That cannot be true, as the BLM movement was about peace and love
I would be shocked if this was the case, black people racist, next thing you will tell me that Hillary Clinton is honest
I would be shocked if this was the case, black people racist, next thing you will tell me that Hillary Clinton is honest
Curiousguy833 · 31-35, M
@nedkelly as a black person I just want to say this is funny and... yes! Black people can be racist, I didn’t think this was something that needed to be said but.. there are people and groups out here arguing very technical things that end up evening racist.
Anyone can be racist If you are judging/dealing with people just becuase of skin color.
I was just surprised as a few black people I talked to thereok with this overall. Racist is racist simply
Anyone can be racist If you are judging/dealing with people just becuase of skin color.
I was just surprised as a few black people I talked to thereok with this overall. Racist is racist simply
I actually had to do some research on this topic before answering, because I’ve been confused about it for a while. I just never took the time to read up on it until now. 🤷🏽♀️ People always saying black people cant be racist, and I’m always thinking...”but, how? What makes a racist thing they say any different from a white person saying something racist?” The difference is prejudice and racism are different, and I think that’s where the confusion comes from. (At least that’s where the confusion came from for me)
Black people can be prejudice (a prejudgment on a particular group), but not racist due to the fact of racism being the result of an unequal distribution of power based on race. Black people don’t have the tools or power to institutionalise racial oppression.
Black people can be prejudice (a prejudgment on a particular group), but not racist due to the fact of racism being the result of an unequal distribution of power based on race. Black people don’t have the tools or power to institutionalise racial oppression.
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@ProfessorPlum77 Looking at it I would say it depends on the type of racism we’re referring to. Which is odd to say. I was actually reading more on the cause/situation, and there are more than one definition of racism. There’s institutional racism which is what I described in my original comment, and if going based on solely that definition then really it would state that POC (people of color) aren’t able to be racist which would include anyone other than white. Under that specific definition, yes, black individuals or rather POC can’t be racist. The system is rigged in favor of white people, who have traditionally been in power. So, that is solely speaking on institutional racism and institutional racism only. People are capable of being racist in other ways, and that includes POC. (People of color) not just whites. Which is what is left out.
Because, racism is not just institutional, but individual. As individuals we all have the power to hurt one another. Power dynamics in our society alone shouldn’t exclude some races from being racist, although I think they should affect how we determine degrees of racism.
So, that’s my updated answer. Although, there’s still a lot of research and different view points on the matter. This was just me looking at both sides, and my some what educated opinion on it. There’s still more info I could gather on the matter so I don’t disagree with what you’re saying at all.
Because, racism is not just institutional, but individual. As individuals we all have the power to hurt one another. Power dynamics in our society alone shouldn’t exclude some races from being racist, although I think they should affect how we determine degrees of racism.
So, that’s my updated answer. Although, there’s still a lot of research and different view points on the matter. This was just me looking at both sides, and my some what educated opinion on it. There’s still more info I could gather on the matter so I don’t disagree with what you’re saying at all.
TurtlePink · 22-25, F
@Stark all this is just for living in the US right? Because out side of there, it changes when it boils down to who is able to oppress. I think the question on if Black people can be racist should be more specific because yes, we can be racist but to whom and where? I'm willing to agree that POC can not institutionally oppress if they are a minority in a country.
@TurtlePink Yeah, all that I read was just referring to the US, but I agree with you when it comes to who’s the minority and where you are. So, the general answer would probably just be yes to the question lol. I just wanted to read up on it, because I never understood when people would say black people cant be racist. I just never took the time to read up on it.
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4meAndyou · F
There is a television show I used to watch, called "Bob Hearts Abishola". I was shocked a bit when the character Abishola, a Nigerian, said to the character Bob, that when she lived in Nigeria, she did not know she was a black woman. She was just a person. When she emerged from her door, everyone looked exactly like her...and she felt comfortable. She held jobs as a nurse in Europe before coming to America, and again, was not really aware that she was supposed to be different.
But upon arrival in the United States, she had to wear a label...instantly. She was told that she was a black woman.
