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Maha123k31-35, F
Make me your shoes please

Always new shoes. 馃憼
@mindstruggle can't resist a new pair of shoes, ever
@saragoodtimes new shoes understands. 馃槍
shoes will never break your heart but it's easier to get rid of a man you've worn out
SalttyDawg70-79, M
Gotta luv a woman that will wear you out 馃槢馃敟馃敟馃敟
@SalttyDawg thought I broke him a few times but he was fine after a nap
SalttyDawg70-79, M
Amazing how a nap facilitates a need for round 2 馃槢
SunshineGirl36-40, F
Shoes are less risky (so long as you keep the receipt).
Third option -- or a hooker
sugarpie26-30, F
@BlueVeins no way
Only one will soothe your sole
@Ghostinthemachine Clever ! 馃槃
Softandsweet231-35, F
A good pair of shoes won鈥檛 hurt.
Even I need new shoes or new insoles for my old shoes so that I don't have to stop in the middle of the road just to adjust those old insoles.
samueltyler280-89, M
@Lyfis2live have you recently looked at the cost to fix shoes?
@samueltyler2 I don't need to coz I know changing insoles will make it better for a while.
Matter of tracing the concerned stuff offline and it's hot outside.
onewithshoes22-25, F
My boyfriend buys me new shoes whenever I want them.馃グ馃タ馃タ
He has no need of any himself though.馃榾
He'd rather be barefoot.馃懀
Dlrannie31-35, F
Shoes are lot less bother than a boyfriend馃檪馃惣馃ア
@Dlrannie why not get both馃槈
Dlrannie31-35, F
@happygoluckygal No reason馃槀
TheRascallyOne31-35, M
What is it with ladies and shoes?
@sugarpie I love runners, uggs heels etc. depends on the situation.
sugarpie26-30, F
@CDStephanieNJ exactly
@sugarpie if I鈥檓 doing outdoors chores I could be in work boots, cowboy or cowgirl boots.

I could go tot the mall in flats and a dress or a skirt and heels even yoga pants and uggs.

I could also wear a men鈥檚 three piece business suit with men鈥檚 dress shoes.
Get the boyfriend to buy the shoes.
sugarpie26-30, F
@Carissimi so I need a partner who can buy me shoes
You probably don鈥檛 need one to buy your shoes, but it鈥檚 a bonus when you find one that does. @sugarpie
Degbeme70-79, M
Buy the shoes. They`re more reliable than the boyfriend. 馃槵
DunningKruger61-69, M
Depends on what you plan to do with the shoes.
I need a pair of new shoes but can't afford a girlfriend 馃槀
calicuz51-55, M
Go for the shoes, I hear they do wonders for a woman.
Strongtea22-25, M
Great shoes are very important!
sugarpie26-30, F
@Strongtea now I'm convinced that I need a new pair of shoes
Havesomefun256-60, M
New shoes you know where they are lol
I would go for both!
Musicman61-69, M
Definitely shoes. 馃檪
HairbrushDiva31-35, F
Heels or flats?
Jonjdw46-50, M
Maybe both
Need? Hmmm, you have shoes, lots of them, therefore you don't NEED new shoes. You don't have a new boyfriend, therefore, you might NEED a new boyfriend. Logic dictates a new boyfriend.

You are welcome. No thanks needed.
Get a bf that wear the same size shoes and share. Best of both worlds hunny
HairbrushDiva31-35, F
A new boyfriend who loves your new shoes. So new shoes first.
@HairbrushDiva what about a new bf that buys shoes for her or if they鈥檙e lucky shares the same size shoe?
A new boyfriend to buy the shoes. Lol

sugarpie26-30, F
@Camelia bruh where can I find one. Lol
@sugarpie If I figure it out, I'll gladly inform you. 馃
scooogy31-35, MVIP
Pick some foot fetishists, you could take their mouths as new shoes :P
nicedave41-45, M
Or get a new boyfriend that will buy you new shoes
yonkagor1romen22-25, M
just get the shoes men don't want to date a cat
Dlrannie31-35, F
The shoes will come with a lot less problems 馃槀馃槀馃檪
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@sugarpie 馃big call toss a coin for it lol
A boyfriend with matching new shoes 馃憺馃憺馃憿馃憿
Muthafukajones46-50, M
Why not both?
Bhs12336-40, F
Bhs12336-40, F
MartinTheFirst26-30, M
one new shoe shall suffice to quench your thirst
Thevy2941-45, M
basilfawlty8931-35, M
No shoes or socks! They're the enemy! 馃槧
sugarpie26-30, F
pancakeslam41-45, M
we need to see both to decide
Shoes are less complicated. 馃き

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