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For people whose parents are deceased

For people whose parents are deceased, which one(s) passed away? How did your life change from when they were alive and what do you miss about them ?
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LilPrincess · 46-50, F
Both of my parents are gone. My dad committed suicide in 2007 the week before Father's Day. My mama passed away the week before Christmas in 2012 from brain cancer.

It changed me a lot. My depression got worse along with my drinking. I was close to my parents because no matter what stupid choices I made they didn't judge me. They were there when I needed advice. Their deaths were difficult for everyone because my parents touched the lives of many people.

I miss being able to pick up the phone and call. I miss Sunday dinners and our holiday get togethers. I miss them more than words could ever say 😔
LilPrincess · 46-50, F
@robertsnj you are most welcome
blackarcher256 · 61-69, M
@LilPrincess So sorry for your loss.
LilPrincess · 46-50, F
@blackarcher256 thank ya
blackarcher256 · 61-69, M
Both are gone.

My dad was my best friend. He was wise about so many things and skilled about so many things…things that he passed on to me….carpentry, repair of anything mechanical, the love of books, music…learning, and to be a seeker of knowledge. He was above all else a good man and human being. When I had a problem I was wrestling with, I could always count on him for sage advice. I miss that now, especially over the last few years with the rough, lonely, road I’ve found myself on.

My mom, was the softer gentler influence in my life. She never let me leave the house without giving me a hug and kiss, and telling me she loved me. She made me a me a better human being. My world lost much of its warmth when she passed. She used to call me every Sunday morning before leaving for church, and even now….almost 40 years after her death….i still wake up in anticipation of her call, hearing her voice.

Im luckier than most who have lost their parents. Although mine are gone, and have been for many years, I still feel their presence when I need them most.
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
@robertsnj Thank you very much. She was an awesome mom. 🤗💝💝💝💝🤗
blackarcher256 · 61-69, M
@Musicman I’m trying to be…may the Lord bless and keep you as well.
@blackarcher256 Hi :) I may i ask you something? Im looking for opinions :) but i dont want to ask it here as a replay that anyone can see coz some people might make fun of me. Would appreciate it if youll send me a message so i can replay you with my question (coz for some reason i can't message first). Thanx :)
Lost my dad as a child very suddenly, my life changed dramatically after that, I did still had a great childhood but emotionally it effected me.

Short version lol

I was only 8, no one actually explained to me what happened, that he had died, I didn’t go to his funeral, my mother was advised that I shouldn’t go as I was too young. I didn’t understand and my mother wasn’t coping with the grief,
I’d never experienced anyone dying, I don’t think I really understood what happened, until years later, I don’t even know how he had died until I was about 14, it was just not talked about, she grieved for years and we didn’t want to upset her bringing it up, she was only 36 with 4 kids to bring up on her own, she did the best she could at the time but I was left with abandonment wounds, I felt I lost both of them when it happened. If that makes any sense?
robertsnj · 56-60, M
@SW-User it makes sense *hugs*🤗
I’ve healed from it all so I’m good 🥰
Handfull1 · 61-69, F
Both have been gone over 10 years, died 6 months apart. I miss someone having my back, being there if I fell and vice versa. I’ve only had 3 in my life like that. All are gone. 💔😢
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Handfull1 · 61-69, F
@robertsnj I am married but spouses aren’t always the supportive type. I’ve come to terms some don’t have the capacity in them.
robertsnj · 56-60, M
@Handfull1 I understand
ReneeT · 61-69, F
Both of them are gone. Dad in 1994 and Mom in 2001. There are times when I look back and wish that I could still talk with them. So many things I would like too hear about that we never talked about
robertsnj · 56-60, M
@ReneeT what would you tell them. did they know you wrote creatively? were they conservative or liberal enough you could share your affinity for dresses with them?
ReneeT · 61-69, F
@robertsnj They knew that I wrote music but not anything else creatively. Neither of them would have been ok with my affinity, although my mom did want me to dress up as a girl a few times around Halloween. I didn't and I am sorry that I did not. I don't think that she or my sisters suspected anything, although I can't be sure
@ReneeT Hi :) I may i ask you something? Im looking for opinions :) but i dont want to ask it here as a replay that anyone can see coz some people might make fun of me. Would appreciate it if youll send me a message so i can replay you with my question (coz for some reason i can't message first). Thanx :).
I have been an orphan for a very long time. My father died in 1988 and my mother in 2000. Not a day goes by when I don’t think of them in some way.
robertsnj · 56-60, M
@Adeptlinguist an orphan as in they died before you were 18? what do you think about when you think about them?
@robertsnj No, I was older. But I have no siblings and no aunts or uncles. I think about my childhood (which was happy) and that they don’t know about what I have done since
CactusJackManson · 46-50, M
Dad in 2014 and Mom in 2019. I was already an adult and they were both very sick but losing them leaves a hole in your life that can't be replaced. I miss being able to talk to them, being around them.... it's tough to lose the most important people you've ever had in your life.
blackarcher256 · 61-69, M
@CactusJackManson Sorry for your loss. It doesn’t matter how old you are, you are never prepared for the loss of your parents.
CactusJackManson · 46-50, M
@blackarcher256 Thank you kind sir
blackarcher256 · 61-69, M
@CactusJackManson You’re welcome!
kodiac · 22-25, M
Both my parents died in a car crash when i was 4 years old ,i survived landed in foster care. I don't have much memory of them ,it started a childhood of abuse in and out of foster .
@kodiac Hi :) I may i ask you something? Im looking for opinions :) but i dont want to ask it here as a replay that anyone can see coz some people might make fun of me. Would appreciate it if youll send me a message so i can replay you with my question (coz for some reason i can't message first). Thanx :)
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Both died several decades ago. They had divorced twenty years before that and I wasn't very close to my father after that. I left home at the age of eighteen and apart from one year immediately after uni I never lived in the same town as my parents again. Then my wife and I emigrated to Norway and we had only sporadic contact with our families from then on, visits at Christmas, some summer holidays.

