Many useful answer here.
I'd try to use them myself since I have a similar pproblem, I'm a cheap ass and in the past I made many "gifts" basically, at the point I don't like selling my stuff anymore.
You can also set simple "rules" to this, I learned It working in another business.
Since it's a job.
The rules means basically:
- if you sell a piece for a low price, let's say less than 200euros, if they want a discount you should Just not sell the piece. They should go to Ikea and buy some printed shit there.
200 euros Is an affordble price when It comes to everything, some professional ask that amount for a 45 minutes session so...
I Say 200 but It could be even higher, or sometimes even lower depending on the media.
Then, if the amount Is over the "200"
- sell to a stranger, 0 to 10percent less.
- sell to a friend or similar, 15 to 20 percent less.
- sell to best friend, max 25 to 30 percent less.
Never go further, tbh.
Also Idk of you follow official art market rules gicen by your gallerist to sell your work, I don't, I use them Just as hint.
Elafinaaaa Yeeeeeee I love to hear about Art on SW