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PhoenixPhail · M
According to
New Jersey
If you have been convicted of driving while intoxicated, you may never again apply for personalized license plates.
New Jersey
It is against the law to “frown” at a police officer.
It is against the law to make burgers out of polar bears.
You cannot eat a doughnut and walk backwards on a city street.
It’s against the law for restaurants in Denmark to make the customers pay for a glass of water – unless it is served with something. (A slice of lemon, ice cubes)
Touching electrified wires that cause instant death is a $200 fine,
No one is allowed to play electronic games.
It is illegal to bring a bomb or rocket to city council proceedings.
Detonating a nuclear device within the city limits results in a $500 fine.
Torpedoes may not be set off in the city.
If you wish to go swimming in the ocean, you must get dressed in your hotel room.
It is illegal for children to use towels as capes and jump from houses pretending to be superman.
North Dakota
It is illegal to lie down and fall asleep with your shoes on.
Grand Haven
No person shall throw an abandoned hoop skirt into any street or on any sidewalk, under penalty of a five dollar fine for each offense.
One’s pants may be worn no lower than five inches below the waist.
Women must have their bodies covered by at least 16 yards of cloth at all times.
A city ordinance states that a person cannot go barefoot without first obtaining a special five-dollar permit.
New Hampshire
You cannot sell the clothes you are wearing to pay off a gambling debt.
South Africa
Young people wearing bathing suits are prohibited from sitting less than 12 inches apart.
Santa Cruz
It is illegal for a man to have sex with a woman and her daughter at the same time.
Sixteen-year old divorced girls are prohibited from talking about sex during high school extracurricular activities.
It is illegal for chicken thieves to work during daylight hours.
One must get a permit from the city if they wish to take dirt from the airport.
Any person caught using or carrying bean snappers or the like shall upon conviction, be fined.
Mohave County, AZ
A decree declares that anyone caught stealing soap must wash himself with it until it is all used up.
It is legal for a robber to file a law suit, if he or she got hurt in your house.
A woman isn’t allowed to cut her own hair without her husband’s permission.
A special law prohibits unmarried women from parachuting on Sunday or she shall risk arrest, fine, and/or jailing.
It is illegal to sell ice cream in a cemetery.
Ministers are forbidden from eating garlic or onions before delivering a sermon.
Washington, DC
No preaching, exhorting, or lecturing shall be conducted for a total of more than thirty days at any single location
You may not throw a bad pickle in the street.
The eating of stray cats is not permitted.
Fort Thomas
Cats may not molest cars.
It is illegal to bring a donkey or a mule onto a trolley car.
New Jersey
If you have been convicted of driving while intoxicated, you may never again apply for personalized license plates.
New Jersey
It is against the law to “frown” at a police officer.
It is against the law to make burgers out of polar bears.
You cannot eat a doughnut and walk backwards on a city street.
It’s against the law for restaurants in Denmark to make the customers pay for a glass of water – unless it is served with something. (A slice of lemon, ice cubes)
Touching electrified wires that cause instant death is a $200 fine,
No one is allowed to play electronic games.
It is illegal to bring a bomb or rocket to city council proceedings.
Detonating a nuclear device within the city limits results in a $500 fine.
Torpedoes may not be set off in the city.
If you wish to go swimming in the ocean, you must get dressed in your hotel room.
It is illegal for children to use towels as capes and jump from houses pretending to be superman.
North Dakota
It is illegal to lie down and fall asleep with your shoes on.
Grand Haven
No person shall throw an abandoned hoop skirt into any street or on any sidewalk, under penalty of a five dollar fine for each offense.
One’s pants may be worn no lower than five inches below the waist.
Women must have their bodies covered by at least 16 yards of cloth at all times.
A city ordinance states that a person cannot go barefoot without first obtaining a special five-dollar permit.
New Hampshire
You cannot sell the clothes you are wearing to pay off a gambling debt.
South Africa
Young people wearing bathing suits are prohibited from sitting less than 12 inches apart.
Santa Cruz
It is illegal for a man to have sex with a woman and her daughter at the same time.
Sixteen-year old divorced girls are prohibited from talking about sex during high school extracurricular activities.
