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When a making friends.

Do their politics matter?
Today politics for many people are not just about selecting the right candidate. They see it as an ideology, that they follow or oppose to. If you follow a different ideology, you may find some friction in relationship if you don't agree to disagree.
Happymedium · 56-60, F
I can be freinds with someone on the opposite political side....it's when you talk to someone in a demeaning or aggressive way, when you attack and name call... that your credibility goes out the window 👋
No, but how they treat people who don’t share their political beliefs matters a great deal. If they can’t see the humanity of people who think differently than they do or if they don’t try to genuinely understand where others are coming from (not made-up immature mindsets attributed to others), then I’m not interested in having anything to do with them.
AlittleBitGenX · 46-50, F
@Colonelmustardseed this is very much how I believe as well.
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
Yes, dont like being around lefties
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
I've had friends who had very different political beliefs than mine, and we often simply agreed to disagree. That said, there are limits to tolerance.
Beautywithin · 36-40, F
If they keep trying to change my views.. then Yes.
JustDJ76 · 46-50, M
No. I’m one of those that can actually discuss politics with people that doesn’t agree with me and not be offended.
AlittleBitGenX · 46-50, F
@JustDJ76 why is that so hard for people to do??😂
JustDJ76 · 46-50, M
@AlittleBitGenX I honestly don’t know. Probably because they only know the talking points of whatever news channel they watch. They are told what they believe.
HypnoChode · 46-50, M
Absolutely. I will be kind/polite to anyone, but as far as making a new friend….yeah, it matters.
Yes. I won't be friends with someone whose politics are entirely bad faith and based on hate.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
Current political polarization is not just splitter ng friends, it is splitting families.
ineedadrink · 51-55, M
It should not be a barrier to friendship, though folks tend to forget that lately.
AlittleBitGenX · 46-50, F
@ineedadrink indeed!
icedsky · 51-55, M
Used to be that politics,religion and sex were taboo amongst friends
It can, but it also depends on how much they use it
It shouldn't matter 100%, but it's got a part to play in it all, more so these days, however that could also be a reason to look past those kinds of differences, and be vocal for how we all can get along in a rational, level headed manner.
AlittleBitGenX · 46-50, F
@SW-User Not sure people will listen. Hearts are hard. 😞
@AlittleBitGenX Little else we can do, in an active sense that is.
chrisCA · M
It depends. Like religion, I can have an intellectual discussion about it with some friends or people in general.
For some, politics has become cultish, and I can't be friends with those people.
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
Yes. It matters if my friend thinks Gay people and trans people should be sent to camps and stripped of any rights. This is politics. So..yea. that matters.

It matters if my friends hate people because of where they came from or the color of their skin. Yes. It matters.

It matters if my friends would vote for a person who wants to take away my right to make a decisions for myself and whether i want to carry a baby or not. Or whether I want to take a pill or not. Or whether my daughter or any woman can do any of those things...like get a divorce....or have a job ....or have a baby or not have a baby.

This is all politics.

Politics lead to laws which affect your life.

"I dont do politics" is just another way of saying "I dont honestly care what happens to other people as long as it doesn't affect me" to pretend your friend is good people while voting for bad things is a form of cognitive dissonance.
a little. not the direction, but how rabid. and how offended they can decide to be if you don't hold their exact same values, or if you dare to question their stance/info/sources/et al.
Yes, unfortunately it does. I can’t be friends with a Neo-Nazi, KKK member or Trump supporter.

Pretending I can just results in me getting hurt, because the bottom line is that they wouldn’t be part of that world if they didn’t support hatred.

And they always end up telling on themselves. 😞
DareToSayIT · 31-35, M
As long as they don’t bring their beliefs in, I don’t care. I like to stay away from political discussions.
Great Question

Honestly I really don’t know

Some people can be pretty aggressive with politics as their excuse

I get feeling passionate about certain topics of conversation but there’s always gonna be someone who wants a heated argument 🙄
Shadyglow · F
no as long as art like this matters
AlittleBitGenX · 46-50, F
@Shadyglow she sings beautifully ❤️
Shadyglow · F
@AlittleBitGenX It's a prayer to/for the trees!!
chasingThursday · 36-40, M
Only if they are extremely pushy and hateful about it
SJones48 · 41-45, M
Not to me. I respect their opinions
as long as they agree with mine 😇
Askeladd · 31-35, M
REMsleep · 41-45, F
Not if either of you don't make it matter. The exception is when some people are absolutely bigoted, racist, elitist, rude, or unkind and use politics to act out their awful personality.
Politics aren't usually the root of the issue.
pdockal · 56-60, M
Only if they are extreme in their beliefs
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
It can matter if they are not reasonable.
yugimotodm · 26-30, M
@iamonfire696 this is how I feel. As long as they aren’t unreasonable I’m cool with it
Musicman · 61-69, M
Not really. I have a few friends who are solid Democrats. We just don't talk politics.
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
@Musicman we avoid them
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