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How do you deal with a Narcissistic friend?

A friend of mine keeps making sly remarks with the intention of putting other downs.. often in a backhanded and subtle manner.. Recently, some of us friends went on a trip without inviting her. She made a big deal out of it and started sending hateful texts to the group that went out. I feel this has been like a final breaking point in our friendship..
Problem is she is an old friend. Do I completely cut her off? Anybody has dealt with similar people?
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ArishMell · 70-79, M
All you and your other friends can do is try to ask her as calmly as you can why she keeps upsetting others, and why she does it.

If she can't or won't see that, and change her behaviour then really she's left you no choice but to cut her off.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@James57 A dreadful experience, and I am glad you managed to break away from her.

It seems as if she really does not know what she wants from life - a life centred round her yes, but in what way? Does she know herself?

I hope the buyers you had to disappoint were understanding about it.

I am not a solicitor, but I'd have thought hers would be classed in law as the offence of "coercive and controlling behaviour".
James57 · 61-69, M
@ArishMell thank you both for your comments.
It took my sister, a retired nurse, and her husband, a retired hospital doctor, to explain that she had narcissistic behaviour and to say I would either have heart attack or have a breakdown if I was to continue the relationship. They said it was domestic abuse.
She had slowly reeled me in to be her full time carer.
She ran everybody else down and so I am now told, myself too behind my back.
This was my first relationship and it hurt very much. I tried so hard to make things worth but I was giving everything
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@James57 In the end she is her own worst enemy, but it may be a while before she realises it, if she ever does.
You people do not see what YOU are doing yourself..

YOU ALL left her out, think on how she is Not nice being left out of something especially if you see or hear others having fun.. ever had that happen to YOU or are you just thinking things.

Ever thought that there might be something going on in her life or are you just not thinking things like that.

"Narcissism" goes TWO or more ways..not just ONE! SO you guys think she is the problem but maybe you guys are part of the problem aswell.. People only see bad things about one person and not the good and they do not look at what they themselves do. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Maybe talk to her..

The people hat go on and on about things like you are a "narcissist", "racist" or such bullshit are the real "narcissist" and "racist"

Understand another angle too, her annoyance on not getting invited.
@friendinneed She might feel that and it makes her uncomfortable
Fluffybull · F
@friendinneed Good idea 👏👏👍
kentex35 · 100+, M
@sspec that's killer to a narc. They have such high regard for themselves and can't imagine why anyone couldn't live them like they love themselves. To such a degree that not loving them never enters their head. They will advise you for as long as they are around.
eyeno · M
I knew a guy I use to call friend for eighteen years and finally kicked him to the curb.
It hurt me to do so and was always there for him, always.

Think he knew I finally had enough of his selfishness eventhough I never uttered a word.

kentex35 · 100+, M
I have. Narcissists are all about themselves. The only thing that matters is that others love them like they love themselves. And it will always be something they put down anyone that disagrees or did not fancy them enough. They tend to project their shortcomings onto another even if you just watched them they will deny it. They are usually mega liars and often violent. If you were married to them and did everything they asked they would still cheat and put you down. There is no cure. If you are dear friend you can try to talk if you are sentimental friends just because you have known her so long let go . The therapy is talk therapy. I don't know much about that. I have my own narc and talk therapy on a group seeing just send s like an oxymoron. Just be on guard when you are around her.
Fluffybull · F
You drop them. Why would you want to subject yourself to this?
I think as you described what she did when they didn't invite her.......... you just nailed WHY they never asked her to come.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
I don't see why would I have such a person as a friend in the first place. It's far worse to have a relative like this, hard to cut them off.
DownTheStreet · 56-60, M
Why be friends with them?
I just let it go

One - don't ask SW as the hundreds of armchair philosophers feel they finally have an out in expression. I swear, trained in agreeing with the OP (you). I'll give a feasible option, is there a reason she feels cut off?
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
Don’t cut her off . She’s very unhappy in herself
How is that "narcissistic"?
Magenta · F
How is that narcissistic? Have they been "clinically" diagnosed or you just labeled her that?

There's something else going on under the surface. Somehow she feels left out or rejected maybe.
exexec · 70-79, C
WE accepted him because his wife was my wife's best friend. Fortunately, they moved away and she divorced him. She is now back here and friends with my wife again. We never saw the narcissist again. Before they moved, we occasionally had to call BS on something he said or did as a result of his narcissism. It had no effect, of course.
Renaci · 36-40
Easy. Narcissists don't have friends. So drop them.
If they're narcissistic there's no middle way. Cut them off and don't open the door again, ever.
turnedtostone · 56-60, F
Yes. A Narcissist is not a friend.
Yes, cut her off with no explanation, that's my advice, but you have to mean it and not re-engage later.
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looping · 22-25
why would you be friends with those loveless creatures?
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
Thankfully, I've been able to put distance between myself and the narcissists in my life. It took me a while to conclude that one of them was so--but apparently, he was trash-talking me to everyone. HIGH drama wherever he went. I backed way off, the way your friends are, and that was that. We were never "enemies" per se and I'm still FB friends with him, but that was it.
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