It was eye opening. What was also eye opening was the way I was treated in Lansing, Michigan when I purchased a house on the edge of a black neighborhood. I drove down Martin Luther King Highway to McDonalds and I wanted a mocha coffee, which they didn't carry at that I ordered a chocolate milk, a coffee, and a breakfast sandwich. The woman at the drive through said in a voice dripping with hatred, "And here is your WHITE milk with chocolate, and your coffee, and here is your breakfast sandwich on your WHITE bread." She was just a hater...hating on me just because I was white. So to answer your question, yes black people can be and ARE racist. Not all of them. Just the haters.
But upon arrival in the United States, she had to wear a label...instantly. She was told that she was a black woman.
It was eye opening. What was also eye opening was the way I was treated in Lansing, Michigan when I purchased a house on the edge of a black neighborhood. I drove down Martin Luther King Highway to McDonalds and I wanted a mocha coffee, which they didn't carry at that I ordered a chocolate milk, a coffee, and a breakfast sandwich. The woman at the drive through said in a voice dripping with hatred, "And here is your WHITE milk with chocolate, and your coffee, and here is your breakfast sandwich on your WHITE bread." She was just a hater...hating on me just because I was white. So to answer your question, yes black people can be and ARE racist. Not all of them. Just the haters.
TurtlePink · 22-25, F
TurtlePink · 22-25, F
@MartinTheFirst and when President Obama first got elected in 2008 I feel bad for all the Black kids who grew up in an all white community in the south. I'm pretty sure out there in Sweden yall dont have these obnoxious extermeist rednecks riding around in their beat up trucks yelling "yee yee" and shit smelling like dip and ass crack. You dont know the hell I went through with these type people. These people will get real bold and test your limits. I couldnt even go to the foot ball game to watch my brothers (who are white because i'm adopted) play in theri foot ball game because during the football games, people got away with alot of shit and alot of fights broke out there. These people were trash and their race was white so looking back, hell yeah you best believe I'll refer to them as such.
TurtlePink · 22-25, F
@TurtlePink and i'm not saying all whites were like this, I had plenty of white friends growing up
TurtlePink · 22-25, F
So yeah
LeopoldBloom · M
"Racism" has been defined as discriminating against people for their race, so for a black person to be racist, they'd have to be in a position where they could do that.
What you may be referring to is bigotry, meaning disliking people solely due to their race, religion, gender, etc. So if a black person dislikes white people just because they're white, that would make them a bigot, and they'd be a racist if they could act on that bigotry by harming the white person in some way. This could include not serving them as a customer or not hiring them for a job.
What you may be referring to is bigotry, meaning disliking people solely due to their race, religion, gender, etc. So if a black person dislikes white people just because they're white, that would make them a bigot, and they'd be a racist if they could act on that bigotry by harming the white person in some way. This could include not serving them as a customer or not hiring them for a job.
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WanderingThrough · 31-35, F
Virgo94 · 26-30, F
Anyone can be racist.
Johnblackthorn · 56-60, M
@bijouxbroussard in 1985/6 I spent 4 months in northern Somalia,a month crossing Ethiopia into South Sudan and a further 7 months in Uganda, we were then flown to the Angola/Namibia border for 3 months the latter part of my "Africa year" was surprisingly peaceful and stress free.

Anyone can be.

Of course.
of coarse if you look at the number of black nationalist groups out there now it out numbers white nationalist groups by 100. if you look at hate crimes, there was a bit over 7000 hate crimes committed in 2018, 53 percent was done by white people. 24 percent was done by blacks. 60 percent of the population is white while 12 percent of the population is black. so 12 percent of the population is doing about half of the hate crimes than those who make up 60 percent. also you have black hating on other blacks depending on skin darkness or lightness. also if they are mixed. the whole idea of youre not black enough. mexico its the same thought, if you look at their national tv stations you see mostly white skinned hispanics, hardly see dark skinned hispanics. so the whole idea that only white people can be racist or that racism is just a form of power is ridiculous its all based on hating a group of people based skin tones. stereotyping an idividual based on race is a form of racism not so called prejudice that people want to push to try to make themselves sound not racist.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
That depends on who you ask and whether you believe it as an actual state of mind.
