While I can’t be physically there to help dissolve the feeling of being alone, I can tell you that everything you described could be said of me as well. So in that sense, you are definitely not alone. I’m right there with you wearing the mask when it’s required despite being too exhausted to hold it as tightly as I’d like. I’m right there with you smiling and being upbeat when sometimes all I want to do is fold myself up in a corner and not have to shine. I’m right there with you fighting to hold onto myself as I project what others want and need me to be because no matter what, I still put others above myself. Girl, you’ll never be alone in your fight. Never. Just wish I could do more than just react to this with a hug emoji and words on a screen. I know more is needed and required to help ease the hurt within. But maybe you’re like me in welcoming whatever comfort can be offered. Maybe you cling onto it like I do now, using it as fuel to help you keep on keepin’ on as you hold onto the hope that the saying that everything is temporary applies here as well.
There’s strength in numbers so just know I’m fighting with you. Every. Damn. Day. 💞