What do I do if I have evidence of human trafficking?
If you see posts, images or you know of someone who is in immediate physical danger related to human trafficking on SimilarWorlds, please contact your local law enforcement immediately.Please provide as much detail as you can to your report document, as it will only help. However, avoid sharing or downloading any images. Avoid also commenting on or sending messages with any of these contents.
We ask that you additionally report to SimilarWorlds the posts or messages which contain evidence of the offense. While we may hide the contents from the public, we may keep the reported content in our servers and may in some cases keep the profile active (with a number of limitations) to facilitate further investigation required.
We also encourage you to look into and consider contacting one or more of the following services:

- National Human Trafficking Resource Center
- http://www.traffickingresourcecenter.org
- 1-888-3737-888
- nhtrc@polarisproject.org

- Contact Canadian Crime Stoppers
- 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS)

- Bilateral Safety Corridor Coalition (BSCC)
- http://www.bsccoalition.org
- 619-666-2757
- info@bsccinfo.org

- Blue Blindfold UK
- 0800-555-111

- National Human Trafficking Resource Center
- nhtrc@polarisproject.org (they can help direct you to the most appropriate resources in your area)