Do you have a close friend?
I used to have a lady that I got really close with (as friends) in my area. We would talk all throughout the day, every day. It started with me buying some of her homemade candles and we just started talking and added each other on FB. Then she started messaging me the most random things about her day and at first I thought it was a bit strange but I would talk to her about whatever randomness she messaged me about and then I started telling her random things, as well, until basically we were sharing our whole days with one another and going to each other over everything. We quickly became best friends and started hanging out regularly and our kids would play. This lasted for a few months and then our kids started not getting along so well together so it caused us to not get along so well together either. I miss having that close of a friendship. I’ve never had a friendship that close before but it would never work out between us. Maybe one day I’ll make another friend that close. Would love to hear your friend stories 😊