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The food industry is truly disgusting...

So much cheating is going on with production and labeling. "Smoked" sausages that are dumped into a bath of smoke aroma instead of being smoked, "wasabi" that's just horseradish with mustard and food coloring, "old" cheese that's only ripened for a month and got the rest of its taste from a bottle, "fruit yoghurt" that only contains 0.2% fruit but the label can say "with real fruit", etc. The list is endless.
Maybe a little relaxation would help.

BobbyMoeven · 51-55, M
@MsSwan @OlderSometimesWiser

Mind if I join in on the fun ...

I am empty 😐
Ontheroad · M
Yep, the last two things I've replaced the store-bought stuff with homemade is mayo and hummus. No extra or alternative ingredients, tastes better, and is way less expensive.

I'd give credit to @Lilymoon for getting me on the homemade mayo, but her head is big enough already... might be a Canadian thing🤣
Ontheroad · M
@Lilymoon I do enjoy cooking and baking, etc., and since I'm retired, I've got plenty of time to do it.
Lilymoon · F
@Ontheroad well I'm off to make a spaghetti casserole. My hubby is one lucky b**tard 🤣
Ontheroad · M
@Lilymoon and never let him forget it!
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
They trade on the reputation of good quality food and recipes . . but those products are not easy to reproduce at scale or keep for long on the shelf, so they take short cuts 😐
@SunshineGirl yep, a whole lot of shortcuts...
Crab legs are much more popular than the rest of their body, so fishers break off the legs when the crab is alive and throw the rest back in sea. In nature, crabs can repel their legs if it gets stuck and grow a new one without much pain, so this practice isn't considered abusive or fatal. But when humans remove them, the shell breaks too. That causes a lot of pain, and often both front legs are removed making it impossible for the crab to eat, so they're thrown back alive to starve in pain.

But hey, it's cheaper than taking the whole crab and throwing away the body after killing it in a sort of human way.
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
@NerdyPotato reason 95 that I'm vegetarian.
@NerdyPotato Sadly, that's not just about cost... The whole crab takes up more space in the tank - and one dead crab in the tank slowly starts to kill the rest because they release a toxin upon death.

Some vessels take days to get into St. Paul Island - and then they might not be able to start offloading the crabs right away. The longer they're in the tank, the higher the chances of dead crab turning up in the tank.

While I'm not looking to make the practice "okay" in any way, it's not, it can sometimes come as a surprise for people to learn why it might be happening.
@HootyTheNightOwl that plays a role indeed, but it's still kind of about the money. Crab fishers take most crabs with them whole, but they break off the legs of crabs that don't look good enough to sell whole. That's their way of still getting something out of the bad ones.

Vessels looking for fish and accidentally catching crabs, don't even try to take the whole crab. But they break off the legs instead of throwing the whole crab back, again to still get something out of it.
Lilymoon · F
Everything is toxic these days. Now they're talking about dyes in cheap clothing leading to cancer. We're all headed toward death except maybe the filthy rich. 😫
Ontheroad · M
@Lilymoon hey, I tried the homemade mayo last night and you are right, no more store-bought for me!
Lilymoon · F
@Ontheroad Ahh seeee? what would ya do without me eh 🤭
Ontheroad · M
Also, 🙄
jehova · 31-35, M
Also it boils down to. . . Too many ppl not enough 'good' food.
@jehova there could be enough good food, but that's expensive.
jehova · 31-35, M
@NerdyPotato greedy and most ppl barely have enough money to survive
@jehova yeah, capitalism cuts in both supply and demand...
DownTheStreet · 51-55, M
Most times I prefer to eat at home
@DownTheStreet and what do you eat there? 🤔
DownTheStreet · 51-55, M
@NerdyPotato I try to eat healthy
@DownTheStreet and how's do find out what's healthy?
It's obvious that fish oil (Omega-3 supplement) is made from fish, but I didn't know 30 anchovies are killed for every single capsule. 😢 Thankfully the non-oil parts aren't going to waste though. They're turned into fishmeal to be fed to cows. Yes, cows are naturally vegetarian, but fishmeal makes them grow faster and ready for slaughter at a lower price, so win-win, right? 🙄
ArtieKat · M
I don't disagree with you but I think that
So much cheating is going on with production and labeling
applies in so many fields of contemporary life. The particular one which gets my goat (pun intended) is "leather" which has never been near a real animal in its sorry life.
@ArtieKat oh yes, it's absolutely not limited to food. For example, I saw another episode of a show about issues like these unraveling that bamboo clothing isn't the durable alternative for cotton it's presented to be.
@ArtieKat pretty much most fabric and material has got that way. Good luck finding real Egyptian cotton sheets anymore even the expensive 300 dollar sets are blatant rip offs
bookerdana · M
Ever read the novel The Jungle?? It led to many laws including the formation of the FDA but society has fallen back to comditions very similay to the early 20th century/end of the gilded age
jehova · 31-35, M
This has been going on for a long time. Its honestly pretty gross. Thats why things like kosher and halal exist.
@jehova and sadly there's a lot of fraud and inconsistencies with that as well...
jehova · 31-35, M
@NerdyPotato truth. No suprise disease is so common.
come2gether · 51-55, M
You can buy that "smoke" as a thick liquid in a plastic bottle at your grocery store as well. Enjoy!
Elessar · 26-30, M
They're evem legally allowed to sell this thing 😫

@Elessar an abomination!
jehova · 31-35, M
Capitalism at its best 😭 eh.
Dolimyte · 41-45, M
Liquid smoke has the same effect on food as natural smoke, only without the carcinogens.
@NerdyPotato I'm sure that people with asthma won't be too sorry about being able to walk the streets in Whitby without having an asthma attack so that someone, somewhere can get their mackerel smoked...
@HootyTheNightOwl do they smoke in the store there? 🤨 Like right in the store?
@NerdyPotato No, they had smoke shacks out back where they'd smoke - so they were literally doing it in the back garden. It was terrible for me as an asthmatic every evening.

Stay away from the smokers??? Sure, but it's in the air and in my clothes... Some nights, I went to bed unsure if I would get a solid night of sleep or if I would have to wake mum for inhalers in the night - some nights, my own inhalers weren't enough and I had to take someone else's at a higher dose than mine to stay out of hospital.

Even down by the bay, the smoke was visible.
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
I mean true, although I don't really care too much about fruit yoghurt. When I was a kid I often often ate that, but as I've grown up I prefer proper Greek yoghurt.
NinaTina · 26-30, F
Instant potatoes is fake and has no real potatoes because there on s w
Workerbee · 31-35, M
Not sure if it’s the same category but all the plastic we are eating, which will end up killing us
@Workerbee absolutely, but pharmaceutical companies making more profit doesn't help food suppliers, so I don't see why that would be their goal. I think the benefit for them is just that it's cheaper than other packaging.
Workerbee · 31-35, M
@NerdyPotato I forgot which company profits I haven’t read about it for a while I get angry everytime I do
@Workerbee lots of companies profit from illness, but not the ones causing pollution. They just value profit above anything else, and if public health is endangered, that's an acceptable side effect for them. It's not their goal though.
tenente · 100+, M
agree. i spend a lot of time sourcing the food i eat and learned how to cure ham, smoke meat, render animals, etc.
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@Notsimilarreally that's more and more difficult though.
Notsimilarreally · 31-35, F
@NerdyPotato it's more expensive, time consuming to cook every meal. Prep ahead

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