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X gender in passport

What age must children be to have an x in their passport?
My son is 10 and i want change his marker from M, Male to X, gender not determined.
are here parents who have experience with this?
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JesseInTX · 51-55, M
Has penis = M
No penis = F
Social media entity owned by Elon = X

Pretty self explanatory
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@JesseInTX The reason we know biological sex and gender are two different things is because of science, don't use big words if you don't know what they mean.

*Scientifically* pffttttt 😂
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@JesseInTX oh that's cute, you're talking about chromosomes.
Danielle50 · 56-60, F
@SatanBurger exactly sex and gender are 2 seperate things
MarineBob · 56-60, M
Actually I am in favor of the parents getting a psych eval
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
@MarineBob red flagged/put on no fly list...
Sam17 · 18-21, M
Wait till he's old enough to make up his own mind
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@Sam17 gender and biological sex are two different things
Sam17 · 18-21, M
@SatanBurger he's 10 ffs
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@Sam17 That's cool. Biological sex and gender are still two different things.
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
I have a friend that was born as intersex. Initially the birth certificate said male but the parents said it should have been female. They finally had some surgeries to make them appear female down there but there are no functional inner bits and pieces. They appear feminine. Congenital anorchia occurs in 1:20,000 births. Kind of a nightmare for them growing up but they came second place in a beauty pagent. Very nice person. Works as a caretaker.

SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@daddybloke They were born intersex. Doctors just best guess gender when that happens but when you get older, it can change. They do choose for you though at birth
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
@daddybloke no. They were nothing. They just guessed.

The pronouns are difficult to figure out. As it is a man's world one is better off being officially male but if they gender identify as female it kind of drives them batty. There are folks on here that are going through this the other way. Even have a neice and my son's sister-in-law are both beautiful girls in appearance but gender identify as men. When the neighbor boys had football games the would drop by and ask for my neice to play instead of her brother.
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For those claiming the idea of undetermined gender is something new in the modern era, I have some history for you.

Aristotle (fourth century BCE) had a different name for the three genders (Poetics 21): masculine, feminine, and “in between” (μεταξύ).

The Talmud, a huge and authoritative compendium of Jewish legal traditions, contains in fact no less than eight gender designations including:

1. Zachar, male.
2. Nekevah, female.
3. Androgynos, having both male and female characteristics.
4. Tumtum, lacking sexual characteristics.
5. Aylonit hamah, identified female at birth but later naturally developing male characteristics.
6. Aylonit adam, identified female at birth but later developing male characteristics through human intervention.
7. Saris hamah, identified male at birth but later naturally developing female characteristics.
8. Saris adam, identified male at birth and later developing female characteristics through human intervention.


You can find other sources listing six or eight genders from Talmudic studies. Apparently six of them are mentioned "hundreds" of times; perhaps the other two don't get so many mentions?
GeniUs · 56-60, M
OK, OK. Some people including the OP are getting really confused here this is not a gender identification thing, this is so he can be identified for what he is as a person at this moment in time and the passport must reflect this. This document is serious it's not about making some nonsense woke statement it's about making sure the right person is allowed to travel across international borders and nothing else.
If you want to make up ID documents where it is stated your child's gender is 'X' carry on but do not try to pass these off as official documents they are not.
GeniUs · 56-60, M
@ElwoodBlues I'm pretty sure that isn't the case here just somebody being woke but if you want me to pass judgement on something that even countries are failing to address try this: How has the individual been brought up, as a boy or as a girl and what do their genitals imply they are and select that sex. I repeat, "it's for a passport and for identification purposes", it's for the present and not for what you want to present yourself as in the future.
@GeniUs Physiological intersex is a real thing; the ancient Greeks carved statues of what we now call hermaphrodites. Some people are born with partial genitals of both sexes. In the modern era, sometimes doctors cut and stitch in the genital area to make a baby fit better into one of the two sexes (and sometimes those cutting and stitching doctors make the wrong decision). There are people born truly intersex. There are people for whom it is a lie to say either male or female, even if the passport categories don't include it.

It gets even more complicated. There is genetic mosaicism including absorbed twins. It happens in nature. There are humans walking this Earth who have XY in some cells and XX in other cells.

