Kroger was a trip today or maybe I was trippingI don’t know if I was overthinking things or reading too much into my feelings and projecting them on to others but while I was walking around I looked at peoples faces and could see what they do to protect themselves from others, whether it be with... See More »
Stages of Mystification - Shame Binds“A child is born self-connected and has a sense of wholeness with relation to each of its powers, drives, and needs. Once a power, drive, or need is shamed, it becomes disconnected. As the shaming continues and intensifies, the process of... See More »
Be careful around the elderlyThey will pull out right in front of your motorcycle. Twice in an hour, WTF people.
Can I still count myself as an adult?If I bought a fart machine to hide at work. I mean fake snakes and spiders just aren’t doing it anymore.
There is difference between being educated and having an education.Anyone can go through the motions of going to school and pass the classes, it doesn’t take too much effort, but if you can’t apply it to improve your life what’s the point? To tell others what you learned which is really just reciting what other... See More »
Done with d bagsI’m done playing nice so that I can avoid conflict. It’s not working anyway and not saying what I want out of fear of loss is a dumb reason because most of the time losing them would be ideal
Don’t play fair with people who are not.People who seek to harm you in any way deserve what they are giving out times 10. Stoop to their level but do it better and make them suffer