Before I can answer I need to know something about the person asking that question.
Is the state of mind of racism an ability or is that state of mind a blindness about one's own racism?
Before I can answer I need to know something about the person asking that question.
Is the state of mind of racism an ability or is that state of mind a blindness about one's own racism?
TinyViolins · 31-35, M
Yes. I know a common argument from "woke" people is that only the dominant culture is capable of being racist and make the superficial distinction of "prejudiced" to explain away their bigotry, but it's such an intellectually vapid argument that it's barely worth addressing. They're just changing the rules of the game as it suits them
But to clarify the argument, there are different levels of racism. It isn't just the apoplectic maniac shouting epithets at a group of people. Those are the people that are explicitly racist, but there are also people that implicitly accept racist stereotypes, there are cultural institutions that propagate those very stereotypes, there are systems where all of the above cross paths and create racist outcomes.
All of those things are capable of being racist, regardless of a person's skin color, and it's important to recognize distinctions so that people stop lumping all of those things as the same moral offense just because it makes for a more evocative rhetorical appeal
But to clarify the argument, there are different levels of racism. It isn't just the apoplectic maniac shouting epithets at a group of people. Those are the people that are explicitly racist, but there are also people that implicitly accept racist stereotypes, there are cultural institutions that propagate those very stereotypes, there are systems where all of the above cross paths and create racist outcomes.
All of those things are capable of being racist, regardless of a person's skin color, and it's important to recognize distinctions so that people stop lumping all of those things as the same moral offense just because it makes for a more evocative rhetorical appeal
TurtlePink · 22-25, F
Like, I get that racism is racism but I feel like our racism is different. We're more prejudice. Which, I know prejudice is a form of racism but it isnt entirely the same thing.
abooklover · 56-60, F
Absolutely, anyone can be.
Iwillwait · M
Of course. Anyone can.
justbob · 61-69, M
Of course. Many are.

RadioDust · 36-40, M
Yes they can
BondGirl84 · 36-40, F
Yea they can. I'm Indian & know some Indians to be racist... any race can be racist...
DCarey · 46-50, M
faithfulhusband · C
SweetNSassy · F
rottenrobi · 56-60, F
Anyone can be racist.
Johnblackthorn · 56-60, M
Yes, In my experience more so, much more, it involves hacking bits off each other with a machete.
bijouxbroussard · F
@Johnblackthorn What “experience” are you referring to ? 🙄
Medoesnotcare · 22-25, F
I think they can , i think they get away with it a lot more than white people do too
The world is racist but apparently if someone says black people are racist then that makes them a racist so I try to avoid talking about race. I was raised to only see people but with the blm movement it's tough.
Tennessean · 31-35, F
Racists are in all colors and shapes, sizes.
TurtlePink · 22-25, F
I understand their reasoning but I feel like I have power to be racist🤣 Im not saying that I am racist because thats wrong but, we can be racist asf. But its not like it does anything.
Gangstress · 41-45, F
Yea, im brown i can be racist
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VeronicaPrincess · 61-69
Of course. Black, white, pink, or brown, we're all capable of unsavory traits - like being racist.

Yes, of course. Case in point: black people screaming at Asians to "go back to China" at the beginning of the pandemic. Caught on video here in the Bay Area.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
Yup. Encountered a few, one of whom was a professor aided and abetted by my college.
PhoenixPhail · M
Of course. I've known more racist black people than white.
SubstantialKick · 36-40, M
Yep. My mom is racist. Any human being of any race/color/nationality/ethnicity can be.
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
Why not
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
do horses have big dicks?
WanderingThrough · 31-35, F
@Curiousguy833 Google it. It’s shocking.
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WanderingThrough · 31-35, F
@Curiousguy833 😂😂😂 Now you know.
bijouxbroussard · F
Of course. Anyone who judges others solely based upon race is being racist.
Atlotto · M
Black people are the most racist.
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