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Pregnant woman issued with ticket says fetus is passenger after Roe v Wade ruling

"Dallas: A pregnant Texas woman who was ticketed for driving in a car pool lane reserved for multiple passengers is arguing that Roe v Wade being overturned by the Supreme Court means that her fetus counted as a passenger, and that she should not have been cited."

Have to love this ... Maybe it will end up in the supreme Court ...
Dlrannie · 31-35, F
Only in America 😂
alan20 · M
@Dlrannie I wish.
helenS · 36-40, F
In the US, does a pregnant woman have to buy a second ticket now, for her embryo, when she travels by bus – errmmm I mean when they travel by bus?
Carissimi · F
No, because she is only taking up one seat. Back in the day (I don’t know about now because I don’t use buses), we didn’t pay for children under 5. They could sit on their parents lap. @helenS
bugeye · 26-30, F
bit of a silly case but it def highlights the problems and that's what matters. i love it if there's an update lemme know.
alan20 · M
With a bit of luck she and her foetus will both get voted on to the Supreme Court.
You forgot to add the officer citing the indecent act was male.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
Good luck arguing that in court . . could set a useful precedent though 🙂
AbbySvenz · F
They wanted to play the game and not pay for the prizes?
NaturalBeautyQueen · 41-45, F
I heard this story. She does have a point.
Catzgano · 31-35, F
Will win if she appealls
romell · 51-55, M
marsbar · F
Oh gosh. Lol
smiler2012 · 56-60
really do you not think this is taking this a wee bit too far and over zealous policing here 🤷‍♂️ [ozgirl512]
The left really need to sort their sense of humor out lol
alan20 · M
@SW-User A la Nazi ?
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
*cue Amy Coney Barret's heart attack.
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iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
Well since they say it’s a person then why’s she getting a ticket?
TjNewton · M
A load of people were upset you left there was a post about it

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