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Do you have a close friend?

I used to have a lady that I got really close with (as friends) in my area. We would talk all throughout the day, every day. It started with me buying some of her homemade candles and we just started talking and added each other on FB. Then she started messaging me the most random things about her day and at first I thought it was a bit strange but I would talk to her about whatever randomness she messaged me about and then I started telling her random things, as well, until basically we were sharing our whole days with one another and going to each other over everything. We quickly became best friends and started hanging out regularly and our kids would play. This lasted for a few months and then our kids started not getting along so well together so it caused us to not get along so well together either. I miss having that close of a friendship. I’ve never had a friendship that close before but it would never work out between us. Maybe one day I’ll make another friend that close. Would love to hear your friend stories 😊
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powernap · 56-60, M
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This is me and my dog "chief." He was my best friend, until he passes away 4 years ago. I would walk him around the neighborhood 4 or 5 times a day.

There was a lady in our neighborhood who had a baby, and quite often I would see the two of them outside. Well, when my dog passed away she approached me and asked if I would be interested in walking her dog. I immediately said yes. We got kind of close. I also became good friends with her husband too. Back to the lady, we each shared some personal stuff with each other. Then they moved into town. I would go over to her place I don't know how many times a week to walk the dog, and she and her little daughter would join me. Then, my car broke down and I haven't seen her or the dog since about mid December.

The reason for sharing this is because we became real close friends, and believe it or not, I miss her.
powernap · 56-60, M
@tiltawhirl chief had cancer. That's what took him. Thank you for your thoughts. ❤
powernap · 56-60, M
@powernap I still miss him.
tiltawhirl · 36-40, F
@powernap awww yes I know you definitely do and I’m sure you’ll always miss him. It’s hard to lose a good boy. Thank you for sharing your story with me. It’s a very nice story aside from losing your buddy, of course.
I think men have a more difficult time maintaining friendships than women. My wife has lifelong friends she has never lost touch with. But me (and other men my age) — I have a few friends but only in certain prescribed activities like work or hobbies/clubs. Maybe men (or just me) compartmentalization more or are less able to share all aspects of their lives? I’ve noticed retired men seem to seek out other retired men but only after they retire.
tiltawhirl · 36-40, F
@BiasForAction that makes a lot of sense. I definitely see what you are talking about in my husband. I don’t hold friends very well either though lol. But that’s mainly because I probably don’t take the time to get close to any I guess. I have acquaintances.
Captain · 61-69, MNew
Well I'm new to social media like this. As things have got worse Ive started to close my best firends out because I worked so much that all my friends wer emy wifes choices and all my recreation was here choices. I recognise thats an issue, but I think its just that no partnership is a perfect match so youshould nt worry about the bits that mismatch. She likes dramas, I like team sports, I think that is proably as common a splt in male female relaotnships as you will get. Most of the blokes I know like team sports and most ot the ladies I know like dramas about relationships, but we get on. Not a rocket science revalation as far as Im concerned. Do you concur. Its relevant to my "perfect partner" poll
cuteblondegreyguy · 56-60, M
Your story of your friendship-with the kind, generous, thoughtful, patient, understanding, empathetic, sympathetic person-though now-sadly enough-a thing of the past-was very emotionally moving to read about-my assumption is that you will always treasure the memories of time spent with your former friend. :)
Adogslife · 61-69, M
Women can be tough on each other, especially where children are involved. Men are less affected because we tend to stay at arms length from the drama.

You both basically let the daily dramas of children ruin a friendship. Kids are too volatile to allow for that to make sense.
Strongtea · 22-25, M
I’m always better friends with girls than with boys, as boys kinda scare me, I always feel I’m not good enough around them. My best friend in school was a girl called Kelly, she was kinda a strong headed but kinda slutty girl (sorry!) everyone wanted to date her, but she was really sweet to me and I loved being her friend. She got pregnant at 17 and got married and we drifted apart.
SubstantialKick · 36-40, M
I have only had "temporary" friendships for most of my life where I meet someone or a group of people, we hang out and get to know each other for a period of time, and then we quietly go our separate ways and never see each other again.

I just expect at this point whenever I meet someone new.
Carazaa · F
I have a few very close friends that I have kept from childhood. It is so nice to talk to them. My cousin i one of my best friends too!
SwampFlower · 31-35, F
My husband is my closest friend. Then my sister. I have a couple of people I trust but not with everything. Does that count? Lol
Yourwildestdreams · 51-55, M
I’ve had the good fortune of having four, all of which were/are online, over the course of twenty years, three have since passed away and one still remains very strong to this day . 😊
Zeusdelight · 61-69, M
Maybe give it a whirl again. Times change and children do too, or a friendship without the children involved.
tiltawhirl · 36-40, F
@Zeusdelight I ran into her at a birthday party a few months ago. Her husband and I talked but she acted like she had never seen me before in her life lol. It’s okay it’s for the best really.
Zeusdelight · 61-69, M
@tiltawhirl I don't know how to take the sad reaction off:) Well, it is good to know you can develop those supportive relationships.
Have had .. life happened and things changed .. kinda in between at the moment
bittersweethermit · 36-40, F
I used to as child, but my mom ruined it by manipulating her. Now I have trust issues and no close friends, just acquaintances
tiltawhirl · 36-40, F
@bittersweethermit I’m very sorry to hear you had that experience.
exexec · 70-79, C
Yep, we tee off at 7:30 tomorrow morning.
No. In today's society, I'm too real to have close friends. 😏
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Kiesel · 56-60, M
No I don’t
1490wayb · 56-60, M
all dead and no one new has entered my life...only distance acquaintance now
I used to but not anymore, I messed it up

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