Of those, Telekinesis. Mostly because of all the things I could do on stage with it. The one and only superpower I want is Mystique's shapeshifting. Also partially for what I could do on stage
Hmm, shapeshifting. I actually like to travel, and I don't know what to do with super strength, speed, invisibility, or telekinesis. Turning into a giant fluffy wolf at will, would however be AMAZING! 🤣
Telekinesis because I already kind of have it. I could do dome great musical performances once I master it. Invisibility kind of applies to because few if any see that all a want is lawful love and a brighter future for all that lives.
@Rumination I watched part of a series on Netflix called Strong Girl Nam-Soon. It was kind of fun at first, but then got really dumb and I had to stop watching. lol.
@JamesBugman hate when that happens. I feel like I’ve wasted my time. But you never know when you’re going to find that next awesome series. That’s like Penguin for me right now. Wasn’t a fan at all of the idea, but turned it on while folding laundry and I’m hooked. I love how plausible they made the storyline