Please remember that it's unsafe to share intimate photos or videos with strangers. Avoiding this...
If you see images or you know of a minor who is being physically abused or sexually exploited on...
If you see posts, images or you know of someone who is in immediate physical danger related to human...
If someone on SimilarWorlds is using your photos or someone else's photos without permission or is...
Reports are anonymous, in relation to other users, and the people who receive reports cannot...
Whenever someone submits an abuse report, we thoroughly analyze it and proceed with the best course...
We totally understand that the reported user may not have had a good behavior, but unfortunately we...
Note that due to the large amount of reports we receive, there may be cases where we have already...
Please make sure you always use the Report Abuse button when you find offensive posts/messages, so...
Posting screenshots of Private Messages or of other Posts is against our Terms of Service. Instead,...
We do block IP addresses all the time, every day. However, unfortunately it is not as easy as you...
When you block a user, all the contact and occurrences of that user are blocked/hidden. The only...