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FFS.. I gotta cut ties from this friend

I don’t think I can do this. She’s super sweet, but also habitually self-destructive and constantly in crisis mode, ever debilitated by something that apparently makes it impossible for her to be proactive except by dumping her sob story on anyone who will listen to manipulate them into rescuing her. It’s exhausting to have to have so many boundaries with this person and to feel guilty for it like today when I was very gentle about it all, but the mere mention of them getting a counselor for additional support got me hung up on. I don’t need this stress. I intentionally pruned out all the people in my life who had a ‘lay down and die’ default coping mechanism.
Same here…they’re energy vampires. And that’s a term that made it to the dictionary. Imagine we’re not alone then.
WhateverWorks · 36-40
Yeah, that’s really what it comes down to unfortunately. I wish I could say that this is just a rough patch for them, but they’re always in a effing rough patch of their own making heh .. I remember feeling this way before when we were younger only I didn’t have the boundaries I do now. I thought I could be friends with them again because they’re very kind and sweet, I don’t think it’s good for me to stay friends with someone who I feel drained by whenever we hang out 😕 @Vivaci
@WhateverWorks I’ve written about such friends in the past, so believe me, I know exactly what you mean. I feel sorry for their kids n family who have to live with them 24*7. Must be so exhausting constantly cheering up these negative attention seekers. 🙄
same i got tired of playing bob the builder to these ppl who are always complaining and repeating their victim woe is me nonsense, if you don't get away they will drag you to their level
WhateverWorks · 36-40
Yeah, that’s where the feeling guilty keeps coming in. They keep fishing with the sob story without actually asking for what they want, which is a place to stay indefinitely and a ton of money. All I have offered is emotional support without enabling the sob story and constructive suggestions on how to possibly solve the problems, but I can’t let her stay at my place, I’m not giving her my savings, and I’m not going hop on Google< Craigslist etc., things she knows how to do and is more than capable of doing, but just doesn’t feel like it and hope someone else will handle for her.. I’m not going to get reeled into all that again.. I can’t control the other people in her life, but I refuse to be an enabler. @SW-User
Monday · F
@WhateverWorks Good for you!
WhateverWorks · 36-40
I’m trying lol @Monday
MaLuna87MagiaLuna · 36-40, F
I left every single ties with such a person who is a female cousin, because when she is next to me or in a close contact with me, I get every single toxic guy contacting me and plan to destroy me for her, and I also have broken my ties with guys that know her and her family and they know my aunt (her mother) because I once saw a nightmare that if I spoke the truth about what she and her sister have done to me in the year 2000, I will be hated and called the one who loves to act as the victim.
I am glad I don’t have any close contact with her, and if I ever traveled back to the country she lives in with her family in UAE and visited the places of my childhood and memories of my teen years and all of the places with the one person who cares about me, it will be only when I wanna introduce my man to my aunt and her family and be the one bringing suitors in their lives to keep them away from getting jealous of me, so I can live peacefully with the people who care about me.
Dolomite · 31-35, M
I know the feeling. I’ve gotten really good at walking away from that type. They’ll just move on to the next person and recite the same thing over and over, never wanting their problems to be solved because it energizes them. I Hope cutting ties doesn’t hurt too much. The relief from not being around that energy will be so nice. Enjoy
Ahhh. A fellow dysfunctional person. Is she single?
WhateverWorks · 36-40
She is as of just recently 😅 @SW-User
@WhateverWorks The stars have aligned for me finally
Nanori · F
Damn I have a very similar friend who's in the same cycle, it's been impossible to cut all ties with her as she keeps coming back even tho I've made it very clear that I don't want anything to do with her : |
WhateverWorks · 36-40
We parted ways for a few years. When she initially came back around she presented herself falsely as finally getting her life and self stable. We start hanging out with her again, which went fine for a while until the reality of what was going on finally started popping up with daily crisis phone calls/texts, choosing escapism and avoidance instead of being proactive about changing the situation, and being on the brink of tears whenever we got together. I don’t know. It’s not my life. I can be her friend without judgment. The problem is how, maybe unconsciously, emotionally manipulative she is @Nanori
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I don’t have space for people like that in my life. They suck all the energy out of me and I don’t have any to spare. Sounds like you release this and just need to make that cut.

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