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Strict4u · 56-60, M
Hello I hope today is a better day for you

mandy0466 · 56-60, F
Just wanted to thank those who took the time to say hello. To make sure I was okay. It is greatly appreciated. We are never sure where life will take us. We try to make the most of what is given to us. I guess I just needed a little of what ever you could give me. Even a simple hello.

Thank you
@mandy0466 You are so welcome. We should check on those hurting.
Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
Hi. I am sorry you feel lonely. We all go there at times. Please get out and don't stay where you are lonely.
Musicman · 61-69, M
Hello, I am sorry you are feeling lonely. I am feeling a little down tonight. ☹️
Matt85 · 36-40, M
You came and you gave without taking :)🎵
Steve42 · 56-60, M
I realized I wasn't alone when I realized God is always with me. Always.
PleasurePunch · 100+
@Steve42 God is often not enough. I don't really believe in that kind of God, maybe no God. I see people use that character in clueless ways and I really cant fight them when it comes to making a real life for myself.

Also many haters here will attack people who say they are lonely...like it must be their own fault if you also say one thing THEY don't like

Its a predatory world even amongst us SWeeps.
scorpiolovedeep · 46-50, M
Hi there,

Sorry to hear this.
Sometimes situations could be challenging and draining us in many ways.

You need to get out of loneliness , whether it is a walk or someone to talk to.

Go for a stroll. Do what makes you happy.
Important that you look after yourself.

Take care.
Lilliesandlight · 41-45, F
Same girl, same
Hello Mandy,

I hope your loneliness has lifted, at least a little bit.
Know you're not alone, and that you are thought of.

Have a Good Night. ☺️
IronHamster · 56-60, M
Good morning. I hope you find this uplifting...

mandy0466 · 56-60, F
@IronHamster thanks for that.
IronHamster · 56-60, M
@mandy0466 Yvw. I don't suppose we could have your liver, too? Hat tip again to Monty Python.
Klingwood · 61-69, M
Hello I hope you get to feeling better,do something nice for yourself,
Fatalice · 41-45, F
Hi I I understand that feeling I feel so lonely at time too
PleasurePunch · 100+
my own loneliness is so intolerable it feels like absolute torture and then people around here (and in real life) mock and deride such realities. They CAUSE this fatal disease.

Abused people abuse people. That's pretty much all I have discovered from this ****** rag. And from real **** life.

YUP. That's why I'm never here anymore and only came back for some car advice.
Montanaman · M
Hoping you feel better by now. Hugs 🤗
mandy0466 · 56-60, F
@Montanaman i am thank you
Montanaman · M
@mandy0466 good to hear. ☺️🤗🤗
JSmith75 · 46-50, M
Hope you are doing well today and feeling more connected
Sorry you are lonely and feeling broken.
Lilred2289 · 31-35, F
I’m sorry. I hope you’re feeling better now. ❤️
Lilred2289 · 31-35, F
Hope things are going better for you hon. ❤️💕
WildWings · 61-69, M
We have never interacted but reading this, I feel I want to resch out to you. I am going through an unsettled time and know what is like to be completely broken. There are still some very amazing people in this world - reach out to them. All the very best and look after youtself. ((Hugs))
Elisbch · M
I have quite a few days like you described. I have to keep my mind on something else that's more entertaining for my mind. I like what @Fungirlmmm said about getting out and not staying where the loneliness is. I hope they reach out back to you. 🙂
I'm sorry you feel lonely and a little broken. I hope expressing it helped, we all feel broken sometimes, and then the loneliness sets in, if we can ever remember the order it came upon us, just give yourself to something you love.
twistedrope · 26-30, M
I don't get back to some people because they make me feel lonely. Like talking about something I'm passionate about and getting a blank stare back. It's alright, these behaviors can't be helped. I hope you feel better.
Montanaman · M
Hello Mandy 🤗🤗You can message me anytime and I'd be honored. It would be nice to know I made a difference in how you feel and maybe make your day/night a little better.
Always. Kelly. 🤗
solitaire · 41-45, F
I wonder whether I'll be alone for the rest of my life. I dont have friends to hang out with on weekends - once in a bluemoon but I wish I had hangout buddy or 2
Livingwell · 61-69, M
Hello. I hope you are feeling a little better. We all have days like that. Know that you matter and that people are thinking of you too.
Neman1622 · 41-45, M
I hear you sister. It's good you have some you can at least try to reach out to though.
JestAJester · 31-35, M
What are you wearing jack from statefarm? Uhm khakis?
Mmiker · 46-50, M
I know it’s more than a week later. Saying hello to you
Feel better soon, it's in the dark times we learn timeless stuff 🤗
oldercanuck1 · 70-79, M
Hello hope things have gotten better for you ,,
pdockal · 56-60, M
We are all a little broken
mandy0466 · 56-60, F
@pdockal so very true
Klingwood · 61-69, M
How are we feeling today,better I hope
WillaKissing · 56-60
Hello. I read your words and all I can say is Hello.
LTKISS · 56-60, M
Hello there. So sorry you are feeling lonely.
KallieGB · 26-30, F
Hey hon. I hope you feel better
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slorollin · 41-45, M
Hello 👋 it's gonna be okay ☺️
1234cardiff · 61-69, M
Good evening
IamLara · F
Cheer up ❤️
Filipinalez · 18-21, F
Kstrong · 56-60, F
Don't isolate yourself... Heading out for a walk,it's the spirits, a friendly wave as a car drives past, a smile to a neighbor... Even reaching out to others here, make connections
Confined · 56-60, M
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whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
There is a big gap between saying hello to a complete staranger and sharing a common interest and seeing a contact blossom from that. Maybe you need an interest group to join?😷
Ontheroad · M
Aww, sorry you are feeling that way... it happens and the best thing I've found is to get busy doing something I dislike doing. Like folding clothes😁
TexChik · F
Hotdogknot99 · 61-69, M
Hey Girl... Helloooooo... I might not be able to help but I can chat... Just a little.. Wifey riddled with osteoporosis 😥😥😥if U want
perceptivei · 36-40, F
Sounds like you need a girlfriend. Jeez. I'm sorry to hear you're feeling sad.

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