yeah, alot of the other comments are pretty much dead on, but Im going to add a bit.
1: Many people just want to complain for attention or sympathy and not any actual feedback or advice.
2: People seem to want to make EVERYTHING political or approach it with such a closed mind that they just want to hammer their opinion down another's throat without actually listening or thinking about anyone else's thoughts on the matter.
3: Something I noticed right away that was a HUGE difference between EP and here is regardless of how "bad" somethings that were done or happening on EP, people were pretty free to post and talk about pretty much whatever without everyone judging . Here people aren't even willing to talk about the post instead just immediately into shaming and judging. There are ton of people that have a lot of mental health, personal, family etc issues and have NO ONE they can actually feel safe or ok talking about them to or a place to talk about them at. Fourm's like this use to be a place people could find and connect with others who share those experiences, or have in the past and talk with some depth about them instead of just being attacked. People could post something thats in their mind and others understand that its just intrusive thoughts, or a fantasy etc and now thats hard to have because of the immediate judgement and hate.
4: people often just want attention and people to agree with them
5: A lot of people take everything so serious that everything offends, or upsets them and since people like to be sheep in the crowd others join in regardless of their own actual thoughts on the subject.