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Death may come soon

Sometimes, I feel as if death won't be far away. It doesn't scare me but rather intrigues me as I wonder what it will be like. I suppose I find it comforting to think about.
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Blondily · F
@WildWings I'll never abandon a friend who needs support.🤗
I do have to go now but will be back tomorrow morning.
Please take care 💙
WildWings · 70-79, M
@WildWings At least now, I have a deeper understanding of what will happen to me. I accept it and it helps me so much to talk about it.
WildWings · 70-79, M
@Blondily Thank you so much.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@WildWings We've all seen lots of people die but it's a whole different experience when it's our time. I just don't want it to take all day when it's my time. I'm hoping to slip into a deep coma.

I would suggest that you get all of your affairs in order, with a current will and trust, a list of your financial obligations, your preferred funeral arrangements, obituary, and maybe a list of people your executor should notify. And be sure to remind him/her to get lots of death certificates because each account you have requires one to close out the account. Your family members may also want to have one as well.

In the meantime, enjoy life as much as possible.

From the river to the sea.
WildWings · 70-79, M
@Diotrephes Bless you.
It will be nothing. No more pain, no more pleasure. For better or worse, it'll be the end of your sensory experience. There's no reason to fear death. There's only reason to fear the usually painful path of suffering that precedes it.
WildWings · 70-79, M
@TheGreatLeveler Absolutely spot on.
Maturebate · 70-79, M
I can relate, but I don't want to be in pain or be trapped in a non functioning body for ages.
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smiler2012 · 61-69
@WildWings granted this is a topic we cannot avoid and yes it appears it really stimulates your curiosity but you have a lot of thing still too achieve objectives before that time
WildWings · 70-79, M
@smiler2012 Yes there are still things I want to achieve but somehow I wonder if this thing will come too soon.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
@smiler2012 May come sooner for Man Shitty and Chelski supporters
smiler2012 · 61-69
@WildWings well be an an optimist and say i have have time to achieve my certain goals
teachmetiger210503 · 36-40, M
Death comes to us all and it is nothing to be afraid of, but the
Question is have you found the meaning of life and the reason why we came here on earth, life is beautiful I agree but is that enough. Another question , what does your heart tells you to seek?
th3r0n · 41-45, M
Have you read Revelation?

Followed current events?

Both would equally give that impression, for the same reasons
WildWings · 70-79, M
@th3r0n Yes I have. I am not sad.
teachmetiger210503 · 36-40, M
The spirit of man goes back to God Where it belongs. The only to escape judgement is to believe in Jesus who died on the cross for us.
WildWings · 70-79, M
@teachmetiger210503 Thank you.
ExtremeNext · 36-40
2 things happen when you die you end up 6 feet under with worms coming out your nose or you end up like a bit of cigarette ash 🙄
Bleak · 36-40, F
@ExtremeNext It is what it is. 🙏
ExtremeNext · 36-40
@Bleak 🤷‍♀️
WildWings · 70-79, M
I am 69. My dad was healthy until bowel cancer killed him just before he was 70. I don't really know but just get the feeling.
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
@WildWings u could go to the doctor and get a check up
WildWings · 70-79, M
@smileylovesgaming Thanks. I'm on medication and have regular appraisals and check ups.
oldercanuck1 · 70-79, M
We all have to go sometime ,, life is for living to the fullest ,,so we can go with a smile and no regrets
Bleak · 36-40, F
Learning the fact that you won’t be able to see your loved ones anymore in a month or two is so dreadful.
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
I'm ready for it
WildWings · 70-79, M
@DearAmbellina2113 That makes two of us who are ready for it.
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
Why u think death is not that fare away. Unless u are not that healthy u could live for another 30 to 40 year's
WildWings · 70-79, M
@smileylovesgaming Strangely, I am not scared and am quite at ease with it.
WildWings · 70-79, M
I am starting to get my affairs in order and informed that I will possibly need a hospice placement about July.
WildWings · 70-79, M
I am in pallative care. In the next few months I will probably be moved into a hospice.
metaldog · 51-55, F
I've always found the idea of an exit liberating
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