So my life didn't really change much. My mother's death had a significant impact on my sister though, and still does thirty years later.
robertsnj · 56-60, M
@ninalanyon are you close to your sis? what made you distant from your parents?
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
what made you distant
Mere distance. Once I left home for uni I felt that I could go anywhere for work which meant that even before we moved to Norway we were far enough away to make visiting family an overnight affair. Just that means less contact.
robertsnj · 56-60, M
both of mine are deceased and both for well over a decade.

I was social with both of them but only marginally. They divorced when I was young and their post divorce lives after I moved out was really different when contrasted to when I was with them.

I wasn't super close to them but wasn't distant either. It was more like a crazy uncle or aunt that some of yall have that pops in and out of your life now and again.

For both of them I miss our conversations. I like conversations overall . They had very different perspectives on life from each other. Ironically I learned how much perceptions and life goals mattered in the courting game long before I was dating because of them.
My mom passed away 2 years ago. It was rough. it was hardest on my dad since they were together for 40 years. My life itself didn't necessarily change all that much I do miss her a lot...I guess it mostly changed by realizing that I'm the next generation that will weaken and die so it definitely makes you kind of re-evaluate your life.
robertsnj · 56-60, M
@MrBlueGuy re evaluate life in what way? what changes post eval? wow 40 years that is just crazy.
Paladin · 61-69, M
My father passed away about 6 months ago from kidney failure. It really had no impact on my life since I've seen him only a couple of time since he divorced my mom when I was 4.
The scary part is I will have to start dialysis soon, so I fear I may shortly be going down the same path he did.
robertsnj · 56-60, M
@Paladin wow that is recent. I am really sorry. that is a lot starting dialysis sorry for your pain
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
Both are deceased. I miss my dad a lot. He was an amazing dad and grandfather. My mom had Alzheimer’s related dementia so I came to grips with losing her a decade before she died. Of course I still saw her all the time but when she finally died the loss wasn’t so profound

Once my dad passed, I realized I had no one because all my cousins and aunts/uncles live so far away. I was a little lost tbh

I miss going and hanging out with my dad.
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robertsnj · 56-60, M
@Jenny1234 is he in your kid's life?
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
@robertsnj yes. She’s almost 37
RedBaron · M
They both did. That’s why they’re deceased.

Unexpectedly, I am a much happier person since they died, as well as better off financially.

I also have a great sense of relief knowing that I never have to go through the experience of their deaths again.
robertsnj · 56-60, M
@RedBaron happier in what way? not judging just curious
RedBaron · M
@robertsnj My father, especially, was a very judgmental person, and I don’t need to deal with that anymore.
Oster1 · M
My family never left me. I never use past tense. I always sense and feel them, around me!

Every hour, every day!🤷🏻
robertsnj · 56-60, M
@Oster1 i don't understand. what does that mean? could you please elaborate?
@robertsnj Their memory is present in the poster´s life. Just like in mine.
smiler2012 · 61-69
@robertsnj i think it is the person themselves nobody likes too see one or both parents die but some are stronger than other. my dad died suddenly in hospital in 2014 and as a family the shock hit us hard . from a personal perspective i never had a good relationship with him but that day he passed on i went too pieces as all my regrets came too the fore . i want too tell him how sorry i was the way i treated him and actually considered my own death . took me with councilling a long time too get over his loss and even now i go too the cemetery weekly i tell him how i feel
robertsnj · 56-60, M
@smiler2012 why do you think you had a poor relationship with him?
smiler2012 · 61-69
@robertsnj 🤔oh certainly i know this sadly
Both, several years apart. I was old enough at the time that my life didn't change that dramatically.

I miss various aspects. Not something I dwell on, I suppose.
robertsnj · 56-60, M
@dirge is that a different way of saying that you were not close to them?
@robertsnj not close to one. Pretty close to the other, but closer had been quite ill all my life
I miss them both terribly.
tenente · 100+, M
my father died earlier this year. i barely knew him. i was told that desert storm changed him. he suffered. as a father he was distant, erratic, negative and verbally abusive. i spent much of my childhood and adolescence blaming myself for his disapproval. i couldn't know the pain inside his mind. he taught me i'm worthless.

my mother passed away 2 years ago. my best friend. i confided my depression and suicidal thoughts to her. she was the only person who could consistently keep me alive. the last 3 years of her life was hell. holding her hand throughout the night while she fought to breathe was heart breaking. i wish we had euthanasia rights in NY State. she taught me how to remain calm and encouraged me to fight against the darkness. i'll see her soon.
tenente · 100+, M
@robertsnj i've got good folks around me to keep me sane lol the days are long but the years are short so while I miss my mother I know, eventually, i'll see her soon 👍 didn't mean to cause concern 🙏
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
@tenente I was concerned too
robertsnj · 56-60, M
@tenente thank you for looping back and telling me you were not planning to hurt yourself.
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
Both of my parents are gone. My mom passed 14 years ago and my dad 9 years ago. I absolutely loved my mom. I miss being able to bounce ideas off my dad.
robertsnj · 56-60, M
@Musicman what kind of ideas? when you told him you were starting your own company how did he take that idea?
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
@robertsnj Business ideas. He was all for it. I had good and bad years, but I did retire at 53.

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