Its a double standard thing. The seat was built with a hinge for a reason. So let me ask you this. Do you step back and hold a door open for someone in a wheelchair? It optional, but good manners..Now this is a good example, because some women are appreciative of you holding a door for them. Some arent.. But really, its about your manners, isnt it?😷
@whowasthatmaskedman I have and do open doors for those in wheelchairs. So, there's that.
Now no matter how hard I try and open the bathroom door for a woman it has never been liked or accepted by any woman I have ever met. And since this "Joke" was about bathrooms I will not digress further into opening any other doors for women.
@whowasthatmaskedman I spent 27 years in the US Army, and it does not matter because Dems and Republicans both sent me to wars. I only care about keeping our Constitution intact until I die.
@WillaKissing I agree, with the proviso that its a living document and needs to evolve in a positive manner 'For the People". My perspective is economic. As in "Who is going to pay for all this?"😷
@FreeLilly I an way older and have been married once and dated way longer than you have been alive, and that has always been a huge complaint from the women I have dated/married once and divorced. Maybe you one of the few women that think otherwise. And I have raised a daughter on my own that is 22 now and this is her complaint as well.