@sarabee1995 I'm a big ranch lover, but mostly on eggs and salads! For tenders I love honey mustard. What ranch do you like? My favorite is Kens Farmhouse Ranch..it is awesome!
@Coralmist I don't think I have a favorite brand. At least I've never really looked deep enough into them to do a proper eval. Never thought of a dressing on eggs?!?! That's interesting. I'm on an omelette kick lately and making myself all kinds of omelettes. I might try some ranch on it tomorrow morning. But for my tenders, it's ranch all day long. :)
Mcdonalds swedish curry sauce, and it's not the yellow curry one, it's the brown weird curry you can't quite put your finger on what's in it. It's addictive.
@Coralmist I knooow and it hurts me to my very core because I'm sorry for you lot 😭 it's the legendary sauce, I don't know a single person who doesn't love it. Ever seen the rick and morty sichuan sauce meme? It's like that for me.