It is illegal for chicken thieves to work during daylight hours.
One must get a permit from the city if they wish to take dirt from the airport.
Any person caught using or carrying bean snappers or the like shall upon conviction, be fined.
Mohave County, AZ
A decree declares that anyone caught stealing soap must wash himself with it until it is all used up.
It is legal for a robber to file a law suit, if he or she got hurt in your house.
A woman isn’t allowed to cut her own hair without her husband’s permission.
A special law prohibits unmarried women from parachuting on Sunday or she shall risk arrest, fine, and/or jailing.
It is illegal to sell ice cream in a cemetery.
Ministers are forbidden from eating garlic or onions before delivering a sermon.
Washington, DC
No preaching, exhorting, or lecturing shall be conducted for a total of more than thirty days at any single location
You may not throw a bad pickle in the street.
The eating of stray cats is not permitted.
Fort Thomas
Cats may not molest cars.
It is illegal to bring a donkey or a mule onto a trolley car.
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senghenydd · M
@PhoenixPhail I've really enjoyed reading about those silly laws you posted.
PhoenixPhail · M
@senghenydd I'm glad you liked them. 😄
Jayciedubb · 56-60, M
@PhoenixPhail i think New Jersey has got it all backwards.. if convicted of DUI/DWI/DWAI/etc, they should make you have to have a personalized plate thats a different color or has one of those decals in place of one of the characters on the plate, like how they have for veterans and firefighters.
I think that would have more of an impact on the drunk driving stats than not letting them have something that nobody even knows they wanted anyway...
"🥴oh you mean if i get caught amongst the general population being a threat behind the wheel of an automobile, i have to blend in with them when I'm allowed the privilege again? 🤪😵💫"
Lol.. it doesnt make much sense...
I think that would have more of an impact on the drunk driving stats than not letting them have something that nobody even knows they wanted anyway...
"🥴oh you mean if i get caught amongst the general population being a threat behind the wheel of an automobile, i have to blend in with them when I'm allowed the privilege again? 🤪😵💫"
Lol.. it doesnt make much sense...
WillaKissing · 56-60
Yeah, leave it to the Britts for great taxation laws.
Like the tax imposed in England in the 1700's that became a curse word.
The tax was for fornication, and it was introduced as the Fornication Under Consent of King tax which became F.U.C.K. Thanks again Britts!
Wankers! LOL
Like the tax imposed in England in the 1700's that became a curse word.
The tax was for fornication, and it was introduced as the Fornication Under Consent of King tax which became F.U.C.K. Thanks again Britts!
Wankers! LOL
LookingIn · M @WillaKissing
WillaKissing · 56-60
@LookingIn Yes what I said exactly.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
It was an early property tax. Glass was a very expensive commodity and the number of windows your home had was a rough proxy for the wealth of the householder and the ability to contribute. Before that it was the hearth tax, based on the number of chimneys your house had. Property taxes are reasonably efficient to administer as the wealthy cannot suddenly transport their home to an offshore trust 🙄
RedBaron · M
There used to be laws against homosexuality.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@RedBaron There still are in many countries. See
WillaKissing · 56-60
In the United States of America in the state of Kentucky there is a law from the 1800's still on the legal books of the state.
This law is that it is illegal for a woman to walk down any road without having a man with a club to escort her for her safety. Must have been rough for women in Kentucky in the 1800's to have such a law written.
This law is that it is illegal for a woman to walk down any road without having a man with a club to escort her for her safety. Must have been rough for women in Kentucky in the 1800's to have such a law written.
TheSirfurryanimalWales · 61-69, M
Handling salmon 'suspiciously' is illegal .
Handling salmon 'suspiciously' is illegal .
redredred · M
In Connecticut until a recent cleanup, there was still a law on the books that said anyone entering a town in an automobile had to stop at the town limits and hire someone to walk ahead of the car at 5mph and wave a red flag until they got through the town.
stratosranger · M
I am surprised our esteemed thieves, er-um I mean leaders haven’t come up with the Gravity Tax yet. The combined weight of you and your possessions is assessed for their “Gravity Footprint.” Weight, as everyone knows, throws the planet’s rotation and orbit around the sun into unpredictable wobbles, affecting everything from sunrise and sunset times to climate and even mating seasons for wombats. Combatting gravity is everyone’s responsibility.
