died from throat cancer and another from a heart attack.
robertsnj · 56-60, M
@DragonFruit My h.s. had a few suicides and one was murdered. The murdered person was a male and it was a money dispute. That was so long ago I can't remember what he looks like anymore.
exexec · 70-79, C
As an old guy, I have lost a lot of classmates. One of our ladies informs us when she finds out about the death of a classmate, and I usually respond if it is someone I knew. Our last reunion was poorly attended, but the display of deceased classmates was large.
robertsnj · 56-60, M
@exexec mine deceased classmates is sparse but it starting to grow. I am guess I am about 10 years behind you. I don't go the reunions--I moved over 1000 miles from where I went to H.S.
exexec · 70-79, C
@robertsnj We are 800 miles from our high school. I think at our 30 year reunion we had lost over 20% of our class. Several suicides.
robertsnj · 56-60, M
@exexec how many students on your graduating class--guestimate? I think mine was about 200-250 and we might be at 10 percent deceased with several suicides
Jacko1971 · 51-55, M
There are quite a few people I knew from school that are no longer with us. Some died fairly young. I didn't know any of them well enough to find out the cause of their death. One girl I knew passed away only a few weeks ago. It was reported on Facebook. That was a shock. And a little bit scary.
robertsnj · 56-60, M
@Jacko1971 tell us about her (without giving her name)
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Just found out a HS buddies wife died of breast cancer. We are at that age bro. Take care of yourself .
robertsnj · 56-60, M
@AthrillatheHunt yeah anybody over 50 and who had a decent size hiring class will see their H.S. classmates obituaries at least every other year or so.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@robertsnj a friend died the day after graduation . She tried driving from NJ to Dallas without stopping. She fell asleep at hour 23 and crashed. Another buddy died falling into the Grand Canyon (medical exam later revealed he was drunk and high ).
A lot, very sad.

One guy fell down the stairs and died.
robertsnj · 56-60, M
@SW-User you are on your cell phone aren't ya? I hate using my cell to type too--if that is true. cell phone texting is for young people

Eh? Why
my high school was so terrible that a bunch of students pretended to be dead. i wish i had. they followed me everywhere and ruined my life. as for the "dead" ...twenty years later when social media came about, they started popping back up. it was weird.
blackarcher256 · 61-69, M
I guess ignorance is bliss. I left Canada, where I grew up, right after graduation to go to university in the US. I never went back, and never saw any of my high school classmates again.
robertsnj · 56-60, M
@blackarcher256 i have only seen one of mine in person since high school. The high school star quarterback came over to my table to say hi in a bar. Really nice guy.

for me I find out mostly on FB which prompts me to look them up and see who they became in life.
blackarcher256 · 61-69, M
@robertsnj That’s great you’ve been able to keep up on FB, and had that positive encounter.

I’m not much of a FB user, and almost never use it. I only had an account when my kids were in the military to see Army posts when they were going through BT…hoping to catch a glimpse of them. Also, strangely enough when one of them was deployed to the “land of bad things”, its chat function was the only way we could communicate.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
My highschool classmate died a year or two years after we graduated. Heart failure, pretty unexpected to us, even if we later learned that he used to have heart problems for some time.
I remember how he introduced me to Erowid and told me he wanted to try every drug he could have gotten his hand on when we had an IT class. It surprised me because he looked anything but a typical junkie. Smart, well spoken and naturally talented for learning foreign lnguages.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
None that I know of. But I left senior high school fifty years ago, I'm only in occasional touch with my two best friends from that time.
robertsnj · 56-60, M
What prompted this thread is a guy from my high school named AL is deceased. He died last year and I just found out. Super popluar guy --I hardly knew him.

Sucked at school but graduated high school. Nice guy overall. Looked up his FB and he peaked in H.S. After graduating he became a pool cleaner. Eventually got an insurance license.

He went from having attractive women drapped on his arms in high school to one woman that was not attractive and having a kid with her. It looks like that may have been his only relationship.

The rest of it looks like he sucked at adult life. He was a rockstar in high school in terms of popularity, graded and bottom fell out for him. Had stupid jobs, no more dating and died in his 50's.

Was really sad to see everything from his deat of natural causes to how much his life sucked on FB--which is the one place that people exaggerate how good their life is.
I don’t know
1 was shot at 17 - mistaken identity
1 suicide
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
Only one that I am aware of and he committed suicide years ago.
robertsnj · 56-60, M
@Musicman did you have a small graduating class? I ask because you number seems low given your age.
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
@robertsnj No, very large actually. I just don't keep up with people.
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