According to Dr. Anne Fausto-Sterling, a recognized expert in this field of study, 1-1/2 to 2% of all births do not fall strictly within the tight definition of all-male or all-female, even if the child looks "normal." In reaching her numbers, Dr. Fausto-Sterling counted all incidents of intersexuality, from mild to extreme. The incidence of children with mixed genitalia is pegged at 1 in 2,000 to 1 in 3,000, or 0.033 to 0.05 percent of all births.
GeniUs · 56-60, M
@ElwoodBlues I agree I'm one of the few who say there are 3 sexes although true hermaphroditism in humans is very rare, most people will be male, female or close enough to one or other of these to be called that. If you want to pursue a worldwide campaign to get 'x' on passports carry on but I think you are doing this for a minute number of people worldwide.
Passports are for Identification not social experiments. The place where you say "marker" is actually sex, and that can not be changed. Just because some countries are insane doesn't mean we have to join in
@FreeSpirit1 We have observed genotypes involving XXX, XXY, XYY and X0 (Turner syndrome) sex chromosomes. And we've observed human phenotypes with a range from no functioning sex organs to varying amounts of male & female sex organs on the same individual (these are often called intersex). Genetic mosaicism is where the X and Y chromosomes are expressed differently (from the most common expression) on different parts of the body (these phenotypes are also often described as intersex and sometimes hermaphrodite). These are all observable biological phenomena that either God or Nature brings into the human family, and they don't quite fit into either of your two boxes!

But the real debate is about the most complex sex organ of all, the human brain.
Wait until HE, your SON , becomes an adult.
HumanEarth · F
What? Never heard of such a thing? Well I also never had a passport either. When I travel, I travel as a illegal immigrant. I am a animal and I should have the right to travel as such.

To bears and moose need a passport to cross the boarder between Canada and USA, no they don't

Do coyotes and deer need a passport to cross the boarder between Mexico and USA, no they don't

Then why do humans, We are animals to
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
@HumanEarth command and control - nothing more.
HumanEarth · F
You are so right
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
Umm there are only two genders - male and female - evidenced at birth by whether a person has penis/balls or a vagina - unless there is a 'mental defect' and/or a chromasomal defect.

Humans are born either male or female and that is both their gender and their 'sex'.
@zonavar68 So you don't take any medicine? You'd never get surgery?
If someone gets a pacemaker, are they now an artificial freak?
I wear glasses, I guess I'm a freak. I mean, I am a freak, but not for this.
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@zonavar68 Why?
dakotaviper · 56-60, M
Are you willing to put your son in danger? Because not every Country in the World is as WOKE as you think they are. Plus many Ports of Call in other Countries whether by Air or by Sea, now employ X-Ray Scanners (over 90%). Because if they see something that seems suspicious, a strip search could happen, and he could be detained for criminal deportation. So, take your chances.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@dakotaviper I think that doesn't make sense, you might as well say that about LGBT community too, not every country is pro LGBT so you might as well force yourself to try to be straight.

And as far as gender being woke, the Gender vs biological sex has always been around. They only teach about biological sex in school for the sake of simplicity because simpletons. It's not woke, you just weren't taught that in school. Not everything is taught. Like genetics isn't really a subject that's touched on but would you deny genetics? I mean there's a few things you learn but not really.
dakotaviper · 56-60, M
@SatanBurger actually, when I was in high school back in the early 1980's, Biology was a REQUIRED subject to be taken and passed before you could graduate. Genetics and Gender was taught back then. So, In your point-of-view, you allowed your 'son' to be misgendered at Birth. When your child should have been labeled as an 'it' instead.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@dakotaviper No. Why else would you have to go to school for biology in college if they taught you everything? More than likely, you learned a few paragraphs about it in biology but not anything complicated or nuanced. I went to school too and I know those school books are like.

I remember the history books saying a few explorers discovered things but were incorrect and we all know that Texas and their school book fiasco shaped most of America. Most textbooks are from Texas and haven't been updated since the 70s.

On an entirely unrelated note, scientific theory doesn't mean theory in its traditional sense, it means theory because it can be adapted with new information.
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There's no age restriction in America.
JestAJester · 31-35, M
You answered your own question. Your "son" therefore he is male. Problem solved. Saved you a lot of time and money.
What does your son want?
Danielle50 · 56-60, F
@Mamapolo2016 that isn’t important, what is important in these is freedom for my child! Beeing gender neutral my child can choose what it wants if my child have a masculine period oké Nice wear boys clothes if it have a feminine period nice wear girls clothes it gives so much freedom so as they say here in Germany
@Danielle50 It was important to me to include my child when considering making decisions that will inform her life.

Clearly, you can do what you want.
Gumbodidlo · 56-60, C
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daddybloke · 46-50, M
@BohemianBabe Oooohhh another Dickhead

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