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Yeah but who cares about the facts?

Groomers or whatever. Christian national dogmababble.
youre encouraging mental problems. which lead to suicide later down the road.

statistics and such.. ya know?..
@SparkleLeaf [media=]
SparkleLeaf · 51-55
@NativePortlander1970 I'm not discussing this or related topics with you until you answer my question from before. If it's true that there are two and only two genders, then which gender is a person born with genes and/or reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn’t fit the boxes of 'female' or 'male?'

I'll just say that biased vlogs are no substitute for real science. Nor do a couple of examples outweigh the great crowd of trans people who wish they had access to gender-affirming care at a younger age, let alone the ones who developed mental problems as a result of being denied such care.
@SparkleLeaf I'll put it even more simple
Jazz Jennings testes
Born October 6, 2000 Chromosones XY
Today July 3, 2024 Chromosones XY

Buck Angel ovaries
Born June 5, 1962 Chromosones XX
Today July 3, 2024 Chromosones XX
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
I care about facts.

Ever since I was about 4 or 5 years old I started reading encyclopedias and since then, I've always been into facts.

Facts are my life! My life is facts and that's a fact that I could never deny if I tried.
Therealsteve · 31-35, M
No one cares about facts. They already have their opinions based on emotions, cherry pick facts that support their opinion, ignore those that don't and then claim they are the side of facts and science.
jehova · 31-35, M
Id say let nature take its course. Humans think we know everything. We dont.
SparkleLeaf · 51-55
@jehova Would you say the same thing if someone has a curved spine, crooked teeth, or vision that isn't what we call "perfect?" Let nature take its course? Speaking as someone who has had all of the above, including gender dysphoria, I completely disagree.
jehova · 31-35, M
@SparkleLeaf i also have had all of those things and treatment has helped but religion and dogma dont help so id prefer let it be get medical treatment if needed
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calicuz · 56-60, M
As long as it's not reversible surgery, you have my support.
Jennster · 18-21, F
Same as long as it’s not sugery and easily reversible I’m not against it
ffony · M
Put the comic books aside and try reading a real book.
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