Sharon · F
@stratosranger Please, don't give them ideas. :(
stratosranger · M
ArishMell · 70-79, M
They would have been careful not to leave rooms with no daylight at all, as far as possible; but that might not have been possible in big homes with very many rooms having only one window each. It was repealed long ago of course, though without looking it up I don't know when.
I think you are right though that many countries still have laws that made sense in their day but are long obsolete, and if still nominally in force it's probably because they have been long superceded and forgotten.
I think you are right though that many countries still have laws that made sense in their day but are long obsolete, and if still nominally in force it's probably because they have been long superceded and forgotten.
Jayciedubb · 56-60, M
I recently heard that if you're locked up in prison in Germany, its NOT illegal for you to try to escape because its human nature to try to escape from a situation where you are locked up against your will.
Maybe its illegal but you won't be punished.
Maybe its illegal but you won't be punished.
senghenydd · M
@Jayciedubb If you escape from captivity in the United Kingdom and get caught it's bad behaviour and it's unlikely you'll get parole not sure if you'll get punished I'm certainly right about not getting parole which means years more in prison.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@senghenydd You are not sent to gaol to be punished but as punishment, so loss of parole effectively is the punishment for escaping. Whether it's years more depends on the original sentence and the time already served; but I don't think they add to the original full term.
Escaping from prison seems now far harder than it used to be in the past, though. We rarely hear of escapes nowadays, but at one time they were not that uncommon.
Escaping from prison seems now far harder than it used to be in the past, though. We rarely hear of escapes nowadays, but at one time they were not that uncommon.
senghenydd · M
@ArishMell There was a First Television Broadcast from the Old Bailey London I watched this ground breaking event, the Judge sentenced a man who had murdered his Grandfather to life imprisonment however she stated he would be eligible for parole in ten years so what ever way you look at that good behaviour in jail makes a difference, naturally the prisoner shouldn't be a threat to public safety, he was sentenced for two reasons one as a punishment and secondly because he is a threat to public safety.
There's a prisoner called Bronson who is quite a violent prisoner his sentence has been increased whilst in jail I'm not one hundred percent sure but believe he would now be a freeman had he behaved himself in jail, as it stands he will never be released.
Escaping from Open Prisons is quite easy they simply just walk away so I've been been lead to believe if they escape then there's little chance of parole, however as you stated there's very little chance of escaping from the proper prisons.
There's a prisoner called Bronson who is quite a violent prisoner his sentence has been increased whilst in jail I'm not one hundred percent sure but believe he would now be a freeman had he behaved himself in jail, as it stands he will never be released.
Escaping from Open Prisons is quite easy they simply just walk away so I've been been lead to believe if they escape then there's little chance of parole, however as you stated there's very little chance of escaping from the proper prisons.
plungesponge · 41-45, M
Also a great example of why centrally planned mandates rarely work. The people will find ways around it and fudge the stats, until none of the records reflect reality and the people in control lose visibility and make dumb decisions
Convivial · 26-30, F
@plungesponge the law of unintended consequences ...
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@plungesponge I'm pretty sure that the law in question was instituted because the wealthy had been evading taxation because it was easy to hide their wealth. The windows on the other hand are easy to count. That is, the law was simply the next step in an ongoing taxation arm's race.
Convivial · 26-30, F
I knew of the law, but the daylight robbery is new, thanks
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@senghenydd Yes, it probably did.
Either that or it was a reference to literal daylight robbery at a time before street lighting, when city streets at night were if anything a lot more dangerous than today.
Either that or it was a reference to literal daylight robbery at a time before street lighting, when city streets at night were if anything a lot more dangerous than today.
senghenydd · M
@ArishMell It's British sense of humour that they would take an unpopular act and turn into something farcical.
Convivial · 26-30, F
@senghenydd best way to get back at the system, laugh at it
itsoeasy · 56-60, M
yes we had many strange laws,like the corn laws,