SatanBurger · 36-40, F
I used to love her but some things came to light where I think she's ugly plus a lot of the things she teaches are part of someone else's teachings, it's not even really her. She's just rebranding it and feeding it her own narrative. I really really really wish I could find this and I probably could again if one gives me time. But there was this pickup artist in the seduction community, he is actually very little known and has videos on tantra on which I was curious about tantra and how I could use it for therapy and human connection.
But anyways in those videos he has his ex girlfriend and I did some research, basically this guy was a predator. Put her on drugs and just was kind of nasty to her, he was basically a cult leader who started a small compound to which I forgot what it was called.
I ran across an obscure page talking about what Teal Swan (not even looking her up but investigating this guy) and she apparently said since she knew him and I don't remember what she said but she basically dismissed it.
She kind of lost me when I heard that.
For the record, I'm not one to go on gossip but it's common sense that when Teal Swan comes up on a totally different subject I was looking up, it's far more likely she said it.
It reminds me of Ghandi where everyone said he's some genius when all he did was perpetuate rape culture in India and sexually harassed women, slept naked next to his little niece.
From there I checked out her psychology and what she says... it's basically really narcissistic which sucks because I liked her so I was disappointed.
Towards the end is where he really gets into her personality a little bit but in short, it's very narcissistic:
But anyways in those videos he has his ex girlfriend and I did some research, basically this guy was a predator. Put her on drugs and just was kind of nasty to her, he was basically a cult leader who started a small compound to which I forgot what it was called.
I ran across an obscure page talking about what Teal Swan (not even looking her up but investigating this guy) and she apparently said since she knew him and I don't remember what she said but she basically dismissed it.
She kind of lost me when I heard that.
For the record, I'm not one to go on gossip but it's common sense that when Teal Swan comes up on a totally different subject I was looking up, it's far more likely she said it.
It reminds me of Ghandi where everyone said he's some genius when all he did was perpetuate rape culture in India and sexually harassed women, slept naked next to his little niece.
From there I checked out her psychology and what she says... it's basically really narcissistic which sucks because I liked her so I was disappointed.
Towards the end is where he really gets into her personality a little bit but in short, it's very narcissistic:
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SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@2cool4school Since he doesn't review "everyone in the world" but specifically gurus, serial killers, famous people caught for doing crime and other subtypes, it's impossible to label "everyone" as a narcissist if he's doing specific subject matter. For this reason your response is irrelevant but more emotional because you like Teal Swan.
2cool4school · 46-50, F
@SatanBurger I must make it clear I don’t care for Teal Swan. And you might want to try looking up confirmation Bias as I feel it applies to you. I meant everyone of the people that he “diagnoses” while throwing up air quotes to say that he is not actually diagnosing anyone. He doesn’t mention that he’s basically looking at media and deciding how he feels it fits best with his “psychological coffee talk” YouTube channel and I don’t even want to imagine how his Patreon functions. Ego strokers paradise I’m guessing?? And I’m simply saying that if you want a good entertaining YouTube armchair psycho_logist then he is an option. But you’re not going to learn anything new…
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@2cool4school I think people have a right to know what narcissism is about and how to identity it in others for the safety of themselves. There's a lot of good people out there but there's a lot of people that can't heal from trauma and that darkness carries over to other people who will likely be victims of these creatures.
I recognize that people who have toxic traits don't like it though and they tend to be the types of people who are either narcs themselves or at best, enablers.
I recognize that people who have toxic traits don't like it though and they tend to be the types of people who are either narcs themselves or at best, enablers.
Dolomite · 31-35, M
I like obvious information fed to me that way and a nice glass of cool aid helps it go down.
I think she's a clever woman who has leveraged her personal charisma to convince people that her deepities represent spiritual wisdom so that she can bask in their admiration and earn money off them.
I think she's highly manipulative, narcissistic and a false guru who mixes in just enough legitimate psychology to make her deliberately dense, convoluted proclamations sound meaningful.
In short she's just a shrewd business woman who has found a means of milking the spiritual community.
She's at best a fraud and at worst an aspiring cult leader.
I think she's highly manipulative, narcissistic and a false guru who mixes in just enough legitimate psychology to make her deliberately dense, convoluted proclamations sound meaningful.
In short she's just a shrewd business woman who has found a means of milking the spiritual community.
She's at best a fraud and at worst an aspiring cult leader.
Dolomite · 31-35, M
Spirituality and psychology have many similarities so it works. Plus listening to a hot woman talk about psychology, I mean, what’s better than that.
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
I agree with that.
That being said, I dislike most big YouTubers.
I don't keep up with drama, though.
That being said, I dislike most big YouTubers.
I don't keep up with drama, though.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
She strikes me as being a bit pretentious, but that quote isn't exactly wrong, either.
Dolomite · 31-35, M
I agree, and one of her favorite quotes is “don’t throw the baby out with the bath water” meaning keep the good discard the bad
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@LordShadowfire She gets her views from many other psychologists though, along the lines of David Hawkins and the like. She just rebrands it. It's not exactly a bad thing but this quote doesn't even scratch the surface into her more distorted things she says.