That is so sweet. i have had a lot of pets die recently. i am counting on seeing them all again
Shannon27 · M
@akindheart when my last dog passed I actually believe that part of me died with her.
akindheart · 61-69, F
@Shannon27 same here. let me tell you what happened. i had to have her put to sleep. she had a stroke or seizure and wasn't going to make it. i cried all day. I got home and went to get a bottle of water when i felt a nudge on the back of my leg. I said "Cutie, it is not time for your treat yet" then realized she was already gone..
akindheart · 61-69, F
@Shannon27 thank you!!
beermeplease · M
i am actually watching "cujo" right now 🤣
SteelHands · 61-69, M
It's always been puzzling to me that human friends of animals would want to deny them the chance to escape being limited eternally in animalhood when to me, were I a dog, would prefer to be reborn a human and someday know my friends as equals.
Very odd someone wants, dogs especially, to be eternally sentenced to doganity.
Very odd someone wants, dogs especially, to be eternally sentenced to doganity.
Xalvadora · 18-21, F
Personally, I don't believe in heaven nor hell.
I don't know where animals go when they die. Maybe they reincarnate as a human. Who knows?
Everyone has their different views of heaven and hell. I decide for myself: we go nowhere when we die. That's what I have came to terms with.
Some Christians believe that heaven is a places in the clouds, with golden or silver gates. It's an abyss of pure white clouds. And endless.
Some believe that hell is nothing but raging fires lasting forever.
I don't know where animals go when they die. Maybe they reincarnate as a human. Who knows?
Everyone has their different views of heaven and hell. I decide for myself: we go nowhere when we die. That's what I have came to terms with.
Some Christians believe that heaven is a places in the clouds, with golden or silver gates. It's an abyss of pure white clouds. And endless.
Some believe that hell is nothing but raging fires lasting forever.
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
Yeah me too
FlowersNButterflies · 61-69, FVIP
After life is after life. The only souls who don't go there are those who won't. Unconditional love exists for all.
Emjay · 18-21, F
What is true about afterlife for one creature is reasonably true for another. One law governing all.
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@shannon27] 🤔 since when i never knew if there is not a doggy or kitty heaven that is news to me 🤷♂️

I'm most likely not going either so I'll go where all the pets and fun people are
Morrowind · 26-30, M
Same, I’d rather go where pets go
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
Who says they don't. All animals go to heaven.
Morvoren · F
Same. Fuck heaven. Nobody I love or care about will be there.